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 The bending of light as it encounters the boundary between two
media when it is incident at a certain angle with the normal
Light bends as it passes through another medium. Refraction
happens because the speed of light (3 x 108 m/s in a vacuum) slows
down as it travels in another medium. The refraction of light is
influenced by its index of refraction which is:
To know the different refraction index of some of substances, follow the link below.
When light comes from a medium of higher n than the second
medium, light bends away from the normal. The ratio of the sine of
angle of incidence to the sine of refraction is equal to the ratio of the
index of refraction of the second medium to the index of refraction to
the first medium.
In an equation, this can be expressed as:

 θi = angle of incidence

 θr = angle of reflection

 n2 = index of refraction of the second medium

 n1 = index of refraction of the first medium

 v1 = velocity of light in the first medium

 v2 = velocity of light in the second medium

The speed of light in air is 3 x 108 m/s. Calculate the speed of
light in a glass of refractive index 1.5. If the angle of incidence in air
is 30o, how much is the angle of refraction?
Dispersion also happens when light is bended in a prism. As it
enters the prism, it slows down and it separates into different colors
or hues that make up the visible light.

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