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Descriptive Writing


• The primary purpose of descriptive writing is

to describe a person, place or thing in such a
way that a picture is formed in the reader's
mind. Capturing an event through descriptive
writing involves paying close attention to the
details by using all of your five senses.

• Gives detail about person place and


• Good description creates a picture


• Observer your environment

• Although writing, imagine telling a story

to your friend
• Use adjective

• Word pictures or imagery

• Imagery include 5 senses

• Details for an object

• Color

• Shapes

• Sizes

• texture
• Details of Person

• Physical appearance

• Facial expressions

• Attire

• gestures
• Details for Place

• Man made: building, objects, vehicles

• Natural: trees, animals, mountains, water

• imaginary
• Descriptive essay is found in

• Fiction

• Poetry

• Advertising journal

• Diary writing

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