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Name : Nadya Ramahdani

Nim : 2 1 5 111 0 5 0
Class : 1 Akuntansi b
What is describing jobs?
The tense which is used the most to describe jobs in
English is the Simple Present
• Job identification (identifikasi pekerjaan).
• Job summary (ringkasan pekerjaan) ;
• Duties performed (tugas-tugas yang harus dilaksanakan).
• Supervision given and received (pegawasan yang diberikan
dan diterima)
• Relation to other jobs (hubungan denga pekerjaan yang
• Machines, tools, materials (mesin, peralatan dan bahan).
• Working condition (kondisi kerja)
• Definitions of unusual terms (definisi dari istilah yang
tidak biasa).
• Comments that add to and clarify the above (penjelasan
yang menambah dan memperjelas hal-hal di atas) .
the most common
jobs in medicine jobs in Art and creative jobs related to protect jobs related to
work and serve management and
financial activities
doctor Guitarist Judge CEO

Veterinarian Dancer Lawyer Manager

heart specialist Sculptor Attorney Banker

Paramedic Graphic Designer

Prison Guard Accountant
Pharmacist Architect Traffic Officer Supervisor
Jobs in medicine
Cardiologist My father is a Cardiologist, He works in
Hostpital. His job is treating diseases
related to the heart and blood vessels, or
Sisca is a Pediatrician. She works in mother cardiovascular.
and child hospital. Her job is examining and
preventing disease in healthy children, as Pediatrician
well as providing treatment for sick children,
both acute and chronic diseases. My uncle is an eye specialist. He works in
Cicendo. His job is providing examination,
Eye specialist treatment, and diagnosis related to eye
diseases and visual disturbances.
My Mother is a Paramedic. She works in
Hostpital. Her job is providing pre-hospital Paramedic
and emergency medical services.
My grandpa is a pharmacist. He works in
clinic. His job is providing pharmaceutical
Pharmacist care to patients, aiming to achieve proper
and safe use of medicines, as well as basic
primary health care services
Jobs in art and
creative work My brother is a guitarist. He works on the
Guitarist stage. His job is playing the guitar and
playing with a variety of guitars, from
classical guitars, acoustic guitars, electric
My sister is a dancer. She works in the guitars, and bass guitars.
dance studio. Her job is dancing for fun, as
a hobby, or for a job and enjoying the Dancer
music most of all.
My aunty is a sculptor. She works in
sculpture studio. Her job is taking a
Sculptor material and molds or carving it to make a
finished product
Asilah is a graphic designer. She works in
her own house. Her job is creating Graphic Designer
illustrations, typography, photography, or
motion graphics.
Naviz is a architect. He works in his own
Architect house. His job is planning and designing the
construction of buildings.
Jobs related to
Protect and serve

This man is a judge. He works High

Judge Court. His job is deciding the case

My father is a lawyer. He works in

advocate, work to helping people in solving
problems in court Lawyer

My uncle is a prison guard. he works in a

prison cell, his job is to looking after every
Prison Guard
prisoner in prison

My mother is a traffic officer. She works on

the road, her job is to regulating the flow Traffic Officer
of traffic
Jobsrelated to Management &
financial activities My father is a CEO. He works in
CEO a company. His job is managing
the running of the company and
making decisions for the company
I’m a manager. I works in a company. My
job is to overseeing several business Manager
segments company
I’m a banker. I works in a banl. My job is
setting the course of the bank company

My friend is a accountant. She

works in a company. Her job is Accountant
processing data, making financial
reports, etc

My big brother is a supervisor. He works

Supervisor in a company. His job is carrying out
production monitoring
Thank you

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