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Art in my Personal Life

By: Alex Amador

The Ohio University War Memorial
Description: The soldier’s and sailors’ monument was made in 1893. It was also
made in memory of the citizens of Athens, Ohio who served in the civil war.
This monument is surrounded by three men on the bottom part and one man on
the top. They are dressed as sailors and civil war figures. There are also plaques
surrounding that are describing this monument. This monument is a grey stone
structure with the men decaying into a green/blue washed color because of the
weather impact they have taken with being here for so long. The plaques are
bronze/brown, also washed by the weather and time.

Relation to personal life: Along with the other monuments I pass on my way to
class, I never really stopped to look at the structure as well as the meaning of the
artwork. When I pass this monument every day to class I have always thought it
was in an odd spot and faced toward trees and buildings so people cannot see the
man at the top too well. This relates to my life because all year I have passed
this and never thought of it, but now after this class has given me the
opportunity to look into this monument, it isn’t just something in the way. This
monument has so much history and meaning behind it that I now know and
admire every morning crossing paths with this piece.
Maya Lin
Description: This piece is different from a lot of other pieces. I first found
out about this piece when we had to take a picture with it. I always saw this
large open green grass field with these divots in the land but I never knew
what it was. This piece is one of my favorites because I love being outside
and these sculptures are inputted into the Earth. These pieces are grey stone
with letters carved in and then there are the ones above ground with the same

Personal Life: After taking the pictures with this piece I began to be very
interested in it so I did a little personal research on it. I have passed this
many times as I live on West Green, and also when I went to football and
basketball games. Just like the last piece I walk by this every day and before
knowing what it was it was just something I looked at and went on with my
day. But once again this class has brought me an opportunity to learn about
my campus and my everyday life that I no longer wonder about and now
admire every time I pass.
Alyson Shotz angle of incidence
Description: This piece is located in the academic and research
center behind Boyd hall. This piece is a medal rod sculpture, as
in its name, captures all the angles. The angle of incidence is the
angle that covers between the normal and the incident ray, this
angle is made when a ray of light touches the surface of the
glass bars. The bars differ in color as I mentioned above when
light hits them they give you different angles and portray
different colors of purples, greens, blues, and yellows.
Personal Life: As I have compared the other two, this one is the
same. All of these are pieces I have never heard of or seen
before coming to school here and learning about all these pieces
that have become an everyday part of of my life. This is a piece
I sit under almost every morning when I get coffee from the café
in the building. I enjoy sitting there with my coffee and doing
homework and I look up and just stare at this beautiful piece.
Wall mural
Description: This wall is located at the top of W Mulberry
street. This wall is a well-known spot around campus, there isn’t
much to this mural wall. Every so often the design and art on the
wall will be changed in line with what is going on around
campus or in society. I cannot describe any certain colors or
aspects of this wall because it is constantly changing but it is like
any other mural wall.
Personal Life: Just like all the rest, the personal part about this
wall to me is that I pass it every single day and when there is
new art it is always such a nice surprise to see after hiking up the
bridge to my class, especially if I’m having a bad day. Whether it
is new art or old art every top I reach the top of the hill I always
catch myself looking at and admiring the wall. What I love most
is how touching some of the messages are. It amazes me every
time what these artists can do with just some paint and a wall,
every time whatever message is trying to be portrayed or
whatever event is shown, it homes every time with a deep
meaning because of the time and detail spent in these murals.
Travis Scott’s astroworld album
Description: This album is one of my favorites and it happens to fit so well
that this fit in one of the requirements for this project. This album cover is one
of the most widely known, this album was released in 2018, and
“Astroworld” was Travis’s childhood theme park in Houston, Texas. Across
the entire thing there are so many different things going on, so many different
colors, and objects. The big and obvious is Travis’s golden head with his
mouth open as an entrance to the amusement park. There is also a dramatic
smoke and light effect coming from the mouth. The next thing that comes to
my mind is the two kids in the front, the girl on the left is in a bright red shirt
and patterned pants, and she is holding popcorn that is flying everywhere
with a drink in her other hand. The boy to her right seems more calm holding
his popcorn, behind them, you can see a nice yellow popcorn spread out
across the ground as if it was thrown. Going along with the thrown popcorn
there is a burnt car, indicating a “rage”. To the left of the head, there is a
golden Oscar statue. Lastly, there is a clear bright sky blue with white clouds
to bring the image all together as a “happy and fun” place.

Personal life: Even before this project and class I have always loved and
been so intrigued by this album cover. I find myself asking so many
questions, like what are the kids doing? Why are they there? What was the
thought process for making his own head the entrance to the park? As I said
this album is one of my favorites and it makes it even better that the art on the
cover is so good and interesting, it makes it that much better for me.

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