Describing Motion

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Learning Competencies :

At the end of the lesson , the students are expected to :

 1.Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance
and displacement .
 2. Perform the operation using the distance and
displacement formula in problem solving.
 3. Appreciate the importance of social distancing
practices for COVID -19.
Subject Matter :


Review :

What is MOTION ?
In physics, Motion is the change in position
of an object with respect to its surroundings in a
given interval of time.
The motion of an object with some mass can
be described in terms of the following:
Distance and Displacement.
Whatare the different types
of Motion?
 The types of motion are:
• Oscillatory motion. Uniform
• Rotational motion. Non-
uniform motion
• Translational motion. Periodic
• Linear motion. Circular
 Group your selves into three groups .
 Each group will be given a tasks to UNSCRAMBLED
the letters to form the CORRECT WORD/S base on the
given CLUES.
 Write your answers on the board as fastest as you can
within 5 second.
 More correct answer will be announced as the winner .
The amount of space
between two objects .

Answer :

The rate and direction of an object’s


The moving of something from its place
or position.


Is any quantity that has magnitude and
direction , such as displacement or velocity


Defined by magnitude with no applicable
direction example speed , distance , mass and
time .


Increase in the rate of speed per
unit of time

Answer :

Defined simply as “distance or


Lesson proper

Let the students watch a video
presentation about distance and displacement
Video Presentation
Based on the video presentation , what is
the starting point of the dog?


D c

0 meter is the starting

point of the dog
Define point of reference in
your own words?
 A reference point is a place or object used for
comparison to determine if something is in
 An object is in motion if it changes position
relative to a reference point. Objects that are fixed
relative to Earth – such as a building, a tree, or a
sign - make good reference points.
 It also known as the origin or starting point
What is the total distance covered
by the dog from point A to
point D ?
Mathematically the formula of distance is
d = d1 + d2 + d3

The total distance covered by

the dog from point A to point D is
10 m + 5m + 10 m = 25 meter the
total length traveled by the dog.
What is the displacement
of the dog ?

The displacement 5m South ,this mean

the dog is 5m away from initiall position
to final position
Supposed the dog goes back to point A as
its final position , what will be it’s total
distance and what will be its
 Itstotal distance will increase 2 times or double.
but its displacement become zero , because the
starting position of the dog and its final position
are the same ,thus we cannot measure the distance
between them.
Can displacement be greater than
distance , Why or why not?
No, it can be shorter but it cannot be greater
than the distance. When a moving object
travelled a path in a particular time period
with a certain rate of motion in that case the
displacement by the moving body is always
less than the distance covered by the moving

Group Activity :”VENN DIAGRAM “

Direction : Summarize the similarities and differences of distance

and displacement traveled using Venn Diagram base on the video
presentation , presented a while ago.

Write the differences between distance and displacement in the

other side of the circle and their similarities in the overlapping part
of the circle within 3 minutes .
How can you compare and
contrast distance from
 Whereas displacementis defined by both
direction and magnitude, distance is defined only
by magnitude.
 Displacement is an example of a vector quantity.
Distance is an example of a scalar quantity. A
vector is any quantity with both magnitude and
 Example for distance : 5km , 10 m, 3 miles
 Example for displacement : 5km North , 10m East
, 3miles South direction
What are the similarities
between distance and
Both distance and displacement have
the same SI unit, the meter (m). Both
require a reference point from which
they can measure. They are equal if the
body moves in a straight line and would
be even better if they move only in one
Compare distance and
displacement based on magnitude
and direction.
Distance is a scalar quantity as it only
depends upon the magnitude and not the
direction. Displacement is a vector
quantity as it depends upon both
magnitude and direction.
Picture Analysis”
 Let us find out more about distance and
displacement , by looking the following pictures .
Ifthe distance traveled by an object
represented a broken line and the
displacement traveled by an object
represent the straight line , What do you
think is the difference between the
distance and displacement base on the
given pictures ?

