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(I didn't have another

idea lol)
About Eccentriopia
Specially made for people with weird interests! ;)
(Maybe you're one of them!)

*Normal ones can stay too

What makes it special?

The Eco friendly skyscraper and the design of course! This extremely
tall skyscraper and the community might startle you at first, but it's
great! We swear! And it has a good government too :) Completely
runs in hydropower!

One of the people living here!


Contains a ton of storeys in the building dedicated to different types of interests. It could be
anything you can ever imagine! Eco Friendly and animal friendly! Eccentriopia offers a variety
of community activities for those with unique hobbies. Join the Weird Hobbies Club, attend a
cosplay event, or start a book club on obscure literature. There's something for everyone here!
Homes with unique and unconventional architectural designs. Public parks with sculptures of
strange and fascinating creatures. Museums and galleries showcasing bizarre and eccentric art.
Where is Eccentriopia?

It's obvious isn't it? It's in the middle of the Caribbean seas! To get
there, you simply have to use the bridge. We do highly recommend
that you use a vehicle as it is a long way so you don't break your legs!
Or, well, you can walk if you really want to. It's up to you, my dear
The top floor is a special Unit!

For people obsessed with fictional characters, bookworms, writers, art lovers, balloon
obsessed people, clown obsessed people, stone collection lovers, witchcraft and sorcery
obsessed people etc.

For frog lovers, people obsessed with capybaras, llamas, sheep, raccoons etc.
Also for people with an obsession for stuffed animals and plushies and much,
much more

More floors down

What happens in the top floor?

The topmost floor is specially made for people who are

fed up and tired of life. Yes, we care about everyone! The
top storey is made of complete unbreakable glass, which
gives you a marvelous view of space! Anyone who feels
like they're not enough for this world, can come up here,
sit and stare into the void sparkling with stars while
extremely motivational and funny podcasts play in the
background. We just want to help everyone!
This is where all the houses are! It's
like a floating city for them! We have
extremely friendly neighborhoods
with good security! ;)
• Citizens would be allowed to express their opinions and emotions freely.
• They’d be expected to pay for resources such as electricity and water, but they wouldn't need to worry
about passing the payment date. However, it is a must to pay before the year ends.*
• The citizens will have the right to be treated equally.
• People would be forbidden to have dangerous animals as their pets but we'd let them have such pets IF
they are fully trained and tamed to be in a human surrounding.
• They'd be allowed to do whatever they want without causing any trouble or disturbance to other human
• People would be allowed to live freely no matter what their age/gender/opinions/religions are. (Please don't
summon demons by human sacrifices)

*If you die, we give your family a discount. If you don't have a family, we'll sell your house. If you don't have a house, how the hell were you
using the resources in the first place???
Thank you!

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