Shafer Landau Fundamentals5e Lectureppt Ch22

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Chapter 22:

Is Moral Knowledge Possible? Five Skeptical Arguments

© 2021
Is Moral Knowledge Possible?
Moral skepticism:
The view that we cannot have moral knowledge

The skeptic argues that our moral beliefs are never

justified, and so we cannot have moral knowledge.

© 2021
The Skeptical Argument from
 1. If well-informed, rational people persistently
disagree about some claim, then we are not
justified in believing that claim.
2. Well-informed, rational people persistently
disagree about all moral claims.
3. Therefore, we are not justified in believing any
moral claims.

© 2021
The No Certainty Argument
1. You know that a claim is true only if you are
certain of its truth.
2. You can’t be certain that any moral claim is
3. Therefore, moral knowledge is impossible.

© 2021
The Argument from Authority
“Who’s to say?”
1. We have moral knowledge only if we have the
authority to determine what is moral or immoral.
2. No one has that authority.
3. Therefore, no one has moral knowledge.

© 2021
The Irrelevant Influences Argument
1. If you hold your moral beliefs just because your
parents or culture or evolution have influenced
you to do so, then your moral beliefs are not
2. Everyone holds their moral beliefs just because
of such influences.
3. Therefore, no one’s moral beliefs are justified.

© 2021
Hume’s Argument
1. We can know only two sorts of claims:
conceptual truths or empirical truths.
2. Moral claims are not conceptual truths.
3. Moral claims are not empirical truths.
4. Therefore, we can have no moral knowledge.

© 2021
Conceptual Truth
A truth that has these three essential features:

1. It is a necessary truth—it cannot be false

2. It is true just in virtue of its meaning

3. It can be known just by understanding it

© 2021
Conceptual Truth (2)

Examples of conceptual truths:

• Squares have four sides
• All integers are even or odd
• Bachelors are unmarried males

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Empirical Truth
Empirical truths are known only by relying on
evidence from our five senses

• I live in a house that was built in 1964
• It was raining in London on June 25, 2007
• The Pacific Ocean is larger than the Atlantic
• David Hume never married

© 2021
The skeptical arguments are not as powerful as
many have thought.
The upshot is that the skeptical position should not
be regarded as the default view.

Do we have moral knowledge?

© 2021

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