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The Contemporary World

Contemporary-existing or happening in the same period or from the same

time period

The contemporary world: the circumstances and ideas of the present age.

-modern times
-modern world
-present times
Why is it important for future Nurses to
be aware of what is happening in the
contemporary world?

-good do we get
-benefit will it do to us
The Study of Globalization
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Define what Globalization is and what it stands for in our Contemporary World.
 Differentiates the competing conceptions of Globalization and undermine the various
schools of thought and paradigms on Globalization.
 Understand the raison d’etre (reason/justification for existence) of Globalization; its goals
and aspirations.
 Equip students with 21st century learning and develop higher order thinking skills that will
lead towards a deeper understanding of Globalization and its role in the world; in the
Philippine society as well as its role in the formation of students in relation to their future

The major concept that you will use in the conceptualization process is
1. Think of words/concepts that you can attribute to globalization;

2. Make a list of the words/concepts that you have identified;

3. Connect these (concept map) and write a short discussion about

the relationship of the words/concepts.


Cyber and digitized
Political TE S
Socio-cultural legacy FRAGM
& transformation DYNAM EGRATIVE
dependence &
1. Relate the connected concepts to the following framework.
2. Explain the connection to the next flowchart/paradigm.



Defining Globalization
The term “globalization has several contending meanings. We can rundown some of the
widely accepted definitions of globalization to prove this point.
• Globalization refers to the ongoing process of increasing interconnectedness, integration,
and interdependence among individuals, businesses, nations, and economies worldwide. It is
a multifaceted phenomenon characterized by the exchange of goods, services, information,
technology, capital, and ideas across national boundaries.
• Globalization is the increasingly interaction of people, states, or countries through the
growth of the international flow of money, ideas, and culture.
• It is the liberalization of countries of their impact protocols and welcome foreign
investment into sectors that are the mainstays of its economy.
TECHNOLOGIES (robotic, internet of
things, virtual reality, AI)

TECHNOLOGIES (automation
information./information communication

Social problems
Loss of cultural
Indicators of Globalization

The jet engine, the internet, e-banking, e-books, e-bike, the LRT, MRT and other
inventions of science and technology are attributable to the spread of globalization. These
are the some of the modern offspring of development in our infrastructure system. These
improvements that people enjoy today in this contemporary world have been major factors
in globalization which have generated further interdependence in economic and cultural
activities among nations.
Furthermore, environmental challenges such as global warming, cross-boundary water,
air pollution, and over-fishing of the ocean are linked with globalization. Globalizing
processes affect and are affected by business and work organization, economics, socio-
cultural resources, and the natural environment.
“Does globalization exist?” In the SAGE Handbook, Steger says no and yes. These
answers are polarized, and each one is supported with approaches and specific
arguments. They can be summarized in the statement below:
NO: Globalization as “Globaloney” Globalization does not exist—this is the
bottom line of the proponents of this approach. They conclude that the existing
accounts of globalization are incorrect, imprecise, or exaggerated, pointing out
as proof the indiscriminate way that “just about everything that can be linked to
some transnational process is cited as evidence for globalization and its growing
influence.” Therefore, the proponents dismiss the discussion of globalization as
nothing more than baloney. The “globaloney” advocates are driving home the
point that globalization is really not that substantive and distinct as claimed; it is
a cliché because anything and everything can be considered connected in some
way—in a small or large amount, in a weak or strong form, and in a direct or
indirect way—to anything that is international in nature.
To begin understanding this social-scientific concept, one must break it down
into essential parts. With globalization as an extensively studied subject matter,
schools of thought have taken shape that can help the beginner student, or the
“uninitiated,” to digest its multiplicity as a concept, fact, or event, and even
postulate the alternative view that it does not exist.
The word globaloney is a coined conjugation of the word’s globalization
and baloney, with the latter being used idiomatically to mean
“nonsense.” In the absence of clear-cut definitions or norms for filtering
data and an analytical method to validate the so-called evidentiary
information, the “globaloneyists” aver that globalization becomes
nothing more than a normal course of life; it is not a scientific
phenomenon. Ironically, though, with the seeming shallow dismissal of
the globalization phenomenon, the “globaloney” arguments turn out to
be more elaborate and in-depth.
Globalization processes in the modern world challenging the national
economy development (Kasych & Vochozka, 2019).

