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• Psychrometric properties.
• Phychrometric processes.
1.Sensible heating and cooling.
2.Cooling and humidification.
3.Heating and Humidification.
4.Humidification and dehumidification.
5.Mixing of two stream of air.
6.Evaporative cooling/Adiabatic Humidification.

• Psychrometry charts and Its use.

• Comfort Conditions.

• Air conditioning components and equipment.

• Air conditioning systems and its controls.

Psychrometric Terms

Dry-Bulb Temperature (DBT): It is the temperature of air measured by an ordinary

It is denoted by – T db

Wet-Bulb Temperature (WBT): It is the temperature measured by a thermometer when

the bulb is covered by a wetted wick and exposed to a current of rapid moving air.
It is denoted by – T wb

Relative Humidity (RH): It is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in
the mixture to the saturated partial pressure at the dry bulb temperature.
It is expressed in percentage.

Specific Humidity (Humidity Ratio): It is the ratio of the mass of water vapour per
unit mass of dry air in the mixture of vapour and air.
It is expressed as grams of water per kg of dry air.
Psychrometric Terms
Dew Point Temperature (DPT): It is the temperature to which air must be cooled at
constant pressure in order to cause condensation of any of its water vapour. It is equal to
steam table saturation temperature corresponding to the actual partial pressure of water
vapour in the air.
It is denoted by – T dp

Specific Enthalpy: It is the is the measure of the total thermal energy in moist air.
It is expressed as energy per unit weight of air (kJ/kg of dry air).

Specific Volume: It represents the space occupied by a moist air.

It is expressed as volume per unit weight of dry air. (m3/kg of dry
Atmospheric air: Air in the atmosphere containing some water vapor (or moisture).
Dry air: Air that contains no water vapor.
Saturated air: The air saturated with moisture.

Water vapor in the air plays a major role in human comfort. Therefore, it is
an important consideration in air-conditioning applications.

Water vapor in air behaves as if it existed alone and

obeys the ideal-gas relation Pv = RT. Then the
atmospheric air can be treated as an ideal-gas mixture:

Pa = Partial pressure of dry air

Pv = Partial pressure of vapor (vapor pressure)

Note: For saturated air, the vapor pressure is equal to the saturation pressure of
Psychrometric Relations

Absolute or Specific Humidity (Humidity Ratio): The mass of water vapor present in
a unit mass of dry air.
Psychrometric Relations
Relative Humidity: The ratio of the amount of moisture the air holds (mv) to the
amount of moisture the air can hold at the same temperature (mg).

Degree of Saturation: The ratio of actual humidity ratio to the humidity ratio of saturated
air at the same temperature and total pressure.
Psychrometric Relations

Specific Enthalpy:

The enthalpy of moist (atmospheric) air is

expressed per unit mass of dry air, not per unit
mass of moist air.

The specific humidity (and relative humidity) of The adiabatic saturation process
air can be determined from these equations by and its representation
measuring the pressure and temperature of air on a T-s diagram of water.
at the inlet and the exit of an adiabatic saturator. 8
The adiabatic saturation
process is not practical.
To determine the absolute
and relative
humidity of air, a more
practical approach is to
use a thermometer whose
bulb is covered with a
cotton wick saturated with
water and to blow air over
The temperature
measured is the wet- A simple arrangement to
bulb temperature Twb measure the wet-bulb
and it is commonly used temperature. Sling psychrometer
in A-C applications.

For air–water vapor mixtures at atmospheric

pressure, Twb is approximately equal to the
adiabatic saturation temperature.
Example 1

A 5-m x 5-m x 3-m room contains air at 25°C and 100 kPa at a
relative humidity of 75 percent.
a) the partial pressure of dry air,
b) the specific humidity,
c) the enthalpy per unit mass of the dry air,
d) the mass of the dry air and water vapor in the room.
Example 1…. cntd
Example 1…. cntd
Example 2
In cold weather, condensation frequently occurs on the inner surfaces of the windows due to
the lower air temperatures near the window surface. Consider a house, that contains air at
20°C and 75 percent relative humidity. At what window temperature will the moisture in
the air start condensing on the inner surfaces of the windows?


