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 Pott’s disease also known as Spinal tuberculosis, is a form of tuberculosis infection that affects
the vertebral column or spinal bones, It is named after Sir Percivall Pott, an English surgeon
who first described the condition in the 18th century.
 Pott’s disease is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which typically enters the
body through inhalation or airborne droplets or can spread from other areas of the body
through the bloodstream.
 The bacteria reach the spine and infect the vertebrae or intervertebral discs. The infection
primarily affects the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine.
 The immune system responds to the infection by forming granulomas, which are collections of
immune cells that surround and attempt to contain the bacteria.
 Over time, the infection can lead to destruction of the affected vertebrae and intervertebral
discs. This can cause spinal instability , collapse, and potential compression of the spinal cord
or nerves.
 Pott’s disease can present with various symptoms, including back pain, stiffness, spinal
deformities (such as kyphosis or gibbus deformity), neurological deficits (such as weakness or
numbness), and sometimes even paralysis in severe cases.
 Diagnosis of Pott’s disease typically involves a prolonged course of antibiotic therapy, usually
a combination of anti-tuberculosis medications. Surgical intervention may be necessary in
some cases to stabilize the spine or decompress the spinal cord if there is significant
 Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are crucial in managing Pott’s disease effectively. With
appropriate medical intervention, the prognosis can be favourable, and the progression of the
disease can be controlled.
 Pott’s disease or spinal tuberculosis , is a treated through a combination of interventions.
Antibiotic therapy is the primary treatment, with a prolonged course of anti-tubercular drugs.
A spinal brace or orthosis may be used to support the spine and relieve pain. Surgical
intervention is considered in cases of neurological complications, spinal instability, or large
abscesses. Surgery aims to decompress nerves, stabilize the spine, and remove fluid
collections. The specific intervention depends on the severity of the disease and individual
patient factors. Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and
appropriate treatment plan.
 The treatment for Pott’s disease involves a combination of antibiotics, supportive care, and, if
necessary, surgical intervention. Antibiotic therapy is essential to combat the tuberculosis
infection and may last for several months. Supportive care measures like pain management
and physical therapy help alleviate symptoms. Surgery may be considered for neurological
complications, spinal instability, or the presence of abscesses. The specific treatment plan
depends on the severity and individual circumstances, so consulting with a healthcare
professional is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment of Pott’s disease.

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