• Read and understand this article;

• Write your own synthesis;
• Content of the synthesis:
---three processes of understanding globalization,
---identify the core points (methodological and analytical aspects of the
globalization processes development),
---difference between ecological and cultural globalization,
---negative and positive impacts of globalization



YES: Globalization as an Economic, Political Process, or Cultural Process
Globalization, as an economic process, refers to the increasing interconnectedness and
interdependence of countries through the exchange of goods, services, capital, technology, and
information on a global scale. It has been a defining feature of the contemporary world and has
significantly influenced economic systems, policies, and practices worldwide.
Globalization, as a political process, refers to the growing interdependence and influence of
political actors, institutions, and policies on a global scale. It involves the interactions and
coordination of governments, international organizations, non-state actors, and citizens across
borders in addressing global challenges and shaping global governance structures.
Globalization has significantly impacted political systems, ideologies, and dynamics in the
contemporary world.
Globalization, as a cultural process, refers to the diffusion, exchange, and blending of cultural
practices, values, beliefs, ideas, and expressions on a global scale. It involves the
interconnectedness and interaction of cultures across borders, leading to the creation of a
global cultural landscape. In the contemporary world, globalization has had a profound impact
on cultural identities, practices, and experiences.
The Importance of Studying Globalization
In today’s contemporary world, it is important for students to understand
and appreciate the study of globalization for the following reasons:
 There is a greater demand in business and industry, health, engineering
and technology to have people who can work with people of other nations
and cultures.
 There is a greater demand of promoting the local business and industry to
other countries and if need be, owners travel independently and
internationally for a better promotion.
 Creating meaningful harmonious, and workable relationship that link
globally is an important aspect of the merits of globalization, especially if
one wish to be the President of the future generation.
The Importance of Studying Globalization
 The contemporary world faces global challenges that will take
interdisciplinary groups to solve these challenges: These challenges are how
to provide access to clean water, a clean environment, clean renewable
energy that is affordable to everyone, and how to deal with the
unpredictable climate change just to name a few. These global challenges
need to be solved as soon as possible through the gathering and sharing of
information across disciplines, institutions, and other entities on a global
scale –how is this possible?
 Knowledge of the merits, demerits, and reasons for globalization will enable
the students to work as models of collaborative international teams in the
near future along with the areas of business, education, health, science, arts,
engineering, and hotel industries, and discuss best products in these areas.
The Importance of Globalization for
According to Neil Kokemuller (n.d.), a writer, globalization is the expansion of
local economies and businesses into a broader international marketplace. WHY?
• small businesses have gotten active in the global environment as the Internet
and mobile technology have enabled communication across continents and
• Globalization has become important for a number of reasons, including the
overall need for businesses to compete, according to Kokemuller.
• The internet revolutionized the business arena because it created a whole
new virtual marketplace that expands beyond physical and geographical
boundaries. Companies in foreign countries can now compete for customers in
the United States by leveraging their own country’s resources, lower costs of
labor, and affordable distribution processes---EX.: rise in the number of
multinational and transnational corporations in the country.
The Importance of Globalization for
In the same way, U.S companies have the opportunity to appeal to
customers in the Philippines and other countries by promoting their
goods and services.
Even if you want to avoid the globalization movement, you often have
no choice but to compete. The influx of foreign competitors in the U.S.
limits the number of companies in some industries that can succeed
domestically. In the same way, if your competitors expand globally, you
have to consider following suit. Any money other companies make in
foreign markets, they can bring back to the United States and invest it in
promoting their brands, products and services domestically.
Reasons for Globalization
Why do we have to globalize especially in this contemporary world? Here are the
 Rapid shrinking of time and distance across the globe. One can easily cross the
bridge going to the other side of the marketplace due to advanced tools of
technology than before.
 Domestic markets are no longer rich as a consequence of many interlocking factors.
 Companies and institutions go global to find political and economic stability which is
relatively good in other countries than the country of origin
 To get technological and managerial know-how of other countries due to their
advancement in science, technology, education, health, and other fields of discipline.
Reasons for Globalization