The saturation pressure of water at 20°C is Psat 2.3392 kPa …..(Table A–4).
Example 3

The dry- and the wet-bulb temperatures of atmospheric air at 1 atm (101.325 kPa) pressure
are measured with a sling psychrometer and determined to be 25°C and 15°C,
(a) the specific humidity,
(b) the relative humidity, and
(c) the enthalpy of the air.
Example 3…. cntd
Example 3…. cntd
Psychrometry Charts
• The air conditioning processes
are best understood by studying
• Psychrometry is the study of
atmospheric air and
associated water vapor.
• A Psychrometric chart
represents physical and thermal
properties of moist air in a
graphical form.
Psychrometry – Dry Bulb Temp
Psychrometry – Wet Bulb Temp
Psychrometry – Saturation Line
Psychrometry – Relative Humidity
Psychrometry – Humidity Ratio
Psychrometry – Dew Point Lines
Psychrometry – Specific Enthalpy
Psychrometry – Specific Volume
Example 4

A room contains humid air Tdb = 25°C and Twb

=20°C. Calculate:
(a) Relative Humidity
(b) Dew Point Temperature (Tdp)
(c) Humidity Ratio
(d) Specific Volume
(e) Specific Enthalpy
57. 5 KJ/kg
of d. a.

17.8 °C kg/ kg
of d. a.

0.865 m3/kg
of d. a.
Psychrometry – Processes
Simple Heating and Cooling ( = constant)
Many residential heating systems consist of a stove, a heat pump, or an electric
resistance heater. The air in these systems is heated by circulating it through a duct that
contains the tubing for the hot gases or the electric resistance wires.
Cooling can be accomplished by passing the air over some coils through which a
refrigerant or chilled water flows.
Heating and cooling appear as a horizontal line since no moisture is added to or
removed from the air.
During simple cooling, specific
Dry air mass balance  humidity remains constant, but
Water mass balance relative humidity increases.
Energy balance

During simple heating, specific humidity remains

constant, but relative humidity decreases. 15
Heating with Humidification
Problems with the low relative humidity resulting from simple heating can be
eliminated by humidifying the heated air. This is accomplished by passing the air first
through a heating section and then through a humidifying section.
Example 5
The atmospheric air at Tdb1 = 25°C and Twb1 =12°C is flowing at a rate of 100
m3/min through a duct. The dry saturated steam at 100°C is injected into the
air stream at a rate of 72 kg/hr. calculate the specific humidity, DBT, WBT,
relative humidity and enthalpy of air leaving the duct.

Example 5

34.1 KJ/kg
of d. a.

0.034 kg/
kg of d.

0.848 m3/kg
of d. a.
Example 5

61.33 KJ/kg
of d. a.
kg/ kg of
34.1 KJ/kg d. a.
of d. a.

DBT=27 °C
0.034 kg/
kg of d. a.

0.848 m3/kg 0.866 m3/kg

of d. a. of d. a.
Cooling with Dehumidification
The specific humidity of air remains constant during a simple cooling process, but its
relative humidity increases. If the relative humidity reaches undesirably high levels, it
may be necessary to remove some moisture from the air, that is, to dehumidify it.
This requires cooling the air below its dew-point temperature.

Example 6

Air at 40°C DBT and 60 % RH is cooled to 25°C DBT. It is achieved

by cooling and dehumidification. Air flow rate is 40 m3/min. Using
psychrometric chart
a) The dew point temperature
b) Mass of water drained out per hr.
c) Capacity of cooling coil
d) By-pass factor
If the apparatus dew-point temperature is 20°C, find the by pass factor
of coil.
Example 6
113 KJ/
kg of d. a.

30.6 °C 0.0285
kg/ kg of
d. a.

71 KJ/ kg
of d. a.
0.018 kg/
kg of d. a.

0.925 m3/kg
of d. a.
Adiabatic Mixing of Airstreams
Many A-C applications require the mixing of two
airstreams. This is particularly true for large
buildings, most production and process plants, and
hospitals, which require that the conditioned air be
mixed with a certain fraction of fresh outside air
before it is routed into the living space.

