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Development of teeth- OSPE

Dr. Imran Mohtesham

This is a picture depicts early
stage of development of teeth
Name the numbered
2 structures and mention their

3 2.

• Name the numbered structures and mention their

1. Deciduous tooth bud- gives rise to deciduous tooth

2. Dental lamina- Gives rise to primordium of

ectodermal portion of teeth

3. Successional lamina- Gives rise to permanent sucessor

This is a picture showing
tooth germ of a deciduous
1 Name the structures
numbered and mention the
3 tissues derived from it?

2 2.

• Name the structures numbered and mention the
tissues derived from it?

• 1. Enamel organ- enamel

• 2.Dental papilla- Dentine & Pulp

• 3.Dental sac/Follicle- Cementum, Periodontal

ligament, Alveolar socket
This is a picture showing two
different conditions caused by
disturbance in one physiologic
process involved in tooth
1.Name the Physiologic phase

2. Name the disease

conditions shown in this
pictures A & B
1. Name the Physiologic phase affected?
• 2. Name the disease conditions shown in this
pictures A & B
– A- Congenital absence of teeth –
– B- Extra teeth -Supernumerary teeth /
This is a picture showing a
condition caused by
disturbance in one physiologic
process involved in tooth
1.Name the Physiologic phase

2. Name the disease condition

shown in this pictures?

3. Name one condition that

can result in this?
1. Name the Physiologic phase affected?
• 2. Name the disease condition shown in this
Enamel hypoplsia
• 3. Name one condition that can result in this?
• Systemic conditions- e.g.Calcium
1. Identify the morphologic
stage of tooth
development depicted in
the picture

2. Name the Physiologic

process prevail in this
morphologic stage?

3. Name the layers present in

enamel organ this stage
1. Identify the morphologic stage of tooth
development depicted in the picture
Bud Stage

2. Name the Physiologic process prevail in this

morphologic stage?
3. Name the layers present in enamel organ this stage
Peripheral cuboidal cells and central
polyhedral cells
1. Identify the morphologic
stage of tooth
development depicted
in the picture

2. Name the layers present

in enamel organ this

3. Mention the functions of

central cells
1. Identify the morphologic stage of tooth development
depicted in the picture
• Cap stage of tooth development
2. Name the layers present in enamel organ this stage?
Inner enamel epithelium
Stellate reticulum
Outer enamel epithelium
3. Mention the functions of central cells
Functions of Stellate reticulum- 1. Mechanical
support, 2. Nutrition
1. What are the
structures indicated
with arrows
2. Name three different
structures come
under this category
3. Mention one
contribution of these
structures in tooth
1. What are the structures indicated with arrows
Transitory structures of enamel organ
2. Name three different structures come under this
Enamel knot, enamel cord, enamel septum
3. Mention one contribution of these structures in
tooth development?
Act as reservoir of extra cells and later
contributing them to the growing enamel organ.
1. Identify the morphologic
stage of tooth
development depicted in
the picture
2. Name the layers present
in enamel organ this
3. What is the name given
to basement membrane
separating inner enamel
epithelium from dental
papilla called at this stage
1. Identify the morphologic stage of tooth development
depicted in the picture
Early bell stage
2. Name the layers present in enamel organ this stage?
Inner enamel epithelium, stratum intermedium,
stellate reticulum and outer enamel epithelium
3. What is the name given to basement membrane
separating inner enamel epithelium from dental
papilla called at this stage
Membrana preformativa
1. Identify the
morphologic stage of
tooth development
depicted in the

2. Mention four events

take place in this
1. Identify the morphologic stage of tooth
development depicted in the picture
Late/ advanced bell stage
2. Mention four events take place in this stage
• Dentin deposition starts, followed by enamel.
• Outer enamel epithelium becomes irregular by
developing infoldings.
• Stellate reticulum collapses.
• Source of nutrition to ameloblasts changes from
dental papilla to dental sac
This picture depicts root
formation of tooth
1. Which is the structure
helps in root formation

2. Name the remnants of

this structure

3. Name the layers present in

this structure?
1. Which is the structure helps in root formation
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath

2. Name the layers present in this structure?

has only two layers; inner layer of columnar cells
derived from inner enamel epithelium and outer layer
of cuboidal cells derived from outer enamel

3. Name the remnants of this structure

Cell rests of Malassez

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