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• Christine Mae Carpentero Quieta

• Harvey Madronero
• Keiren Eunice Jeremie Juit
• Kyra Cristelle Geraldo Fuentes
• Marianne Torreon
• Mary Dionisia Trasporte Pogoy
• Merjewry Cagas
• Nathaniel Osio Lawas
• Sheila Mae Virtudazo Estimada
• Trishia Pagtalunan
The Clash of Nationalism and Religion
The Clash of Nationalism and Religion

Rizal Law Senator Rodrigo Laurel and Recto Importance and

Importance and Conclusion

The Rizal Law or Senate Bill No. 438, proposed mandatory teaching of Jose
Rizal's life and works in Philippine schools. Named after the national hero,
the bill faced resistance due to concerns over church-state separation and
conflicting beliefs, but it was enacted in 1956. This law's enduring relevance
stems from its impact on education and the ongoing debates about balancing
nationalism and religious freedom.

Rizal Law

Senator Rodrigo
Rizal Law

Senator Soc Rodrigo strongly opposed the Rizal Law, asserting that it would violate
religious freedom due to Rizal's anti-Catholic writings, potentially undermining
Filipino values. He contended that Rizal's works were already accessible and
mandatory inclusion in the curriculum wasn't necessary, advocating for students'
autonomy in choosing their studies instead.

He highlighted the potential conflict between nationalism and religion with the Rizal
Bill, suggesting it could strain the allegiance of Filipinos between their country and
religious convictions. Balancing national unity and personal beliefs is crucial to avoid
tensions and division, requiring careful consideration to create a harmonious society
Senator Rodrigo that values both aspects.

Laurel and Recto

Senator Rodrigo

Senators Jose P. Laurel and Claro M. Recto advocated for the Rizal Law as a means to
foster nationalism and patriotism in Filipinos, asserting that studying Jose Rizal's
works would enhance their national identity and encourage efforts for societal
improvement. They underscored the significance of Rizal's writings as both literary
gems and historical artifacts, preserving Philippine culture and offering insights into
the past's social and political dynamics.

Laurel and Recto

Importance and Conclusion

Laurel and Recto

Rizal's novels and writings profoundly impacted Philippine society, driving change
and inspiring generations to fight for rights and freedoms, reflecting his experiences
and critiquing colonial injustices. Reading his works is crucial for comprehending
history, culture, and nurturing nationalism, offering insights into ancestral struggles
and virtues of courage, integrity, and compassion.

The Rizal Law debate concluded as a multifaceted and heated discussion, with valid
points from both sides. Senator Soc Rodrigo expressed concerns about potential
conflicts between nationalism and religion, while Senators Jose P. Laurel and Claro M.
Recto emphasized Rizal's writings' role in fostering national identity and morality.
Importance and Despite the debate's intensity, the bill became law, underscoring the ongoing
Conclusion significance of Rizal's works in Philippine literature and culture, offering insights into
the nation's historical journey that each generation should grasp.

Rizal Law
The Clash of Nationalism and Religion

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