When two airstreams at states 1 and 2 are

mixed adiabatically, the state of the
mixture lies on the straight line connecting
the two states.
Evaporative Cooling
In desert (hot and dry) climates, we can This process is essentially identical to
avoid the high cost of conventional cooling adiabatic saturation process.
by using evaporative coolers, also known as
swamp coolers.
As water evaporates, the latent heat of
vaporization is absorbed from the water
body and the surrounding air. As a result,
both the water and the air are cooled during
the process.

Wet Cooling Towers
Power plants, large air-conditioning
systems, and some industries generate
large quantities of waste heat that is
often rejected to cooling water from
nearby lakes or rivers.
In some cases, however, the cooling
water supply is limited or thermal
pollution is a serious concern.
In such cases, the waste heat must be
rejected to the atmosphere, with cooling
water recirculating and serving as a
transport medium for heat transfer
between the source and the sink (the
One way of achieving this is through An induced-draft counterflow cooling tower.
the use of wet cooling towers.
A wet cooling tower is essentially a
semi-enclosed evaporative cooler.

Natural-draft cooling tower: It looks like a large chimney and works like an
ordinary chimney. The air in the tower has a high water-vapor content, and thus it is
lighter than the outside air. Consequently, the light air in the tower rises, and the heavier
outside air fills the vacant space, creating an airflow from the bottom of the tower to the
Spray pond: The warm water is sprayed into the air and is cooled by the air as it
falls into the pond,
Cooling pond: Dumping the waste heat into a still pond, which is basically a
large artificial lake open to the atmosphere.

Two natural draft cooling towers on a

roadside. A spray pond.
Air Conditioning

• Air conditioning (often referred to as A/C or AC) is the process of altering the
properties of air (primarily temperature and humidity) to more comfortable
conditions, typically with the aim of distributing the conditioned air to an
occupied space to improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality.
• Air conditioning is defined as a process which cools (or heat) , clean,
circulates, freshen air, and controls its moisture content simultaneously.
• Most of the air conditioning, particularly in India and such other countries, is
cooling : i.e. removal of heat from an enclosed space.
• In the most general sense, air conditioning can refer to any form of technology
that modifies the condition of air (heating, cooling, (de-) humidification,
cleaning, ventilation, or air movement).
Requirement of Air Conditioning
• Comfort and health of occupants
Comfort air conditioning : - Aim at giving max human comfort
to occupants/users of conditioned space

• Needs of certain industrial processes

Industrial air conditioning : - The conditioning creates, controls and

maintains such an environment inside the conditioned space, that it
would suit best to the needs of industry.

• Efficient working of commercial premises/offices

Factors affecting Human Comfort
The four atmospheric condition which affect human comforts are-
Temperature control
▣ Effective temp
= 200C to 23 C in

▣ Effective Temp
= 180C to 220C in
▣ For Indian
conditions 250C with
60% relative
humidity to 300C
with 45 %
relative humidity, with
air velocity not
exceeding 10 m/min

▣ During
Essentials of A. C. Systems

1. Filtration
2. Heating (in winter)
3. Cooling (in summer)
4. Humidification
5. Dehumidification
6. Air circulation or distribution
Air Conditioning Systems Equipment's

1. Filter
2. Washer
3. Fan
4. Duct
5. Radiator
6. Convector
Essentials of A. C. Systems
1. Filtration

• Should be capable of removing dust, ash, smoke, bacteria etc

• Should be capable of holding moderate amount of dust without affecting
the efficiency
• Should offer low resistance to flow of air
• Workable under sufficient range of velocities.
• Should afford easy cleaning manually or mechanically

2. Heating (in winter)

• Heating is necessary in winter so as to compensate heat loss from room.

• Pre heating of incoming air may be done by passing over air furnaces or
coils through which hot water is circulated.

3. Cooling (in summer)

• Cooling of incoming air is necessary in summer.
• Principle of mechanical refrigeration is used.
Essentials of A. C. Systems
4. Humidification
• Humidification or addition of water is necessary in winter when
air because of low temp has less humidity.
• Incoming air is passed through pans of water or wet cloth strips

5. Dehumidification

• In this process certain amount of water is extracted from air.

