Data Flow Diagrams - Set 2

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Kendall & Kendall

Systems Analysis and Design,
Global Edition, 9e

Using Data Flow


Kendall & Kendall Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
• DFDs graphically depict business processes and the logical
flow of data through those processes
• Are decomposition diagrams – they decompose business
processes into smaller, more easily understood units
• Processes that appear on a DFD may be processes that
• Completed in parallel
• Completed in a particular sequence, or both.
• Presenting processes in parallel as well as in sequence
distinguishes DFDs from other modeling methods
• Processes on a DFD can also take place at totally different
intervals, e.g.
• Certain processes may be performed by clerks on a daily basis,
• Others are performed on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.
• DFDs are used to model real-world processes

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The Four Basic Symbols Used in Data Flow
Diagrams, Their Meanings, and Examples
(Figure 7.1)
Note: there is
External Entity No distinction
•A department
•A business
Manual or
•A person
•A machine
Movement of data
From one point to

Occurrence of

Data store

An entire system and numerous subsystems, can be depicted graphically with these
Four symbols in combination.
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DFD entities
• Entity – a person or group that is an initial source or final
destination of data objects.
• Process – an action that transforms input data objects into
output data objects
• Data store – a holding area for data, either permanent or
temporary; a stockpile where data is stored between
• Data flow – connections between processes and other DFD
symbols along which individual logical data objects and
collections (sometimes called packets) of logical data
objects pass.

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Data Sources and Destinations (entities)
• Represent initial sources & final destinations of data for DFD
• Represent organizations, agents, or people, inside and
outside the system under study – that are sources or
destinations of data.
• The provide inputs to or receive outputs from processes of
the business application under investigation
• They are considered to be external to the application
processes (not a part of them), yet necessarily related to
• Each entity symbol is assigned a label that names the real
world object it represents

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Processes in DFDs
• Processes represent the transformation of
data as it flows through the firm:
• Data flows into a process, is changed
(processed), and then flows out
• Processes may be either manual or
• DFD shows the logical operations
performed for a business and how they are
related to other processes.

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Data stores in DFDs
• A process either stores or accesses data
• A data store is a temporary or permanent holding area for
data – a stockpile where data is stored between processes
• Data stores represent data objects at rest
• Data used by an application is normally stored somewhere in
a database (or in a manual medium such as a filing cabinet)
that holds the data objects depicted as the data store
• It makes no sense to show that data objects leaving one
data store and entering another data store without including
a process symbol between the data stores.
• Data stores are assigned unique and descriptive names for
reference purposes

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Data stores - continued
• Logical data objects that enter a store from one process
should also exit the store, either to the same process or to
some other process
• Data store depicts data objects that are set aside for
future use by a process.

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Data Flows in DFDs
• Data flows are connections between processes and other
DFD symbols along which individual logical objects and
collections (sometimes called packets) of logical objects
• Data flow depict logical data objects that pass between a
process and another process, a data store, or an entity.
• Data flow directed to or from a data store – is entering or
exiting a data holding area.
• Data flows are represented on a DFD by connecting
arrows that show the pat of the data through the

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Data Flow Diagrams
• Data flow diagrams depict:
• System inputs
• Processes
• Outputs

• DFDs are useful for communication between the analyst and the user
• DFDs allow the analyst to present a graphic interpretation of the way
data flows throughout the business, and where and how processing
• The analyst can present DFDs to users and ask the users to suggest
changes for omissions, additions, or corrections
• The modifications can be incorporated during:
• Analysis
• Logical design rather than later – in the physical phases of the present.

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Rules Governing the Creation and Use
of DFDs
• DFD should model business processes and the flow of data
through a business system
• DFDs should have no physical or time orientation;
processes with totally different physical or time orientations
often appear on the same DFD
• Entities should appear on DFDs as initial sources and final
destinations of data
• No freestanding symbols (entities, processes, stores) or
freestanding sections of symbols are permitted
• Balanced inputs and outputs should occur along
decomposition (explosion) paths through DFD levels
• Complete dictionary entries should be created for all
symbols and labeled data flows on DFD
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Entity Rules
• A source or destination entity does not directly connect to
data sources or other entities
• All data leaving or entering an entity must be processes
• Entity names may be repeated only when they represent
the same entity.

