Varicose Veins & DVT

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Juan Miguel Bastidas

• Varicose veins are veins that have been twisted or enlarged

• Normally happens due to valves being altered in any way

(weakened valves)

• Reasons why valves may be altered:

• Genetical reasons (inherited by family members)
• Hormonal reasons (increase in estrogen)
• Age (wearing out valves)

• Causes backflow which causes blood accumulation in the vein

• More prominent in veins of the legs


• Stage one – enlarged, ropy varicose veins:

Swollen veins and bulges due to the backflow of blood, itching and aches

• Stage two – edema (swelling), but without skin changes:

Increased swelling of both the veins and ankles, weakness in the legs

• Stage three – skin changes and discoloration:

Lipodermatosclerosis, poor circulation can lead to colour change.

• Stage four – skin changes with active ulceration:

Injuries to the legs wont heal and prolonged breathing

• Sclerotherapy: Chemical injection which scars and closes the vein so that after a few
weeks they slowly fade and go back to normal

• Endovenous laser treatment: A catheter is inserted into the vein. A small laser is
threaded through the catheter and positioned at the top of the target vein to heat it up by
using energy bursts, sealing it shut.

• transilluminated powered phlebectomy: An endoscopic transilluminator is used through

an incision to see which veins need to be removed, they are then cut and sucked out
through the incision.

• Ligation and stripping: Two incisions are made, one at the top of the target vein, and the
other is made either at the ankle or knee, the top is tied and sealed meanwhile a wire is
threaded through the bottom and then pulled out to take the vein

• Occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein

• The blood clot can stay there and limit bood flow or it can
make its way to the heart.

• Some of the causes are:

• Varicose veins and backflow
• Slow blood flow (limited movement)
• Injury to vein (fractures & muscle injuries)

• Normally develops in legs, thighs or pelvis (can also occur in the arms)

• Can cause disabilities and even death


• Symptoms for deep vein thrombosis:

• Swelling
• Pain
• Redness of the skin

• Symptoms of blood clot in the heart:

• Difficulty breathing
• Irregular heartbeat
• Coughing up blood
• Chest pain

In cases such as this one medical help should be seeked immediately since this can be fatal

• This can be corrected through surgery

• Thrombolysis: A catheter can be inserted and medicine is

administered through said catheter to dilute the blood clot so
blood flow can return to normal

• Angioplasty: This procedure is done after the blood clot is

dissolved, a catheter with a ballon is inserted into the vein and
the ballon is inflated, this is done to widen the vein and restore
regular blood flow

• Vena Cava filter: This i a filter that is placed in the inferior vena
cava to prevent the blood clot from going into the heart through
blood circulation and complicating the patient even further.

• What are some of the main causes of varicose veins?

• What are the first few stages of varicose veins?

• Why can a deep vein thrombosis be fatal?

• How is a deep vein thrombosis treated?



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