• This is done in summer where incoming air is cooled.
• Adsorbents can be used to adsorb excess moisture from air
Essentials of A. C. Systems
6. Air circulation or distribution
Air Conditioning Cycle
Air Conditioning Component
Air Conditioning Systems
Classification based on equipment's arranged:

a) Window A. C.
b) Spit A. C.
c) Central A. C.
d) Unitary or “packed” A. C.
Air Conditioning Systems
Classification based on major function:- (Purpose)

a) Comfort A.C.: Creating atmospheric conditions conductive to human health,

comfort & efficiency. A.C. in home, offices, stores, restaurants, theatres, hospitals
etc. are of these types.
b) Industrial A.C.: The purpose of these system is to control atmospheric
conditions primarily for proper conduct of research & manufacturing e.g.
electronics & computer industries, paper mills, textile mills, candy factories, photo
processing etc.
Air Conditioning Systems
Classification based on season of the year :

a) Winter A.C.: system: These systems, when properly designed & installed
maintain indoor atmospheric conditions for winter comfortable, namely
temperature, humidity. Air purity & air movements, when outside temperature
is very cold.
b) Summer A.C.: Maintains indoor condition comfortable when
outside atmospheric conditions are not comfortable, but it is very hot
& dry.
c) All year round A.C.: Maintains indoor temperature comfortable
throughout the year, while outside temperature may be very cold or hot.
Window Air Conditioning Systems
• These types of AC are designed to be
fitted in window sills.
• A single unit of Window Air
Conditioner houses all the necessary
components, namely the compressor,
condenser, expansion valve or coil,
evaporator and cooling coil enclosed in
a single box.
• Since a window AC is a single unit, it
takes less effort to install as well as for
• This is the most commonly used air
conditioner for single rooms.

• Single unit air conditioner
• Less effort needed for installation
• Costs lesser in comparison to other
Split Air Conditioning Systems
 These are kits of 2 units, one internal and another external.
 The indoor unit installed inside a room intakes warm air
and throws in cold air.
 The outdoor unit on the other hand is installed out of the
house. It contains the compressor and is linked to the
internal unit via drain pipes and electric cables. This
external unit throws out the warm air.
 Split air conditioners are used for small rooms and halls,
usually in places where window air conditioners cannot be
installed. However, these days many people prefer split
air conditioner units even for places where window air
conditioners can be fitted.
 The split air conditioner takes up a very small space of
room, looks aesthetically cool and makes very little noise.

• Internal unit takes up less space for installation
• Usually more silent than window ACs
• Minimally affect your home decor
• Can be installed in room with no windows
Split Air Conditioning Systems
There are two main parts of the split air conditioner.

Outdoor unit:
• This unit houses important components of the air
conditioner like the compressor, condenser coil
and also the expansion coil or capillary tubing.
• This unit is installed outside the room or office
space which is to be cooled.
• The compressor is the maximum noise making
part of the air conditioner, and since in the split
air conditioner, it is located outside the room, the
major source of noise is eliminated.
• In the outdoor unit there is a fan that blows air
over the condenser thus cooling the compressed
Freon gas in it.
• This gas passes through the expansion coil and
gets converted into low pressure, low
temperature partial gas and partial liquid
Freon fluid.
Split Air Conditioning Systems