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Data Flow Rules
• Data flows depict a logical data object (LDS) or collection
of logical data objects (M-LDSs) that flow into or out of a
DFD process
• Data does not flow from one data store to another, or
from a data store to an entity, or vice versa, without being
• A data flow into or out of a data store need not be labelled
if it consists of the same data object or collection of data
objects that the data store symbolizes
• Data flow labels are unique and nonrepeating
• Separate data flows on the same DFD may depict the
same logical data object (LDS) or collection of logical data
objects (M-LDSs).

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Data Store Rules
• A data store depicts logical data object (LDS) or a
collection of logical data objects (M-LDSs) at rest
• The physical nature of the storage media is not identified
in logical DFDs
• Data stores are prepared as necessary
• In the design dictionary, data stores are classified as read-
only, write- only, or read-write.

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Process Rules
• Processes do not produce output without input
• A process must be capable of producing the output
existing the process from the inputs entering it
• The names of processes are specified as active or passive
• Process names are unique and nonrepeating
• Process names for active processes should exhibit a stron
statement of action
• DFD processes specify only what and why, not how to
complete business processes.
• A process on one DFD may decompose into multiple sub-
processes on a lower-level DFD through the action known
as explosion.

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Advantages of the Data Flow Approach –
over narrative explanation of the way data
move through the system

• Freedom from committing to the technical

implementation too early
• Understanding of the interrelatedness of systems
and subsystems
• Communicating current system knowledge to
• Analysis of the proposed system – to determine if
the necessary data and processes have been
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Basic Symbols

Use a combination of four symbols to create

a pictorial depiction of processes that will
eventually provide solid system
• A double square for an external entity
• An arrow for movement of data from one point
to another
• A rectangle with rounded corners for the
occurrence of a transforming process
• An open-ended rectangle for a data store

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The Four Basic Symbols Used in Data Flow
Diagrams, Their Meanings, and Examples
(Figure 7.1)
Note: there is
External Entity No distinction
•A department
•A business
Manual or
•A person
•A machine
Movement of data
From one point to

Occurrence of

Data store

An entire system and numerous subsystems, can be depicted graphically with these
Four symbols in combination.
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External Entities
An external entity is something that is outside the scope of our system,
but interacts with it. An external entity may be a person, organization,
or another system that supplies information to the system and/or
receives information from the system.
•Represent another department, a business, a person, or a machine
•A source or destination of data, outside the boundaries of the system
•An external entity should be named using a noun
•Information regarding an external entity to be stored in the case
repository includes: label (name), type (entity), description, alias,
•Note: The same entity may be used more than once on a given data
flow diagram to avoid crossing data flow lines.

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Data Flow
• A data flow represents a single piece of data or set of
logically related data items that move to or from
• Several data flows may go into and out of each process.
• Shows movement of data from one point to another
• Described with a noun
• Arrowhead indicates the flow direction
• Represents data about a person, place, or thing

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A process represents action that are performed for some specific
business reason. A process should be named using a verb phrase.
Note: the data flow leaving a process is always labelled differently than
one entering it.
•Denotes a change in or transformation of data
•Represents work being performed in the system
•Naming convention:
• Assign the name of the whole system when naming a high-level process
e.g. inventory control system
• To name a major subsystem attach the word subsystem to the name e.g.
inventory reporting subsystem or internet customer fulfillment system.
• Use the form verb-adjective-noun for detailed processes – e.g. compute
sales tax, verify customer account status, prepare shipping invoice, print
back-ordered report, send customer email confirmation, verify credit card
balance, add inventory record.
• Information regarding a process to be stored in the case repository
includes: 1) label (name), 2) type (process), 3) description (what it is), 4)
process number, 5) process description (structured English), 6) notes.

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Data Store
• A data store represents a set of data that is stored
together – the data store holds the data. A data store
should be named using a noun.
• Because data stores represent a person, place, or thing,
they are named with a noun.
• A depository for data that allows examination, addition, and
retrieval of data
• Named with a noun, describing the data
• Data stores are usually given a unique reference number, such as
D1, D2, D3
• Represents a:
• Database
• Computerized file
• Filing cabinet

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Steps in Developing Data Flow

(Figure 7.2)

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Creating the Context Diagram

• The highest level in a data flow diagram

• Contains only one process, representing
the entire system
• The process is given the number 0
• All external entities, as well as major
data flows are shown

