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A Review:

Prospects and Challenges of African

Pumpkin (Momordica balsamina L.)



Table of Content
 Introduction
• Definition and Significance
• Taxonomical Classification
• Typical Plant Diagram
 Prospects & its Table(s):
• Phytochemicals in the Fruit of African Pumpkin.
• Mineral Composition of (Momordica balsamina) Leaves.
• Proximate Composition of (Momordica balsamina) Leaves.
 Challenges.
 Conclusion

 Momordica balsamina L., is popularly known as Balsam Apple plant in the

tropical regions of Africa. Also referred to as the Southern Balsam pear, or simply

Balsam pear, and also known as African pumpkin, is an important medicinal and

nutritional plant of the family Cucurbitaceae It is locally known as Balsam Apple

(English), Garahuni (Hausa), Akbon-ndewe (Igbo), and Ejirin (Yoruba).

 Momordica balsamina L. is a hidden gift of nature, it is an annual to perennial

tendril-bearing vine herb native to trophical region. The plant and its derivatives

contribute to more than 50% of all medicines used worldwide.

Taxonomic Classification of African-Pumpkin
Kingdom - Plantae
Division - Tracheophytes
Sub-division - Angiosperms
Class - Eudicots
Sub-class - Rosids
Order - Cucurbitales
Family - Cucurbitaceae
Genus - Momordica
Species - M. balsamina L.
Figure 1.0: Typical diagram of African Pumpkin Plant (Momordica balsamina)
 Soil Conservation

 Improved soil fertility

 Ornamental plant such as living fencing in home garden

 Prevent Soil Erosion

 Food/feed

 Support Rainfall

the most distinctive in the part of the plant is the:

 Medicinal uses, Nutritional content and Mineral sources.
Phytochemicals in the Fruit of African Pumpkin
Compound Present  

Resins +

Alkaloids +

Tannin +

Flavonoids +

Saponin ++

Anthraquinone -

Glycosides +

Carbohydrate ++
+ = Trace.
Steroidal ring ++ ++ = Present in appreciable
Steroids and terpenes + - = Absent

Cardiac Glycosides + 6
Mineral Composition of (Momordica balsamina) Leaves
Elements Concentration (mg/100g DW)*

Potassium 1,320.00

Sodium 122.49

Calcium 941.00

Magnesium 220.00

Phosphorus 130.46

Manganese 11.60

Iron 60.30

Copper 5.44

Zinc 3.18

K/Na 10.78

Ca/ P 7.21

*The data are the mean value of two replicates [1].
Proximate Composition of (Momordica balsamina) Leaves

Leaves Parameters Concentration (% DW)*

Moisture Contents 71.00 ± 0.95

Ash 18.00 ± 0.56

Crude Protein 11.29 ± 0.07

Crude Lipid 2.66 ± 0.13

Crude Fibre 29.00 ± 1.23

Available Carbohydrate 39.05 ± 2.01

Calorific Value (kcal/100g) 189.22
*The data are mean value +, standard deviation (SD) of three replicates. The
value is expressed as a percentage (%) of wet weight.
Figure 1.1 Medicinal Uses of African Pumpkin (Mormodica balsamina).

 Lack of effective Extension/Teaching Services

 Lack of Suitable Storage facilities

 Limited access to improved seeds

 Loss of production due to stress i.e. biotic, abiotic, relative phonologic stage

and plant management.

 Pest and Diseases

Momordica balsamina has shown the potential for therapeutic and nutritional
uses, which is overwhelming in the research related to HIV/AIDS virus, diabetes,
analgesic, malaria, trypanocidal, microbial infections, inflammations, diarrheal,
and hematological disorders, the traditional medicine system has already proved
to be an effective approach for the discovery of many new drugs. Currently, no
drugs and/or vaccines discovered globally which could be effective against
HIV/AIDS virus. Momordica balsamina has been shown as a potential candidate
for isolation and characterization of Ribosome inactivating protein (RIP) for
combating the HIV/ AIDS virus.

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