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Proyecto final de inglés

Curso: inglés

Profesor: Edwar Cumpa Giles

Integrantes : Jhon Roberth Santisteban Vidaurre

Jhony Javier Santisteban Tejada
Fernando Fiestas Lara
Topic: The white-winged guan
The white-winged guan or Penelope
albipennis, It is a slender bird that has black
plumaje throughout most of the body with only
eight to nine white feathers at the tips
of the wings.
It feeds on fruits, flowers, leaves, pods, buds and seeds of
dry forest species.

Lives in the dry forests of the north

coast of this country, that is, in a fairly
limited región and in which habitat
destruction is suffered.
Added to this cause are other reasons why this animal is in
danger of extinction, such as that its reproduction rate is low
and it is hunted indiscriminately.
What I would do to help the endangered white-winged
parakeet would be.
*Avoid destroying the habitat where this animal lives.
*Fight against the illegal hunting of the white-winged guan.
*Create natural spaces to maintain and conserve this animal
*Finally, value and make known to more people the existence
of this species in order to make others aware of its risk.

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