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Basic Rules

• The data flow diagram must have one

• Must not be any freestanding objects
• A process must have both an input and
output data flow
• A data store must be connected to at least
one process
• External entities should not be connected to
one another

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Example of Data Flow Diagram for an Employment
0 Completion of
Application Managerial
Employment reports
Applicant Manager
To a request
Made by
applicant Completion of
Governmental reports
Reports required


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Level 0 DFD
• The context level diagram (Level 0 DFD) above
has a single process – Employment Services
• The data that it requires from the Applicant entity
is processed to produce the data identified in the
applicant data, personnel data, and payroll data
data stores
• The employment services process uses this data to
respond to requests by the:
• Government agencies entity
• Manager entity , as well as
• The applicant

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Level 1 DFD
• The level 1 DFD provides details for the Employment
Services Process
• It shows three processes:
• Complete employment application
• Filling opening, and
• Create payroll data
• The processes use data from the “Applicant entity” to
produce “employment” and “payroll data” identified by
• Applicant data
• Personnel data, and
• Payroll data – data stores.
• The actions are performed with assistance from data types
entering and exiting the processes from / to the
“government agencies” and “manager” entities.
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Level 1 DFD - continued
• The following actions are symbolized by this DFD:
• Completion of application by applicant
• Use of applicant data by employment clerks to fill job openings
• Use of employment data by payroll clerks
• Payroll processing and completion of governmental and managerial

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Level 1 DFD for Employment Services


Level 2 DFD (EMPLY 0000)
• The complete employment application process in Figure 1
(level 1) explodes to the DFD in Figure 2 – which provides
the details for completing employment requests for the
system. This DFD includes five processes:
• Complete personnel form
• Validate application
• Check duplicate application
• Change application data, and
• Transcribe application
• These processes use data from the Applicant entity to
create, validate, compare with existing applications, and
either change an existing application or record a new

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Level 2 DFD (EMPLY 0000) - continued
• Notice that most of the processes on the DFD in Figure 2
have only one input and one output; it is close to what
many analysts would call a functional primitive.
• Semantic functional primitive –no further decomposition is
necessary for the analyst and the user to have a complete
understanding of the processes.
• The two data stores:
• Application form, and
• Application data – represent the handwritten application form and a
computer record of the application, respectively.

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Level 2 for complete employment application (EMPLY0000)

Figure 2: Level 2 DFD for Complete Employment Application 7-33

Example 2- Insurance RUs
• Create a level 0 diagram for the Insurance Rus (an online
car insurance company). The main processes are:
• Get customer information
• Calculate risk
• Calculate rate quote

Customer Information
Customer Calculate the
Rate Quotation Quote

Figure 4: Context Diagram

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Level 1- DFD (Insuarance Rus)

Age, Health,
D1 Actual Data Poor driving
0.2 History, Car,
Rate Rate demographics Address, etc.

D2 Provincial rate tables

Provincial Rates
Rate Qoute

Figure 4: Level 1 Diagram 7-35

Context Diagram (Figure 7.3)

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Drawing Diagram 0

• The explosion of the context diagram

• May include up to nine processes
• Each process is numbered
• Major data stores and all external
entities are included

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Drawing Diagram 0 (continued)

• Start with the data flow from an entity

on the input side
• Work backward from an output data
• Examine the data flow to or from a data
• Analyze a well-defined process
• Take note of any fuzzy areas
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Note Greater Detail in Diagram 0
(Figure 7.3)

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Data Flow Diagram Levels

• Data flow diagrams are built in layers

• The top level is the context level
• Each process may explode to a lower
• The lower level diagram number is the
same as the parent process number
• Processes that do not create a child
diagram are called primitive

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Creating Child Diagrams

• Each process on diagram 0 may be

exploded to create a child diagram
• A child diagram cannot produce output
or receive input that the parent process
does not also produce or receive
• The child process is given the same
number as the parent process
• Process 3 would explode to Diagram 3

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Creating Child Diagrams
• Entities are usually not shown on the
child diagrams below Diagram 0
• If the parent process has data flow
connecting to a data store, the child
diagram may include the data store as
• When a process is not exploded, it is
called a primitive process

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Differences between the Parent Diagram
(above) and the Child Diagram (below) (Figure

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Data Flow Diagrams Error
• Forgetting to include a data flow or
pointing an arrow in the wrong direction
• Connecting data stores and external
entities directly to each other
• Incorrectly labeling processes or data

