National Disaster Management Framework

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National Disaster

Management Framework

The National Disaster Management Framework is a comprehensive and

integrated approach to disaster management in the United States.
The Framework: An Overview

1 What is the framework? 2 Why is it needed?

Disasters are unpredictable,

The National Disaster and effective management
Management Framework is a requires a coordinated
collaborative effort among national response.
federal, state, and local
entities to manage disasters of
all types.

3 What does the framework entail?

The framework includes mitigation, preparedness, response, and

The Components of the Framework

Mitigation Preparedness Response

This component focuses on This component focuses on This component focuses on the
reducing the impact of disasters. preparing for disasters before immediate aftermath of a disaster.
It includes activities such as risk they occur. It includes activities It includes activities such as
assessments and the building of such as creating emergency plans, search and rescue operations,
infrastructure that can withstand stockpiling supplies, and medical assistance, and providing
disasters. conducting drills and exercises. shelter and basic supplies to
affected individuals.


This component focuses on the

long-term recovery process after
a disaster. It includes activities
Key Stakeholders in the Framework
Federal Government State and Local Governments

The federal government plays a key role in State and local governments are responsible for
providing financial and logistical support for the implementation of the framework within their
disaster management efforts. jurisdictions.

Private Sector Volunteers

The private sector plays a crucial role by Volunteers play a vital role in disaster
providing resources such as manpower, management efforts by providing support to first
equipment, and supplies. responders and affected individuals.
Challenges in Implementing the Framework

1 Lack of Funding

Disaster management requires significant

financial resources, and funding can be
Political Disputes 2 limited.
Disaster responses can be complicated by
political disagreements between different
levels of government. 3 Logistical Issues

Managing disasters requires complex

logistics, which can be complicated by
factors such as geography and
Successful Examples of the Framework in

California Wildfires (2017) Hurricane Harvey (2017) Joplin Tornado (2011)

The coordinated approach to

The framework played a crucial The coordinated response to recovery efforts led to a successful
role in containing the wildfires Hurricane Harvey was successful rebuilding process in the wake of
and coordinating responses at all in evacuating individuals and the Joplin Tornado.
levels of government. providing medical assistance and
essential supplies.
Future Outlook and Potential
1 Technological 2 Climate Change
The increasing frequency and
Advancements in technology severity of natural disasters
such as drones and artificial due to climate change could
intelligence could enhance the require significant changes in
effectiveness of disaster the approach to disaster
management. management.

3 Greater International Cooperation

Increasing collaboration and coordination among international

organizations and governments could help improve global disaster
management efforts.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
The National Disaster Management Framework is a crucial component of disaster management in the United
States. Effective implementation of the framework requires collaboration among all levels of government, the
private sector, and volunteers. Despite the challenges, successful examples of the framework in action demonstrate
its effectiveness. Continuous improvement and innovation will be necessary to address the future challenges of
disaster management.

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