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Welcome To Our Presentation

Dr.Samuel Johanson (Preface to Shakespeare)


Shapla Akter ID:1902015
Moutusi Roy
Md.Rahim Badsha ID: 1902058
Baishakhi Rani ID:1902073
Assistant Professor
3rd year 1st Semester Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur
Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur
• Starting point :
Dr. Samuel Jsohnson is one of the greatest critics. As a literary critic he was an
exponent of classicism.His 'Preface to Shakespeare' is considered as one of the noblest
monuments of English neo-classical criticism."Preface to Shakespeare " deal's with
Johnson's judgement of Shakespeare as a dramatist Samuel Johnson in his preface to
Shakespeare highlights several qualities and defects in Shakespeare plays.
• Shakespeare’s Excellence, General nature:
Johnson praised Shakespeare as a poet of nature who hold up to his readers a faithful
mirror or manners and of life. The character who is represent life on the stage are true
to life. They are not exaggerated nor improper. It is a matter of great surprise that his
character are not modified by the custom of any particular nation or of a country or any
age. This University of his characters makes him the poet of humanity. What
Shakespeare deals with about his character is common to all.
• Shakespeare's use of tragic comedy:
Shakespeare has been much criticized for mixing tragedy and comedy, but
Johnson defends him in this. Johnson says that in mixing tragedy and
comedy, Shakespeare has been true to nature, because even in real life
there is a mingling of good and evil, joy and sorrow, tears and smiles etc.
this may be against the classical rules, but there is always an appeal open
from criticism to nature. Moreover, tragic-comedy being nearer to life
combines within itself the pleasure and instruction of both tragedy and
Shakespeare has been charged for his neglect of the unities of time and
place. But Johnson defends him in this matter. According to him this
neglect is not really a fault. He argues that if an audience in a theatre can
accept the stage as a locality in the city of Rome, they will also accept the
change from Rome to Alexandria. The unity of time may likewise be
violated on the same principle. He concludes this discussion by saying that
the unities of time and place are not essential to a good play.He has well
maintained the unity of action
• Faults of Shakespeare :
Johnson not only praises Shakespeare plays but also depicts some faults of
Shakespeare plays. According to Johnson some major faults of Shakespeare plays are :
• Shakespeare sacrifices virtue to convenience. He writes without moral purpose and is
more careful to please than to instruct.
• His plots are loosely formed.
• In many parts of his plays is eventually neglected. When he found himself near the
near of his work, and in a view of his reword he shortened the labour to snatch the
• He had no regard to distinction of time or place. He attributes to a certain nation or a
period of history the customs, practices, and opinions of another.
• He is too fond of puns and quibbles. For a pun he sacrifices reason, propriety and
Thus, Johnson is a great critic. His "Preface" is called as a balanced estimate. Here
Johnson shows his penetrating power that probes to the very core of Shakespeare's art.
It reveals its deep humanity and its sovereign realism. His praise of Shakespeare as the
dramatist of realism par excellence is wholly justified and convincing.
Thank You

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