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What is Badr?
• Badr is the name of a person who dug the
• The well was named after him.
• Later on when people started settling
down, the whole area was called Badr.
• Badr is situated 130km Southwest of
• And 287km Northwest of Mecca.
Plan One

• Prophet Muhammad SAW wanted

to intercept a caravan from
Makkah to Syria at Dhul Ashirah
• But the caravan had escaped.
• When Muhammad SAW heard
about its return, he collected an
army and left for Badr.
• Attack on caravan to be a surprise
Caravan of
Abu Sufyan
• Consisted of
• 40 men
• 1000 camels
• 50,000 dinars
• Abu Sufyan got to know
about the surprise attack.
• He sent a messenger to
Mecca to warn the situation
• Reached Makkah through
another route.
Quraysh Back-up

• An army of 1000 men were

• All notable chiefs of Makkah
joined force
• Abu Lahab didn’t participate
• Of the Makkan clans, Banu Adiy
refused to participate
Plan 02- Surprise
Attack Becomes A
• Abu Sufyan had reached
Makkah safe.
• Abu Jahl refused to
• Banu Zahra returned
• The rest of the Quraysh
army refused to return.
• They camped at Udwatul
Qaswa. Badr.
The Muslims
Camp At Badr
• Muhammad SAW
learned that the
Quraysh had camped at
• After discussion, the
Muslim army decided to
fight the Quraysh at
• Muslim army camp at
Udawatud Dunya
Events Before Battle Of Badr

01 02
Allah Sends Down Sleep And

‫اس َأ َمنَةً ِّم ْنهُ َويُنَ ِّز ُل َعلَ ْي ُكم ِّم َن‬ َ ‫ِإ ْذ يُ َغ ِّشي ُك ُم ال ُّن َع‬
‫ب َعن ُك ْم ِر ْج َز‬ َ ‫ ُكم بِ ِه َوي ُْذ ِه‬2‫ال َّس َما ِء َما ًء لِّيُطَهِّ َر‬
‫ت بِ ِه اَأْل ْق َدا َم‬
َ ِّ‫ان َولِيَ ْربِطَ َعلَ ٰى قُلُوبِ ُك ْم َويُثَب‬ ِ َ‫ال َّش ْيط‬
Remember] when He overwhelmed you with
drowsiness [giving] security from Him and sent down
upon you from the sky, rain by which to purify you and
remove from you the evil [suggestions] of Satan and to
make steadfast your hearts and plant firmly thereby
your feet. (Surah Anfaal: Ayah 08)
Allah’s Help
came in the
The Battle form of 1000


Result of Battle
06 Muhajireen &
08 Ansaar were

14 Sahaba were martyred
Distribution of Anfaal

• Muhammad S.A.W. received ُ‫َوا ْعلَ ُموا َأنَّ َما َغنِ ْمتُم ِّمن َش ْي ٍء فََأ َّن لِلَّـ ِه ُخ ُم َسه‬
a revelation regarding this ‫ين‬ِ ‫ُول َولِ ِذي ْالقُرْ بَ ٰى َو ْاليَتَا َم ٰى َو ْال َم َسا ِك‬ ِ ‫َولِل َّرس‬
‫ ْلنَا َعلَ ٰى‬2‫يل ِإن ُكنتُ ْم آ َمنتُم بِاللَّـ ِه َو َما َأن َز‬ ِ ِ‫َوا ْب ِن ال َّسب‬
• One fifth was for the Prophet
ُ‫ان ۗ َواللَّـه‬ ِ ‫ان يَ ْو َم ْالتَقَى ْال َج ْم َع‬ ِ َ‫َع ْب ِدنَا يَ ْو َم ْالفُ ْرق‬
• The rest to be distributed ‫َعلَ ٰى ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء قَ ِدي ٌر‬
among those who fought in And know that anything you obtain of war booty - then indeed,
Battle for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger and for [his] near
relatives and the orphans, the needy, and the [stranded] traveler,
if you have believed in Allah and in that which We sent down to
Our Servant on the day of criterion - the day when the two
armies met. And Allah, over all things, is competent.
Surah AlAnfaal: Ayah 41
Abul Aas, the son-

The Captives
Ruqayyah, daughter in- law of
of Muhammad SAW Muhammad SAW
passed away before was also set free
he returned from

• Muhammad S.A.W. decided to set them

free in return for a ransom.
• Those who could not pay and were literate
were required to teach ten Muslim children.
• Those unable to do any were set free
Lessons Learnt
• Victory is NOT based on numbers
• Victory is only from Allah
• Unity
• Never undermine your prayers
• The Power of Allah is Endless
• Have true Yaqeen (conviction) in the Help of Allah
• Reliance in Allah (Tawakkul) – make no excuses
• Success is from Allah - Let’s ask ourselves, how can we practically bring such
aid from Allah in our day to day life?
• You are never alone
Interesting Facts
• Battle of Badr was not meant to be a war.
• None of the Muslim army were fully armored to the hilt
• It was the plan of Allah that the Muslims should meet
the Quraysh at war in Badr
• The Muslims were helped by 1000 angels
• When shaytaan saw the angels he fled from the
• Muhammad S.A.W buried the enemies too before he left
• For the first time a Prophet was given a share from the
booty of war.
• Abu Jahl was referred to as the ‘Pharaoh of his nation’

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