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Jazz dance traces in Africa, where the
African people performed a style of dance
characterized by pulsating, energetic body
movements; low, knee-bent postures; and
lots of hand clapping.
This dance ultimately made its way to the
USA via the slave trade, where Africans
were brought to America to work as slaves.
Their style of dance mixed with aspects of
American music and dance, eventually
giving birth to what is now known formally
as jazz dance.
Jazz Breakdown: Origin and Historical Background
Jazz dance is known for its isolated moving body parts and syncopated
rhythm. Various movements such as exaggerated or subtle, fast or slow,
and sharp or smooth are used in jazz dance.

Jazz dance has influences from Africans and Europeans. Its essence is to
jive with Jazz music. The historical background of jazz dance is
characterized by fusions and innovations. During the 19th century, Africans
slaves in America considered dances as religious and performed in every
social gathering to preserve culture, a sense of istory, and identity. It dit not
take long for travelling minstrels to copy their choreography and eventually,
this style od dancing was adapted in Vaudeville, Broadway Performances,
and the evolution
The Six Types of Jazz dance:
1. Classical Jazz – This is a combination of ballet and modern dance forms. Isolation of the body and
strong contractions in the hips and chest are the prominent movements.

2. Contemporary Jazz – This is the most common type of jazz dance. Performers express emotions
through movements, extensions, and turns.

3. Commercial Jazz – This type of jazz dance is used for advertisements such as promoting a product or
service. It is common in movies, televisions, and music videos.

4. Latin Jazz – This is a combination of salsa and samba. This is usually performed together with Latin
American rhythm.

5. Afro-Jazz – This type of Jazz dance shows its traditional African ethnic origin combined with modern
form of dance. Afro-jazz is performed in a traditional African technique using improvisations and

6. Street Jazz – This is also as urban jazz. This is a combination of street dance and jazz dance. This is
casual version of jazz dance compared to other types.
Safety Protocols in Jazz Dance
Safety during any physical activity is vital.
Practicing safety precautions starts with
knowledge. Familiarizing yourself with how to
practice safety precautions will help you lessen
serious injuries in the future.
Recognized Safe Physical Activity Participation in Jazz Dance
The following safety measures can guide you when participating in
a physical activity, like performing jazz dance, in particular
1. Get proper training before participating in any jazz dance to reduce
the risk of suffering from an injury.

2. Perform proper warm-up stretching, and cool down exercises before

participating in the dance activity.

3. Correct equipment used for the right time is essential in jazz dance
to avoid serious injuries in the future. Example is using the right
shoes during an activity will lesson the chances of getting blisters
Proper Etiquette and Safety Protocols When Using a Jazz Dance
Observing proper etiquette in a jazz dance studio is vital for several reasons. First, they
protect you and reduce you risk of getting injure or meeting an accident. Second, they help
make sure that no one in the studio is disturbed in injured because of improper decorum.
Third, they help in ensuring that the studio you must follow inside a jazz studio.
1. Read strictly observe the rules and regulations of the jazz dance studio.

2. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness throughout your stay in the studio.

3. Be mindful or other peoples space and activity.

4. Do not disturb other people.

5. Be respectful in using the jazz dance studios equipment and facilities.

6. As a rule, in general, just be nice.

Proper Execution of Warm-Up, Stretching, and Cool Down for Jazz Performances
Performing in warm-up exercise before any physical is vital because it will aid you physically and mentally for the activities you
will be performing. A proper warm-up exercise will make your muscles flexible and warm. Here are some warm-up activities
you can do before participating in jazz dance:

• Dynamic warm-up – This warm-up activity means moving your body before doing your stretches. This ensures and good
blood flow, prepares the muscles, and loosens ligaments and joints. Jogging in place and shoulder rolls are examples of
dynamic warm-up.

To gain more flexibility, the best time to do stretching is after the warm-up exercise. Participating in jazz dance will require
strength and flexibility during performances. Here are some stretching exercise you can do.

• Isolation exercises – This develops control, coordination, Flexibility, and creativity.

Examples: Dead lift exercise, Leg extension exercise

• Dance combinations and choreography – This develops technique, memory, and coordination. This also creates and injury
risk. Doing cool down exercises is necessary after doing any physical activity.

The objective of cool down is to prepare your body to return to its normal function. It also reduces muscle soreness and injury
risk. Doing cool down exercises is necessary after doing any physical acitivity.

• Gradually decrease the intensity of exercise an stretch your muscles for at least 15 seconds.
• You can also do controlled breathing and gentle stretching

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