Matthew 1

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Quiz on Matthew 1-5

1. Who are the two major biblical characters

Matthew’s genealogy hinges on?
2. Where were the 3 magi from? North,
south, east or west?
3. List the three items the magi presented to
Christ. (spell as best you can)
4. Where did the angel tell Joseph to take
Jesus and Mary right after the visit of the
5. Which angel told Joseph to go back to
Nazareth? Gabriel, Michael, angel was
not named
6. Name at least 1 thing John the Baptist
ate and 1 thing that he was wearing in
Matthew 3.
7. Name the river Jesus was baptized in.
8. What two brothers did Jesus first call to
be his disciples?
9. What is the first thing Jesus teaches in
the Sermon on the Mount?
against divorce, loving enemies, the
beatitudes, or teaching about anger
Gospel of Matthew
About Matthew’s Gospel
 Matthew is in some
ways the most
_______ of the
 It emphasizes Jesus
as the ____ Son of
 Wants to show that
Jesus is the one
they’ve been ____ for
Matthew’s Genealogy

 Matthew picks _____ and _____ as

key ancestors of Jesus
 Jesus fulfills key _____ as a
descendant of these men
 Gen 22:18 - all nations will be _____
through the Seed of ________
 2 Sam 7:12-16 - House and ______
made firm forever through seed of
Women in the Genealogy

 ___ women are mentioned in the

 _______
 Canaanite, not a descendant of Abraham
 In Genesis 38 she poses as a harlot to get
pregnant with Judah’s son _____
 _______
 Head of a brothel in Jericho

Women in the Genealogy

 _____
 Moabite, cursed not to enter Israel
 She seduces Boaz when he is drunk to
sleep with her.
 ______
 Wife of Uriah who was _____ by David
 Possibly a _______ like Uriah

Similarities in Women

1. They are all _______

 None of them are from
Israel or descendants of
2. They all have _____ past
 Harlots, seduction, adultery

Point of the Women
 The line of Jesus includes
 Foreshadows inclusion of
gentiles in New Covenant
 Defends the truth that Blessed
Mother was a Virgin and
experienced a _____
 Illegitimate births are found
throughout his family tree
 If Jesus was illegitimate we would
have known
Numbers in Genealogy

 14 generations from Abraham to David

 14 Gen. from David to Exile
 14 Gen from Exile to Jesus
 14 = 4+6+4 =‫ = דוד‬DVD (David in
 14 is twice 7, the perfect number =
Double perfect David

Jesus fulfills Isaiah 7:14
 A ___ will bear a son and name him
 Many believed ____, the good king fulfilled this
 Y? because his mother was young and he was a
righteous king
 Jesus fulfills this prophesy more fully
 His mother is a Virgin
 He is truly “God with us”
 He is the most righteous king

Ch 2: Visit of the Magi
 Visit of the ____
reminds us of
 Matthew uses
Solomonic ______
 Wisemen visit ____
from all nations in 1
Kings 5:14 - came
bearing gifts.
 The Magi brought
gifts to Jesus

Gifts of the Magi
 Gifts
 _____ - 1 Kings 10:14 -
Solomon had 666 talents a
year brought to him by those
seeking his wisdom
 Points to Jesus’ role as ____
 _____ and ____ are perfumes
used in worship
 ____ used to anoint priests
and points to Christ’s _______
 _____ was used to anoint
bodies for burial and points to
his ultimate sacrifice.

Jesus relives history
 Jesus recapitulates history
 Like dejavu - fulfillment of typology
 He experiences similar things other
characters in past did
 Flight to Egypt
 ____ flees to Egypt
 ____ is sent to Egypt
 ____ flees to Egypt
 Slaughter of the ______
Return from Egypt

 Jesus dwells in
 Nezer = branch
 Means “branch town”
 This fulfills the
prophesies of a shoot
sprouting up from the
stump of Jesse.

John the Baptist
 John the Baptist was a Levite
 John fulfills Is 40 - voice
crying out
 In Malachi 3:23 the prophet
states that Elijah is supposed
to come _____ the Messiah
 Elijah will “turn the hearts” of
the people
 John represents Elijah

John the Baptist
 Camel hair shirt - this was asceticism
 Asceticism is severe self-discipline or
 Only _____ usually did this
 ____ dressed this way too in 2 Kings 1:8
 Matthew points this out so the Jews will
know Jesus is the one!

John the Baptist
 John calls others to
 Many came to confess
their sins and be ____
with water
 They did this to prepare
for the “kingdom of

John Baptizes Jesus
 John baptizes Jesus like
Levites ___ ___ in the OT
 Prepares Jesus for his ___
 Dove reminds us of ___
 Baptism is a ___ creation
 Jesus is baptized to _____
himself with sinners
 Words of “you are my son”
remind us of coronation
Psalm of David
Temptation in the Desert
 Jesus recapitulates
Israel’s past
 Comes out of Egypt, is
“baptized” and goes into
desert for 40 days
 Reminds us of 40 yrs of
 Jesus corrects Israel’s

Temptation in Desert
 Eve in Gen 3
 Good for food, pleasing to the eye, desirable
for gaining wisdom
 Solomon
 Multiplies ___, Multiplies ___, Multiplies
 Jesus
 Stones to bread, jump off temple, worship
 Everyone else gives in, Jesus ____
Sermon on the Mount: 5-7
 Jesus recapitulates teaching
from a ______
 Mt. Sinai - __ ______
 Mt. Zion - _______
 Jesus now is teaching from a
 Jesus spends time to correct
some of the provisions Moses
made in Deuteronomy
 Jesus wants to restore them to
the royal priesthood they lost at
after the _____ ____
Sermon on the Mount
 Matthew uses an ____
to reveal his theme.
 Begins and __ the same
 Theme - Kingdom of
 The ______ tell us the
behavior of the citizens
of heaven.

Sermon on the Mount
 Jesus teaches how those
of the kingdom are to
____ in chapter 6
 Opening lines - “thy ____
 This is the prayer that the
_____ of the kingdom
 This prayer is to usher in
the kingdom of God
Sermon on the Mount
 Ch 7 End of Sermon focuses
on what the ___ man does
 Who was known for wisdom?
 Solomon built his house on
 Compares listening to Christ’s
words to ____ a house on
rock - solid foundation
 Jesus taught with _______

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