Displacement always follows a straight

line , On the other hand distant does
not always follow a straight line.
How did you know it is
distance? displacement?
Distance is the measure of “how much
ground an object has covered during its
motion” while displacement refers to the
measure of “how far out of place is an
What is the SI Unit of distance and
displacement and how to find the total
distance of an object ?
 The SI unit of both the Physical quantity is meter
(m) only.
 Both distance and displacement require initial and final
points for measurement. When the direction is not
considered both are equal in magnitude, in most cases.
Both have the same dimensions formula.
 Total distance = d1+d2+d3….
 Distance =speed x time
Can displacement be equal to
distance ?
Yes .Displacement is the shortest path
travelled. So, it can be the same as the
distance only if the distance itself is in the
shortest path or in a straight line , or else the
distance will be greater than displacement.
Can displacement be zero even when
distance is not zero .Can you give an
example ?
Yes. For example, a car travels from
point A to B and then comes back.
Suppose AB=5m. In this case, distance
travelled is 10m, while the displacement
is zero.
How can you describe the
distance and displacement of the
moving object ?
Distance is a scalar quantity that refers
to "how much ground an object has
covered" during its motion.
Displacement is a vector quantity that
refers to "how far out of place an object
is"; it is the object's overall change in
1.What is the relationship between
distance and displacement for a
given direction ?

Distance is the length of the path

covered to reach from initial to final
positions. And displacement is the
shortest or linear distance between the
initial and the final positions.
So, distance is greater than or equal to

How can we apply distance and

displacement n real life situation?
Example :
1. Getting out of bed.
2. Walking to the store.
3. Moving Furniture
4. Driving a car.
5. Taking the bus.
6. Riding a bike.
7. Flying in an airplane.
8. Swimming.
9. Running.
10.Throwing a ball.

.How does distance affect the
intensity of an earthquake ?
 Earthquake waves diminish in intensity as they
travel through the ground, so earthquake shaking
is less intense farther from the fault. Low-
frequency waves diminish less rapidly with
distance than do high-frequency waves.
 Thusthe closer a town or city is from the
epicenter the more damage will be caused
because of the strong seismic waves.
What is the best way to protect
your self from an earthquake?
COVER your head and neck (and your entire
body if possible) underneath a sturdy table or
desk. If there is no shelter nearby, get down
near an interior wall or next to low-lying
furniture that won't fall on you, and cover
your head and neck with your arms and
Why is it importance to follow the
social distancing measures in Covid
19? and what is the best way to protect
your self and others from Covid?

 Physical distancing helps limit the spread of COVID-
19 – this means we keep a distance of at least 1m from
each other and avoid spending time in crowded places or
in groups. Protect yourself and others. ​Break the chain
of transmission.
 Avoid crowds and close contact. Wear a properly fitted
mask when physical distancing is not possible and in
poorly ventilated settings. Clean your hands frequently
with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. Cover
your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when
you cough or sneeze.

Who can describe the Motion of an

object in terms of distance and
 Distance and displacement are two quantities that
may seem to mean the same thing yet have
distinctly different definitions and meanings.
• Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to "how
much ground an object has covered" during its
• Displacement is a vector quantity that refers to
"how far out of place an object is"; it is the
object's overall change in position.
Directions: Read and analyze each question carefully .Fill in the blank .Write your correct answers on the
space provided befow :
1. Distance is how ___________ an object has moved.
2. Displacement is how _________ an object has moved from its _______ position.
3. Displacement depends on its _____________.
4. Distance is a __________quantity while Displacement is a _________quantity .
5. The SI unit of Distance and Displacement is __________.
Problem Solving :
1.A physics teacher walks 4 meters East, 2 meters South, 4 meters West, and finally 2 meters North.
Find the total distance and displacement traveled during the course of her motion.
2.A car travels along the straight road 100m East then 50 m West .
Find the total distance traveled by the car.
3.A person walks 4 m East then walks 3m North. Determine the distance
and displacement .

Directions : Answer the following in a ½ sheets of pad paper.

1. Define speed and velocity
2.Give at least 5 example of speed and velocity
3. Differentiate speed from velocity
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