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Cyber is relating to or characteristic of the

culture of computer information technology

and virtual reality..

Cybercrime is any criminal

activity that involves a
computer, networked
device or network.
Some of the reasons that lead to cybercrime are:

Financial Neglect
Demand for interest Demonstration
How to protect cybercrime
Use strong password Keep your software updated
Cybersecurity is an application of
technologies, processes and protect
systems, networks, programs,
devices and data from cyber attacks.
Advantages of cybersecurity

1. Protection of sensitive data 4. Increase customer confidence

2. Business continuity 5. Competitive advantages

3. Compliance with regulations 6. Intellectual property protection

Example: Phishing

Phishing is a type of cybercrime that involves tricking people into revealing their personal
information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and social security numbers. This is usually done
through emails or fake websites that appear to be legitimate.

The impact of phishing can be devastating. Once a cybercriminal has access to someone's
personal information, they can use it for identity theft, financial fraud, and other criminal activities.
Victims of phishing attacks may also experience emotional distress and financial losses. In addition,
businesses can suffer reputational damage if they are targeted by phishing attacks, which can
lead to a loss of customer trust and revenue.

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