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How can I manage my time

Useful tips
• Time sometimes flies like a bird, sometimes crawls like a snail; but a
man is happiest when he does not even notice whether it passes
swiftly or slowly.
• Ivan Turgenev
Time is like a spirited horse, you must learn
to control it !
• Time is a spirited horse-if it is to work for you, you
must learn to control it and then enjoy it. Control your
time, and you will likely reduce your stress, reach
your goals and gain more self-confidence. ‘ Sound’s
great’, You say:’ but it’s easier said than done!’ True,
you will face challenges. But you can overcome them
by thinking of useful tips about managing time better.
• Fulfill-შესრულება
Tips from one to twelve :
• 1. set goals მიზნების დასახვა • They delegated me to do this
• Reward yourself თავის job
დაჯილდოება • Tweak( tvik) -შესწორება( change
• 2. set priorities ( urgent/ important) something slightly, especially in order
პრიორიტეტების დადგენა to make it more correct, effective, and
( დაწესება) suitable.
• 3. Learn to delegate ( deligeit)- • For example It just needs a little
მინდობა tweaking.
• 4.set clear deadlines. დაადგინო • Physical health really matters.
ბოლო ვადა
• 5. plan your meals ahead of time.
• 6. Say no to • Take break, unwind before sleep.
multitasking.ერთდროულ ბევრ • to link-დააკავშირე, შეაერთე.
საქმეზე უარის თქმა • A lot of people have problems with
• 7. link your actions to your goal. distractions, or procrastination.
• Put your phone away/ block out your social
• 8.Block out things that can destruct
media notifications
გონების განფანტველია you.
• Don’t be scared, just try new method, make
• 9. don’t get lost in the details. comparison შეადარე, be considerate იყავი
• 10. keep your inspiration and ყურადღებიანი and observe it.
• Calm down, if your struggle with time,
• 11. Try not be overwhelmed
energy and quality. You can make
• 12. Don’t forget to have fun everything under control.
• Life is short. Haste makes waste!
• What’s your hurry?
• Does faster means better?
• “hurry sickness’

• New idiom: “here’s your hat, what’s your hurry?”

Don’t forget
‘manage your time wisely and you will reap the rewards’.
Focus on your future rewards
Describe the picture

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