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Health Career Pathways

1.Disease prevention and control
In this career path focus communicable and
non-communicable diseases. Their work
includes immunization, screening of newborns,
promotion of breastfeeding, infant diseases
prevention, adolescent healthcare, and life
Example of Disease prevention and
Handle and prepare food safely
Wash hands often
Clean and disinfect commonly used surface
Cough and sneeze into your sleeve
Don‘t share personal items
Stay home when sick
Sample career

Epidemiologist-track the cause and patterns of

infectious diseases to fine ways to reduce the risk of
infection in a community
Social worker-a career in public health requires a
public health degree. Public health worker focuses on
diseases prevention and overall improvement of
human life.
2. Personal healthcare
 Professionals in this field perform healthcare related
tasks in a personal care level. These include monitoring
patients; administering and assisting in personal care and
hygiene; performing housekeeping duties; and advising
clients on related healthcare issues like infant care,
hygiene and nutrition.
 Is provided to people those who are not able to take care
of themselves
Why is personal healthcare
To reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression,
reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize
frustration and anger, increase happiness, and
improve energy.
It enables prevention and early diagnosis in daily
life and is centered on the patient
Example of personal healthcare
Wash hands often
Brushing teeth twice daily and flossing at least once
Showering or bathing each day
Washing hair regularly
Shaving regularly
Grooming/ clipping nails each week
Wearing clean clothes and using deodorant
Sample career
 Personal care aides-assist clients in everyday tasks. Home
health and personal care aides monitor the condition of
people with disabilities or chronic illnesses and help them with
daily living activities. They often help older adults who need

 Physical Therapist-help patients recover from illnesses or injuries,

per the suggestion of a physician

 Registered Nurse-take care of majority of nursing requirements in

hospitals and clinics, from coordinating patient care to providing
emotional support for families
3. Maternal and child care
 These health workers deal with complex public health
issues that affect women, children and their families.
These include providing information on reproductive
health, family planning, healthcare of pregnant women
and their children, and improvement of health delivery
system through advocacy, education and research.
Example of Maternal Health Care
 Physical exams, blood test and calculation of due dates
 Prenatal tests to check for issues such as anemia,
infection, gestational diabetes, hypertension, and birth
 Regular checkups throughout pregnancy to asses factors
such as weight and fetal growth
Example of Child Care
 Licensed daycare facility that provide full-time or
part time care for young children while their parents are
at work. The day-care may offer structure learning,
activities, playtime and age-appropriate meals and
 The caregivers would be trained in child development
and first aid and the facility would have strict safety
protocols in place to ensure the well-being of all
children in their care
Sample Career
 Social and Community Service managers
 Health Educator
 Community Health Worker
 Nutritionists
 Dieticians

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