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Data Flow Diagrams Error
Summary (continued)
• Including more than nine processes on
a data flow diagram
• Omitting data flow
• Creating unbalanced decomposition (or
explosion) in child diagrams

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Checking the Diagrams for Errors
(Figure 7.5)
• Forgetting to include a data flow or
pointing an arrow in the wrong direction

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Checking the Diagrams for
Errors (continued Figure 7.5)
• Connecting data stores and external
entities directly to each other

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Typical Errors that Can Occur in a Data
Flow Diagram (Payroll Example)
(continued Figure 7.5)

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Logical and Physical Data Flow
• Logical
• Focuses on the business and how the
business operates
• Not concerned with how the system will be
• Describes the business events that take
place and the data required and produced
by each event

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Logical and Physical Data Flow
• Physical
• Shows how the system will be
• Depicts the system

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Features Common of Logical and Physical
Data Flow Diagrams (Figure 7.7)

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The Progression of Models from
Logical to Physical (Figure 7.8)

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Logical Data Flow Diagram
Example (Figure 7.9)

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Physical Data Flow Diagram
Example (Figure 7.9)

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Developing Logical Data Flow
• Better communication with users
• More stable systems
• Better understanding of the business by
• Flexibility and maintenance
• Elimination of redundancy and easier
creation of the physical model

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Developing Physical Data Flow
• Clarifying which processes are performed by
humans and which are automated
• Describing processes in more detail
• Sequencing processes that have to be done in
a particular order
• Identifying temporary data stores
• Specifying actual names of files and printouts
• Adding controls to ensure the processes are
done properly

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Physical Data Flow Diagrams Contain Many
Items Not Found in Logical Data Flow Diagrams
(Figure 7.10)

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CRUD Matrix

• The acronym CRUD is often used for

• Create
• Read
• Update
• Delete
• These are the activities that must be present
in a system for each master file
• A CRUD matrix is a tool to represent where
each of these processes occurs in a system

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CRUD Matrix (Figure 7.11)

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Event Modeling and Data Flow
• An input flow from an external entity is
sometimes called a trigger because it starts
the activities of a process
• Events cause the system to do something and
act as a trigger to the system
• An approach to creating physical data flow
diagrams is to create a data flow diagram
fragment for each unique system event

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Event Response Tables

• An event table is used to create a data

flow diagram by analyzing each event
and the data used and produced by the
• Every row in an event table represents
a data flow diagram fragment and is
used to create a single process on a
data flow diagram
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An Event Response Table for an
Internet Storefront (Figure 7.12)

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Data Flow Diagrams for the First Three Rows of
the Internet Storefront Event Response Table
(Figure 7.13)

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Use Cases and Data Flow
• Each use case defines one activity and
its trigger, input, and output
• Allows the analyst to work with users to
understand the nature of the processes
and activities and then create a single
data flow diagram fragment

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Partitioning Data Flow Diagrams

• Partitioning is the process of examining a

data flow diagram and determining how it
should be divided into collections of manual
procedures and computer programs
• A dashed line is drawn around a process or
group of processes that should be placed in a
single computer program

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Reasons for Partitioning

• Different user groups

• Timing
• Similar tasks
• Efficiency
• Consistency of data
• Security

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Partitioning Websites

• Improves the way humans use the site

• Improves speed of processing
• Ease of maintaining the site
• Keep the transaction secure

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Communicating Using
Data Flow Diagrams
• Use unexploded data flow diagrams
early when ascertaining information
• Meaningful labels for all data

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• Data flow diagrams

• Structured analysis and design tools that
allow the analyst to comprehend the system
and subsystems visually as a set of
interrelated data flows
• DFD symbols
• Rounded rectangle
• Double square
• An arrow
• Open-ended rectangle

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Summary (continued)

• Creating the logical DFD

• Context-level data flow diagram
• Level 0 logical data flow diagram
• Child diagrams
• Creating the physical DFD
• Create from the logical data flow diagram
• Partitioned to facilitate programming

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Summary (continued)

• Partitioning data flow diagrams

• Whether processes are performed by
different user groups
• Processes execute at the same time
• Processes perform similar tasks
• Batch processes can be combined for
efficiency of data
• Processes may be partitioned into different
programs for security reasons

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