 To reduce high transportation costs if one goes globally

using the advance tools of communication and information.
 To be close to raw materials and to markets for their
finished products which are not available in the country of
 The creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) had
made it possible in stimulating increased cross border trade
Globalization has been responsible for remarkable changes in the
20th century. It is one of the most widely spread recent cultural, social,
economic, and political phenomenon which has strongly marked the
discourse of the humanities and social sciences. This new, not-yet
constituted era poses multiple challenges in which there is room for
novel theoretical paradigm in this new emerging world.
The concept of globalization has only recently been widely accepted
and adapted – words like global, globality, globalization, globalism as
well as the concepts of global market, global ecology, global citizen, its
more truly unknown up to the very end of the 20th century .
What can a company or an institution gets from
Advantages of Globalization
Global competition and imports keep a lid on prices such that
inflation is less likely to derail economic growth.
 An open economy spurs fast innovations with fresh ideas from
 Export jobs often pay more than other jobs.
 Free of capital flow keeps interest rates low.
 Living standards go up faster
Advantages of Globalization
 Productivity grows more quickly when countries produce goods and
services in which they are of comparative advantage.
 Countries liberalize their visa rules and procedures so as to permit
the full flow of people from country to country.
 It results in freeing up the unproductive sector to investment and the
productive sector to export related activities resulting in a win-win
situation for the world economy.
Globalization also has its Disadvantages
 Several people lose their jobs when companies import cheap labor
or materials or shift production abroad.
 Workers face pay cut demands from employers who often threaten
to export jobs.
 Unregulated globalization can cause serious problems to poor and
developing countries in terms of labor force, wages, benefits, job
termination, and others.
 High foreign stake in industries where it is not necessarily needed
could affect the economic growth of domestic enterprise.
 Sovereignty of a country and company/institutions may be at stake.
What is a theory?
What are theories for?
Why are theories important in
the discussion of globalization?
Theories of Globalization
 World-System Theory – a perspective that globalization is
essentially the expansion of the capitalist system around the globe.
Capitalist world-system originated in the 16th century, when
European’s traders established enduring connections with Asia, Africa
and the America. The core of the system, the dominant classes were
supported by strong states as they exploited labor, resources, and
trade opportunities, most notably in peripheral areas. Central purpose
is capital accumulation by competing firms, which go through cycles
of growth and decline.
Theories of Globalization
 World Polity Theory – state remains an important component of
world society, but primarily attention goes to the global cultural and
organization. All-encompassing world-polity and its associated with
world culture, which supplies a set of cultural rules or scripts that
specify how institution around the world should deal with common
problem. Key elements is a general, globally legitimated model of how
to form a state. Carriers of global principles, these organizations then
help to build and elaborate world culture and world society further.
Theories of Globalization
 World Culture Theory – the world culture is indeed new and
important, but less homogeneous than world polity. Globalization is a
process of relativization. World society thus consists of a complex set
of relationships among multiple units in the global field. Globalization
compresses the world into a single entity, and people necessarily
become more and more aware of their relationship to this global
presence. Central importance to this process is the problem of
globality how to make living together in one global system meaningful
or even possible.
Certain activities or institutions become
global, they must displace existing local
variable activities and institution. If there are
more linkages, global institutions, and global
values, presumably this means that more
people will have more in common.
Reasons Why Globalization will not make the World
• General rules and models are interpreted in light of local
circumstances. Regions respond to similar economic constraints in
different ways; countries still have great leeway in structuring their
own policies; the same television program means different things to
audiences; such as McDonald's adopts its menu and marketing to
local tastes.
• Growing similarity provokes reactions. Advocates for many cultures
seek to protect their heritage or assert their identity. (action of
indigenous people to claim their right to cultural survival.
Reasons Why Globalization will not make the
World Homogeneous
Cultural and political differences have themselves
become globally valid. The notion that the people
and countries are entitled to their particularity of
distinctiveness is itself part to global culture. the
tension between homogeneity and heterogeneity
is integral of globalization.
Is Globalization Harmful?
Globalization may be harmful to the well-being (fears)
of individuals, countries and cultures :If the market is
the driving force - it is bound to exacerbate (worsen)
inequality by creating winners and losers. If makes
world homogeneous - many cultures are in troubles.
Loss of local autonomy may mean that the more
people will be vulnerable (defenseless) to economic
swings, environmental degradation, and epidemics.
Interdisciplinary Understanding of Globalization
Political Scientist
Political activity increasingly takes place at the global level. Under
globalization, politics can take place above the state through political
integration schemes such as the European Union, the ASEAN integration
where Philippines is involved though intergovernmental organizations
such as the IMF, the WB, and the WTO. Political activity can also
transcend national borders through global movements and Non-
Governmental Organization (NGO)Civil society organizations act globally
by forming alliances with organizations in other countries, using global
communication system, and lobbying international organizations and
actors directly, instead of working through their national governments.
Interdisciplinary Understanding of Globalization
Integration through international trade of markets in goods and
services as reflected in variety of possible measures (direct measures of
barriers such as tariffs and transport costs, trade volumes and price
related measures).foreign direct investment, increased trade in
intermediate product, international outsourcing of services like the call
center industry, and international movement of persons like our OFWs.
Include the international spread of ideas, from consumer tastes (like
Coke and Hershey's) to intellectual ideas like technology patents and
management principles and accounting standards.
Interdisciplinary Understanding of Globalization
An on-going process that involves interconnected changes in the
cultural and social involves the spread and diffusion of
ideologies- values, ideas, norms, beliefs and expectations - that foster,
justify and provide legitimacy for economic and political globalization
fueled by globally integrated communication systems like social media,
media coverage of the world's elite and their lifestyles, the movements
of people around the world via business and leisure travel, and the
expectations of these travelers that the host societies will provide
amenities and experiences that reflects their own cultural norms.
Interdisciplinary Understanding of Globalization
Historian follow rather than lead the way. Globalization is not new
as a phenomenon but the word itself took hold only recently which
records shows first use in English in 1930 and shows that usage soared
suddenly in 1990's.Globalization defined most succinctly as the
interconnection of places far distant from each other. Globalization is
still too much entangled with world history, global history and
transnational history.
Free willing discussion to conclude the lesson

• What are your arguments about lesson 1?

• Provide a short synthesis of the arguments.

• Prepare for a short quiz.

Reminders: Quizzes will be facilitated in the bright space and professors

can give it through a paper quiz in the classroom.

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