Indoor unit:
• It is the indoor unit that produces the
cooling effect inside the room or the office.
• This is a beautiful looking tall unit usually
white in color, though these days a number of
stylish models of the indoor unit are being
• The indoor unit houses the evaporator coil or
cooling coil, a long blower and the filter.
• After passing from the expansion coil, the
chilled Freon fluid enters the cooling
• The blower sucks the hot, humid and filtered
air from the room and it blows it over the
cooling coil.
• As the air passes over cooling coil its
temperature reduces drastically and also
loses the excess moisture.
• The cool and dry air enters the room and
maintains comfortable conditions of around
Central Air Conditioning Systems
• Central air conditioning is used for cooling big buildings, houses, offices,
entire hotels, gyms, movie theaters, factories etc.
• If the whole building is to be air conditioned, HVAC engineers find that putting
individual units in each of the rooms is very expensive making this a better
• A central air conditioning system is comprised of a huge compressor that
has the capacity to produce hundreds of tons of air conditioning.
• Cooling big halls, malls, huge spaces, galleries etc. is usually only feasible
with central conditioning units
• central air conditioner unit is an energy moving or converted machines that are
designed to cool or heat the entire house.
• It does not create heat or cool. It just removes heat from one area, where it
is undesirable, to an area where it is less significant.
• Central air conditions has a centralize duct system.
• It uses AC refrigerant (we may know it as Freon) as a substance to absorb
the heat from indoor evaporator coils and rejects that heat to outdoor
condenser coils or vice verse.
Central Air Conditioning Systems
• The chilled water types of central air conditioning
plants are installed in the place where whole large
buildings, shopping mall, airport, hotel, etc.
comprising of several floors are to be air .
• While in the direct expansion type of central air
conditioning plants, refrigerant is directly used to
cool the room air; in the chilled water plants the
refrigerant first chills the water, which in turn chills
the room air.
• In chilled water plants, the ordinary water or brine
solution is chilled to very low temperatures of
about 6 to 8 degree Celsius by the refrigeration
• This chilled water is pumped to various floors of
the building and its different parts.
• In each of these parts the air handling units are
installed, which comprise of the cooling coil,
blower and the ducts. The chilled water flows
through the cooling coil. The blower absorbs return
air from the air conditioned rooms that are to be
cooled via the ducts.
Packaged Air Conditioning Systems
• The window and split air conditioners are
usually used for the small air
conditioning capacities up to 5 tons.
• The central air conditioning systems are used
for where the cooling loads extend beyond
20 tons.
• The packaged air conditioners are used for
the cooling capacities in between these two
• The packaged air conditioners are available
in the fixed rated capacities of 3,5, 7, 10 and
15 tons.
• These units are used commonly in places
like restaurants, telephone exchanges,
homes, small halls, etc.
Winter Air Conditioning Systems
In winter outside temperature is low hence heating of air is needed for comfort.
▣ Cycle of operations consists of:
• Air cleaning
• Air heating
• Humidification
• Air distribution/circulation
Summer Air Conditioning Systems
In summer outside temp is more and hence cooling of air is required
▣ Cycle of operations consists of
• Air cleaning
• Air cooling
• Dehumidification
• Air distribution/circulation
Air Conditioning Controlling
1. Manually Controlled Systems
2. Automatic Controlling Systems
3. Semi-Automatic Controlling Systems
Duct Design

Sizes of Ducts 1. Max. Air Velo. without Undue

2. Max. Air Velo. without Excessive Frictional

Large Ducts ↓ Frictional Loss.

↑ Space / Investment.

Economic Balance is required…!!!

General Rules for Duct Design

• Air should be conveyed as directly as possible to save space, power and material
• Sudden changes in directions should be avoided. When not possible to avoid
sudden changes, turning vanes should be used to reduce pressure loss
• Diverging sections should be gradual. Angle of divergence ≤ 200
• Aspect ratio should be as close to 1.0 as possible. Normally, it should not
exceed 4
• Air velocities should be within permissible limits to reduce noise and
• Duct material should be as smooth as possible to reduce frictional losses
Steps in Duct Design

Step 1 : Layout the Most Convenient System of placing the ducts.

Step 2 : Calculating the Air Requirement at each Duct Outlet.

Step 3 : Determining the Sizes of these Outlet Branches.

Step 4 : Calculate size of each duct by :

a) Assumed Velocity Method.

b) Constant Pr. Drop Method / Equal Friction


c) Balanced Pressure Loss Method.

d) Static Regain Method.

Step 5 : Maximum Resistance α Fan Static Pressure.

