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1534 A. D.
The Society of
Jesus, whose
members are
popularly known as
Jesuits, was
founded by St.
Ignatius of Loyola
in 1534.
In the battle of Pamplona,
Spain in 1521, a cannon shot
broke his leg. He was force
to regain his health and
during which he
experienced a religious
conversion and resolved
to become a Soldier of
Ignatius withdraw in the
Monastery in Manresa, he
subjected himself to prayer,
fasting, and self-flagellation.
His religious experience was
written down in the famous
Spiritual Exercises, designed to
break the will by contemplating
the agony of hell and the mercy
of Christ.
Ignatius felt inspired by God to
found a well disciplined
Religious Order, whose battle
cry was “Ad Majorem Dei
Gloriam” (For the Greater Glory
of God).
The Jesuits are noted for their
spiritual and intellectual forma-
tion and obedience to the Pope.
They were highly effective
againts Protestant invasion
With zeal, the Jesuits
run schools,
Charitable institutions,
mission overseas.

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