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Social Welfare

and Development
Social work Administration

Social work administration is the practice of managing

and leading social service organizations and programs.
It involves tasks like budgeting, staff supervision, policy
Social work administration involves managing and
implementation, and ensuring effective service
overseeing social service organizations, programs, and
delivery. Administrators in this field work to improve
initiatives. It includes tasks such as budgeting, staff
the efficiency, quality, and impact of social services,
management, program development, policy
while upholding ethical standards and addressing the
implementation, and ensuring that services are
needs of individuals and communities. They play a vital
delivered effectively to those in need.
role in shaping policies, advocating for resources, and
promoting social justice within the context of social
work practice.
Social Planning

• Is a process that involves identifying, analyzing, and addressing social issues and needs
within a community or society. It aims to create informed strategies and policies to
improve the well-being of individuals and groups. Social planning involves research, data
collection, collaboration with stakeholders, and the development of initiatives to tackle
various social challenges, such as poverty, education, healthcare, and housing. The
ultimate goal of social planning is to create positive and sustainable changes that enhance
the overall quality of life for the people within a specific area or society.
Sustainable Development

• Is an approach that seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It encompasses economic, social,
and environmental dimensions, aiming for balance between these factors. Sustainable
development involves responsible resource management, environmental conservation,
social equity, and economic growth. It promotes long-term well-being by considering the
impact of decisions on both current and future generations, and strives to create a
harmonious and resilient global society.
Participatory Development

• Is an approach that involves involving local communities and stakeholders in the decision-
making process related to development initiatives. It emphasizes collaboration,
empowerment, and active participation of those affected by the development projects.
This approach recognizes the local knowledge, needs, and aspirations of the people,
allowing them to have a say in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of projects.
Participatory development aims to create more effective, sustainable, and contextually
relevant solutions by incorporating the perspectives and expertise of the community
members themselves.
Goal-Oriented Project Management

• Is an approach that focuses on setting clear objectives and outcomes for a project before
planning and execution. It involves defining specific goals, identifying the necessary tasks,
allocating resources, and establishing timelines to achieve those goals. This method
emphasizes the alignment of project activities with the overall objectives, helping to track
progress, measure success, and ensure that the project stays on track. By maintaining a
strong connection between project tasks and desired outcomes, goal-oriented project
management enhances efficiency, accountability, and the likelihood of project success.
Gender and Women in Development (GAD/WID)

• Is an approach that recognizes the importance of addressing gender disparities and

promoting the role of women in development initiatives. It focuses on understanding and
addressing the unequal power dynamics, social norms, and cultural factors that can
impact men and women differently in development processes. WID emphasizes
integrating women into existing development projects, while GAD takes a broader
perspective by considering how gender roles and relations shape development outcomes.
Both approaches aim to empower women, promote gender equality, and ensure that
development efforts benefit all members of society equitably, regardless of their gender.
The Empowerment and Resiliency Model

• Is an approach that aims to enhance individuals' and communities' ability to overcome

challenges and improve their well-being. It emphasizes building both empowerment and
resilience. Empowerment involves enabling individuals to gain control over their lives,
make informed decisions, and advocate for themselves. Resilience involves developing the
capacity to bounce back from adversity, adapt to change, and maintain mental and
emotional well-being.
• This model recognizes the importance of acknowledging strengths, resources, and
capacities within individuals and communities. It seeks to promote self-efficacy, self-
determination, and a sense of agency, while also fostering the ability to cope with
stressors and setbacks. By combining empowerment and resilience, this approach
encourages sustainable positive change and the ability to navigate various life challenges.
Rights-Based Approach

• a framework that places human rights at the center of development, policy, and action. It
emphasizes the importance of upholding and fulfilling the fundamental rights and
freedoms of all individuals. This approach recognizes that people have inherent rights that
should be respected, protected, and fulfilled by governments, institutions, and society as
a whole.
• In a rights-based approach, policies and programs are designed to ensure that individuals
can access their rights, regardless of factors like gender, age, ethnicity, or socioeconomic
status. This approach empowers individuals to demand their rights and holds duty-bearers
accountable for fulfilling their obligations. By prioritizing human rights, this approach
contributes to social justice, equity, and sustainable development while addressing
systemic inequalities and promoting dignity and well-being for all.
Strength-Based Perspective

Is an approach that focuses on identifying and The strength-based perspective encourages

utilizing the strengths, assets, and resources collaboration, self-determination, and active
of individuals, communities, and participation. It promotes a shift in focus from
organizations. Rather than solely focusing on what's wrong to what's right, which can lead
deficits or problems, this approach highlights to more effective solutions and positive
the positive qualities, skills, and capacities outcomes. This approach is often applied in
that people possess. It aims to empower various fields, including social work,
individuals by recognizing their abilities and education, and community development,
helping them leverage these strengths to with the goal of enhancing resilience, self-
overcome challenges. esteem, and overall well-being.

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