Air Conditioning Load Estimation
Air Conditioning Load Estimation
Air Conditioning Load Estimation
Air Conditioning Load Estimation
Air Conditioning Load Estimation
Example on Cooling Load
An Air conditioning system is to be designed for a restaurant with the following
data: Outdoor design condition = DBT=400C, WBT =280C
Inside design conditions = DBT=250C, RH =50%
Solar heat gain through walls, roof, floor =5.87
kW Solar heat gain through glass =5.52 kW
No. of occupants =25
Sensible heat gain per person=58
W Latent heat gain per person = 60
Internal lightening load =15 lamps
of 100 W & 10 CFL tubes of 80 W
Sensible heat gain from other
resources = 11.60 kW
infiltration air =15 m3/min
If fresh 25 % air and 75% recirculated air is mixed and passed through the
conditioner coil find the following:
i) Dew point temperature.
ii) Condition of supply air to the room.
iii) Amount of air required in m3/hr.
iv)Capacity of conditioning plant.
Example on Cooling Load

O WO = 0.0191

Wi = 0.0098
25  58
SH load due to occupants  1000  1.45
25  60
LH load due to occupants  1000  1.50
kW load due to infiltration air  0.0204 x air flow rate (m 3 /min) (To - Ti)
SH load due to infiltration air  0.0204 x 15 x(40 - 25)  4.59 kW
LH load due to infiltration air  50 x air flow rate (m 3 /min) (Wo -
Wi) SH load due to infiltration air  50 x 15 x(0.0191 - 0.0098) 
6.975 kW SH load due to lightening load  (100 x 15)  (80 x 10) /
1000  2.3 kW
Room Sensible Heat Load  5.87  5.52  1.45  2.30  11.6  4.59  31.33
kW Room Latent Heat Load  1.5  6.975  8.475 kW
RSHF    0.7871
RSHL  RLHL 31.33 

0.25 x To  0.75 x 0.25 x 40  0.75 x

T3    28.75 0 C
Ti 1 25 1
Example on Cooling Load

hO = 90

O WO = 0.0191
h3 = 60.5 Tdbo = 400C

hi = 51

h4 = 37 3 W3 = 0.0121
Tdb3 = 28.750C Wi = 0.0098
DPT = 10.5 4
I W4 = 0.0088
Tdbi = 250C
Twb4 = 130C

Tdb4 = 14.40C
Room Sensible Heat Load or Heat absorbed by total
RSCL or RSHL  0.0204 x Total air required (m 3 /min) x (Ti - T
4 )  31.33
kW air required  144.88 m 3
/min Total air required  8693.11
m 3 /hr

Capacity of cooling coil  0.0204 x

Total air required (m 3 /min) x (h
-h )
3 4

RSCL or RSHL  0.0204 x (8693.11/60) x (60.5 - 37)  69.45 kW 

19.845 TR
Atmospheric air: Air in the atmosphere containing
some water vapor (or moisture).
Dry air: Air that contains no water vapor.
Water vapor in the air plays a major role in human
comfort. Therefore, it is an important consideration in
air-conditioning applications.

Water vapor in air behaves as if it existed alone and The cp of air can be
obeys the ideal-gas relation Pv = RT. Then the assumed to be constant at
atmospheric air can be treated as an ideal-gas 1.005 kJ/kg·°C in the
mixture: temperature range 10
to 50°C with an error
under 0.2%.
Pa Partial pressure of dry air
Pv Partial pressure of vapor (vapor pressure)
For water h = h(T ) since water
hg = 2500.9 kJ/kg at 0°C vapor is an ideal gas
cp,avg = 1.82 kJ/kg · °C at 10 to 50°C range
In the temperature range
10 to 50°C, the hg of
water can be determined
from Eq. 14-4 with
negligible error.

Below 50°C, the h = const. lines coincide

with the T = const. lines in the
superheated vapor region of water. 4
Absolute or specific humidity
(humidity ratio): The mass of water
vapor present in a unit mass of dry air.

For saturated air, the vapor pressure

is equal to the saturation pressure of

Saturated air: The air saturated with

Relative humidity: The ratio of the amount
of moisture the air holds (mv) to the maximum
amount of moisture the air can hold at the same
temperature (mg).

h relative humidities. 5
What is the relative humidity
of dry air and saturated air?

