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“Is people concepts of who they are, of what sort
of people they are and how they relate to others.”

After going through the process of discovery with the
learning tasks, you are expected to:

1. Discover 2. Identify unique 3.Show appreciation

traditions to better for desirable Filipino
literature as a
understand one’s traditions.
tool to assert identity; and
one’s identity;
1. Ricardo kisses the hands of his parents,
grandparents and older relatives.
2. Ricardo loves to be with his family at all times. He
joins them for get togethers.
3. Ricardo’s belief in God is very strong. He keeps
and venerates religious symbols in his house.
4. Ricardo is always there to help his neighbors and
other members of his community.
5. Ricardo always has hope and looks at the brighter
side of things.
Are you a true Filipino?
Why do you think so?
Are you proud of being a Filipino?
Do you truly love your country?

Here is a song about how to be a true Filipino.

Herber G. Bartolome
● November 4, 1948 – November 15, 2021
● a Filipino folk and rock singer, songwriter,
● the founder of Banyuhay, a "protest band"
that carried the trademark sound of the 
kubing, a native musical instrument in the
● Taught us about Filipino pride as early as
the 70’s
1. What is the message of the song?
2. Are you ashamed of being a filipino? Explain
your answer?
3. How do you understand the line: “Mayro’ng
isang aso, daig pa ang ulol. Siya’y ngumingiyaw,
hindi tumatahol.”
4. What traits and attitudes portrayed in the song
do you feel apply to you?
5. If, by chance, you are brown-skinned and flat-
nosed, would you be ashamed why? Or why not?
You should be proud of being a
Filipino. We Filipinos have an
identity that is unique from others.
We have desirable traits that are
well-known and uniquely Filipino.
However, it is not enough to know
these traits. These should also be
practiced in words and in action to
make them a part pf one’s identity.
Here are some of
well-known desirable
Filipino traits:
Respect your elders at all times
We usually observed how every Filipinos traits
everyone that surrounds them, not only in the youths
but also the elders. When we met someone who is
older than us we usually get their hands then put it to
our forehead. also, when someone ask us we simply
response and add “po” and “opo” which is also a sign
of respect here in the Philippines.
Maintain Close Family Ties
We, Filipinos tends to have a strong family
ties that we keep every member of the family
close to each other. We are also one of the
country who are very religious even though
Catholic or Christianity have been adopted
during the Spanish era, our ancestors are
already religious in their own ways that they
patronize “Anito’s” as there own God.
Always trust in God
We always believe in a supreme being that
protects, judges and rules over us. We always
believe that God is always there to help us at
all times. We do not complain much because
we know that God will take care everything.
Practice Bayanihan
 We, Filipinos are also known because of
our generous and helpful attitude. Most of
us extend our help to others not only by
money but also by the simple things that
we do just like helping others doing heavy
things without expecting in returns even
though sometimes we didn’t even know
that person.
Be Patient and Optimistic
 Filipinos see things through until the end.
We are optimistic, we always have hope
and look at the brighter side of things. No
matter how difficult our life is, we move
on, knowing that in the end, the sun would
shine again. We take everything calmly
and easily due to our being patient.
Have utang na Loob
 This means that we feel that we are
indebted to anyone who did us a favor or
helped us in an hour of need. It is for this
reason that we want to do good to help
them as a sign of gratitude.
Practice Pakikisama
Having harmonious interpersonal
relationship relationships helps us
understand the faults of our friends and
family just to maintain peace.
Be Hospitable
 One of the most well known qualities that
every Filipinos have. The reason why most
of the foreigners embrace our country is
because we, Filipinos are very hospitable
even though we never know or met that
person ever since, we treat them warmly.
This trait also make foreigners fell in love
with our very own Filipino women.
Be resourceful and creative
 We Filipinos are able to make use of what
we have. This shows our resourcefulness.
We are also creative in the sense that we
are skillful and creative and clever in
inventing new things.
Respect Women
 Filipinos, in general, respect their mother,
and this is extended to other women.
Important Points;
 Filipinos are known for trusting in God and
putting faith in Him.
 Filipino traits include close family ties,
respect for elders and respect for women.
 Filipinos are also known for their hospitality,
the spirit of bayanihan, pakikisama and
utang na loob.
 Filipinos are resourceful , creative, patient
and optimistic. These traits helps Filipino in
his daily life.
It’s time
Directions: Study the following situations. What
desirable Filipino traits should you show in each
situation? How would you show it? Write your
answers on a ½ crosswise.
1. A friend of your mother paid a visit to your family.
2. Your neighbor is fixing the roof of his house. You noticed
that he is having a difficult time.
3. You just got home. You found your parents in the living
4. Your friend lent you money when you ran out of cash
one time.
5. You have a problem. It seems difficult to solve.
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics &
images by Freepik

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