Jarkom 03 Chapter 1 V6.1 S.D. History

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Jaringan Komputer
Kelas Teknik Komputer

0812 7770 9019

Chapter 1: roadmap
1.1 what is the Internet?
1.2 network edge
 end systems, access networks, links
1.3 network core
 packet switching, circuit switching, network structure
1.4 delay, loss, throughput in networks
1.5 protocol layers, service models
1.6 networks under attack: security
1.7 history

Introduction 1-2
Protocol "layers"
Networks are complex,
with many "pieces": Question:
 hosts is there any hope of
 routers organizing structure of
 links of various media network?
 applications
 protocols
 hardware, software

Introduction 1-3
Organization of air travel
ticket (purchase) ticket (complain)

baggage (check) baggage (claim)

gates (load) gates (unload)

runway takeoff runway landing

airplane routing airplane routing

airplane routing

a series of steps

Introduction 1-4
Layering of airline functionality

ticket (purchase) ticket (complain) ticket

baggage (check) baggage (claim
gates (load) gates (unload) takeoff/landing

runway (takeoff) airplane routing airplane routing runway (land) airplane routing

airplane routing intermediate air-traffic arrival
airplane routing
airport control centers airport

layers: each layer implements a service

 via its own internal-layer actions
 relying on services provided by layer below

Introduction 1-5
Why layering?
dealing with complex systems:
modularization eases maintenance, updating of
 change of implementation of layer’s service transparent to
rest of system
 e.g., change in gate procedure doesn’t affect rest of

Introduction 1-6
Internet protocol stack
application: supporting network
 FTP, SMTP, HTTP application
transport: process-process data
transfer transport
network: routing of datagrams from network
source to destination
 IP, routing protocols link
link:data transfer between
neighboring network elements physical
 Ethernet, 802.11 (Wi-Fi), PPP
physical: bits "on the wire"

Introduction 1-7
ISO/OSI reference model
 presentation:allow applications to application
interpret meaning of data presentation
 e.g., encryption, compression, machine-
specific conventions
 session: transport
 synchronization, network
 checkpointing, link
 recovery of data exchange physical
 Internet stack "missing" these layers!
 these services, if needed, must be implemented
in application

Introduction 1-8
message M
segment Ht M transport
datagram Hn H
M network
frame Hl Hn Ht M link


destination Hn Ht M network
M application Hl Hn Ht M link
Ht M transport physical
Hn Ht M network
Hl Hn Ht M link router

Introduction 1-9
Warriors of the Net

Introduction 1-10
Chapter 1: roadmap
1.1 what is the Internet?
1.2 network edge
 end systems, access networks, links
1.3 network core
 packet switching, circuit switching, network structure
1.4 delay, loss, throughput in networks
1.5 protocol layers, service models
1.6 networks under attack: security
1.7 history

Introduction 1-11
Keamanan Jaringan
 jenis keamanan jaringan
 bagaimana penjahat dapat menyerang jaringan komputer
 bagaimana kita dapat melindungi jaringan dari serangan
 bagaimana merancang arsitektur yg tahan thd serangan
 Internet tdk dirancang dgn keamanan yg cukup
 visi asli Internet: “sekelompok pengguna yang saling
percaya yg terhubung pada suatu jaingan yang
transparan" 

Introduction 1-12
Menginfeksi malware ke host via Internet
 malware dapat diinfeksi dalam bentuk:
 virus: menggandakan diri dgn menerima/mengeksekusi
file. (misal, lampiran e-mail ) file
 worm: menggandakan diri dgn menerima secara pasif file
yang dapat mengeksekusi sendiri
 spyware malware dapat mencatat ketikan keyboard,
situs web yang dikunjungi, dan mengunggah info ke
situs pengumpul
 host yg terinfeksi dapat dapat didaftarkan di botnet,
yg digunakan untuk spam., serangan DoS.

Introduction 1-13
Menyerang Server dan Infrastruktur Jaringan
Denial of Service (DoS):
Penyerang membuat resources (server, bandwidth) tidak tersedia
untuk mengesahkan traffic dgn cara membanjiri resource dgn
traffic yg sanagt banyak.
1. pilih target
2. dibagi ke hosts di sekitar
jaringan (lihat botnet)
3. mengirim paket ke target dari
host yang telah disusupi

Introduction 1-14
Penjahat Dapat Mengendus Paket
packet "sniffing"
 broadcast media (berbagi ethernet, wireless)
 antar muka jaringan yang campur aduk membaca/menncatat
seluruh paket (misal, menyertakan passwords!) yg lewat.


src:B dest:A payload

 software malware Wireshark digunakan di lab adalah
packet-sniffer yg gratis.
Introduction 1-15
Menggunakan Alamat Palsu

IP spoofing: mengirim paket dgn alamat pengirim


src:B dest:A payload

src:C dest:A payload

… lebih jauh tentang keamanan di Bab 8 buku Referensi.

Introduction 1-16
Chapter 1: roadmap
1.1 what is the Internet?
1.2 network edge
 end systems, access networks, links
1.3 network core
 packet switching, circuit switching, network structure
1.4 delay, loss, throughput in networks
1.5 protocol layers, service models
1.6 networks under attack: security
1.7 history

Introduction 1-17
History of the Internet

Introduction 1-18

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