In most practical applications, the

amount of dry air in the air– water-
vapor mixture remains constant, but
the amount of water vapor changes.
Therefore, the enthalpy of
atmospheric air is expressed per
unit mass of dry air.

The enthalpy of moist (atmospheric) air is

Dry-bulb temperature: expressed per unit mass of dry air, not per unit
The ordinary mass of moist air.
temperature of 6
atmospheric air.
Dew-point temperature Tdp:
The temperature at which
condensation begins when the air
is cooled at constant pressure
(i.e., the saturation temperature of
water corresponding to the vapor

Constant-presssure cooling of moist air

and the dew-point temperature on the T-
s diagram of water.

When the temperature of a

cold drink is below the dew-
point temperature of the
surrounding air, it “sweats.” 7
Psychrometric charts: Present moist air properties in a convenient form. They are used
extensively in A-C applications. The psychrometric chart serves as a valuable aid in
visualizing the A-C processes such as heating, cooling, and humidification.

Schematic for a psychrometric chart. For saturated air, the dry-bulb, wet-bulb,
and dew-point temperatures are identical.
Today, modern air-conditioning systems can heat,
cool, humidify, dehumidify, clean, and even deodorize
the air–in other words, condition the air to peoples’ AND AIR-
The rate of heat generation by human body depends on
the level of the activity. For an average adult male, it is
about 87 W when sleeping, 115 W when resting or
doing office work, and 440 W when doing heavy
physical work.
When doing light work or walking slowly, about half of
the rejected body heat is dissipated through perspiration
as latent heat while the other half is dissipated through
convection and radiation as sensible heat.

We cannot
change the

weather, but we
can change the
climate in a
confined space A body feels comfortable when it
by air- can freely dissipate its waste
conditioning. heat, and no more. 11
In an environment at 10°C with 48 The comfort of the human body depends
km/h winds feels as cold as an primarily on three factors: the (dry-
environment at -7°C with 3 km/h bulb) temperature, relative
winds as a result of the body- chilling humidity, and air motion.
effect of the air motion (the The relative humidity affects the
wind-chill factor). amount of heat a body can dissipate
through evaporation. Most people prefer a
relative humidity of 40 to 60%.
Air motion removes the warm, moist air
that builds up around the body and
replaces it with fresh air. Air motion
should be strong enough to remove heat
and moisture from the vicinity of the
body, but gentle enough to be unnoticed.
An important factor that affects human
comfort is heat transfer by radiation
between the body and the surrounding
surfaces such as walls and windows.
Other factors that affect comfort are air
cleanliness, odor, and noise.

A comfortable environment. 12
Maintaining a living space or an
industrial facility at the desired
temperature and humidity requires
some processes called air-
conditioning processes.
These processes include simple
heating (raising the temperature),
simple cooling (lowering the
temperature), humidifying (adding
moisture), and dehumidifying
(removing moisture).
Sometimes two or more of these
processes are needed to bring the air
to a desired temperature and
humidity level.
Air is commonly heated and
humidified in winter and cooled and
dehumidified in summer. Various air-conditioning processes.

Most air-conditioning processes can be modeled as steady-flow processes with
the following general mass and energy balances:

Mass balance

Energy balance

The work term usually consists of the fan work input, which is
small relative to the other terms in the energy balance relation.

Heating with Humidification
Problems with the low relative humidity resulting from simple heating can be
eliminated by humidifying the heated air. This is accomplished by passing the air first
through a heating section and then through a humidifying section.


Cooling with Dehumidification
The specific humidity of air remains constant during a simple cooling process, but its
relative humidity increases. If the relative humidity reaches undesirably high levels, it
may be necessary to remove some moisture from the air, that is, to dehumidify it.
This requires cooling the air below its dew-point temperature.

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In desert (hot and dry) climates, we can Evaporative Cooling
avoid the high cost of conventional cooling
This process is essentially identical to
by using evaporative coolers, also
adiabatic saturation process.
known as swamp coolers.
As water evaporates, the latent heat of
vaporization is absorbed from the water
body and the surrounding air. As a result,
both the water and the air are cooled
during the process.

Water in a porous jug left in an open,

breezy area cools as a result of
evaporative cooling. 19

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