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Courtship is the period in a couple’s
relationship which precedes their engagement
and marriage or it is an establishment of an
agreed relationship of a more enduring kind.
During courtship, a couple gets to know each
other and decides if there will be an engagement
or such agreement. A courtship may be an
informal and private matter between two people
of the opposite sex or may be a public affair or a
formal arrangement with family approval.
Courtship is a stage of not simply
knowing the person, but also a test
compatibility between the two
persons. It is also an opportunity to
know the background of each other
including the family where one
Importance of Courtship:
1. Gives a person time to know better the character and
background of someone
being considered as one’s future lifetime partner.
2. Gives time to understand one another and determine if you can
get along with
minimal conflicts.
3. It reveals one’s interests, likes and dislikes, limitations and
aspirations in life.
4. It allows couples to decide whether they are ready to be
5. It allows couples to determine and focus on what to expect in
6. It develops security and establishes respect for each other.
7. It develops understanding and acceptance.
Some Facts About
Dating is a social activity which involves
two or more people generally assessing
each other’s suitability for a potential
relationship. Dating can also be enjoyed
as part of an already active relationship.
The word dating actually comes from
the arrangement of a time and date of
It is a form of courtship consisting of
social activities done by two people
as partners in an intimate
relationship or as a spouse. It is an
act of meeting and engaging in some
mutually agreed upon social activity,
together as a couple.
Importance of Dating:
Dating provides the partners with opportunities

1. Strengthen the relationship;

2. Spend quality time with each other;
3. Observe the other person’s character;
4. Know one another better;
5. Know ones’ strengths and weaknesses;
6. Reveal any potential problems that the partners
may have; and
Types of Dating:

1. Standard date – involves two people

2. Double date – two couples go on a date at the same time and place
3. Group date – where any number of
couples can enjoy a date.
Different Courtship
Practices in the
1. Ilocos and Tagalog Regions In Ilocos, serenading is known
as tapat, “to be in front of the woman’s house” likely the
same as harana and also the balagtasan of the Tagalogs. The
suitor begins singing a romantic song, and then the courted
lady responds by singing too. Rooster courtship is a form of
courting from Luzon. The rooster is assigned to be the
negotiator who is left at the house of the courted lady to
crow every morning for the admired lady’s family.

2. Bulacan The Bulaqueños have a kind of courtship known as
the “naninilong” which means “serenading from under the
house”. At midnight, the suitor goes beneath the nipa hut, a
house that is elevated by bamboo poles, and then pricks the
admired woman by using a pointed object to catch the
attention of the sleeping lady, after which they converse in
3. Batangas In Batangas, the women are serenaded with
Tagalog love songs which are accompanied by guitar. The men
would also do household chores, chop woods and fetch water,
etc to win the favor of the parents. Through these various
services, a man’s determination and trustworthiness are tested.
4. Pangasinan In Pangasinan, folks make use of the taga-amo, which means
“tamer”, a form of love potion or charm which can be rubbed on the skin of
the admired. It can also be in the form of drinkable potion. The suitor may
also resort to the use of palabas, meaning “show or drama”, wherein the
woman succumbs to revealing her love to her suitor, who on the other hand
pretends to commit suicide if the lady does not confess her true feelings.
5. Kalinga The Ifugaos practice a courtship called ca-i-sing or began
to Kalingas and pangis to Tigguians, where a man and a woman are
separated into “houses”. The house of the males is called ato, while
the house for females is known as the olog or agamang. The man
visits the woman’s house to sing romantic songs and the woman
replies to these songs also through singing.
6. Palawan In Palawan, people perform courtship through the
use of love riddles or pasaguli. The purpose of the love riddles
is to assess the sentiments of the parents of both suitor and
the woman. After this, the pabalik is done to settle the price
in a form of dowry that will be received by the woman from
the courting man.
7. Visayas When courting, Cebuanos also resort to
serenading, called balak. They also write love letters that are
sent through a trusted friend or relative of the woman.
Presents are not only given to the woman, but also to her
relatives. They also use love potions to win the affection of
the woman. Men from Leyte perform the pangagad or
paninilbihan instead of paying a form of dowry during
courtship. The suitor accomplishes household and farm
chores for the family of the woman. The service normally
lasts for approximately a year before the man and woman
can get married. It is also referred to as subok – a trial or test
period for the serving suitor.
8. Mindanao Palabas, sarakahan tupul, or
magpasumbahi is practiced by the Tausugs of Mindanao.
A suitor would threaten to stab his heart while in front
of the courted woman’s father. If the father of the
woman refuses to give her daughter’s hand, the suitor is
stricken by a knife. The Bagobos, on the other hand,
send a knife or a spear as a gift to the home of the
courted woman for inspection. Accepting the weapon is
equivalent to accepting the man’s romantic intention
and advances.
9. Courtship practices at the age of technology a.
Social media like facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc.
b. Phone calls and messages using the cellphones.
_________________ 1. Traditional form of courtship from Palawan where courtship is done
through riddles.
_________________ 2. Cebuano term for serenade.
_________________ 3. It means “tamer” for the people of Pangasinan.
_________________ 4. The suitor accomplishes household chores from the lady’s family.
_________________ 5. Courtship style of the Tingguians wherein a man and woman is
separated into “houses”.
_________________ 6. Serenading from under the house of the lady and pricks The admired
woman using a pointed object to wake her up.
_________________ 7. A trial or test period for the serving suitor.
_________________ 8. Ilocano term for serenade.
_________________ 9. Practiced by the Tausugs of Mindanao wherein the suitor threatens
to stab his heart while in front of the lady’s father.
_________________10. It means “show or drama” wherein the woman reveals Her love to
the suitor who pretends to commit suicide if his love is not accepted by the lady and
the family.
Interview your parents or couples who are close to you. Ask
them the questions below and write their answers on a piece
of paper
1. How did the couple meet each other? 2. Why did they
like/love each other?
3. Did their marriage start with courtship and dating? How?
4. Is courtship and dating important to them in choosing a
lifetime partner? Why?
5. What message can you draw from the information that you
gathered from your parents or the couple?

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