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Consumer Is King

Click to edit Master subtitle style Presented By: Vishesh Kotha Roll No: 62 MBA General Previous Section A


What Is A Consumer?
The person finally who will use or consume goods or services provided by a Company. Every person is a consumer one way or another.


Importance Of The Consumer.

Life-blood of the companies. Back bone of the economy. Essential for survival of market.


Reasons For Consumer Loss


Companys Aspect

Management Consumer Satisfaction Consumer Behaviour Customer Relationship The 4 Ps Consumer Demand


Marketing Management
Ten rules of radical marketing The CEO must own the marketing function. Make sure the marketing department starts small and flat and stays small and flat. Get face to face with the people who matter most the consumers. Use market research 4/20/12 cautiously.

Marketing Management

only passionate missionaries. Love and respect your consumers. Create a community of consumers. Rethink the marketing mix. Celebrate uncommon sense. Be true to the brand.


Marketing System
A simple marketing system


The 4 Ps


Consumer Satisfaction
Determines how products and service provided by the company surpass the consumers Purpose:- Indicates consumer purchase intentions and loyalty. Construction:- Measured at individual level but reported at aggregate level. Methodologies:- American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).

Consumer Behaviour
Consumer behaviour is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy a product.

box model Information Search Information Evaluation Purchase Decision Post purchase Evaluation 4/20/12 Internal Influences

Customer Relationship Management

CRM is a widely implemented strategy for managing a companys interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. Benefits Challenges Types Strategy Implementation Development 4/20/12

Customer Relationship Management

Benefits of CRM Quality and efficiency Decrease in overall costs Decision support Enterprise agility Customer Attention


Customer Relationship Management

Challenges Complexity Poor Usability Fragmentation Business Reputation Security Concerns


Customer Relationship Management

Types Sales force automation Marketing Customer service and support Appointment Analytics Integrated/collaborative Small business Social media

Customer Relationship Management

Strategy Processes People Technology


Customer Relationship Management

Implementation Implementation Issues Adoption Issues Statistics Increasing Usage and Adoption Rate Help Menus


Customer Relationship Management

Development Clarity Test Users


Consumer Demand
Consumer Demand or Consumerism is a social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in ever greater amounts.


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