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Disturbance soul or schizophrenia is 2022:there is 24
response maladaptive somebody to million person
Ienvironment internal and external Which experience
proven through thought, feeling And schizophrenia
behavior Which No in accordance with
norm local And bother function
social,work And or physique somebody.
Number Incident/ in Indonesia
Prevalence reach 6.7%

At the Hospital Kalimantan

In the city south:as much
year 2022
Balangan :as 5,001 case or
Balangan : n
muchn=249 case 81%
=110 people
Schizophrenia is disturbance mentally
As for Wrong One action nursing Which can used
chronic Andcritical,be marked with
For prevent chaos client that is with application
delusion,hallucinations,change current
psychoeducation family.Psychoeducation family
think as well as change behavior.
is Wrong One element program maintenance
health soul family with method gift information,
education through communication therapeutic
According to Joseph & Sutini 2016 on
patient schizophrenia 70% patient
experience hallucinations

Based on problemWhich explainedinon,so

formula problemWhichthere is in the studies
Patient HallucinationsWhich No undergo case This is“How Analysis application
treatment possibility experience Psychoeducation Family to Mr. R For reduce
recurrence,no ability family in nurse recurrence schizophreniaenia with disturbance
client Also Can as factor reason Hallucinations hearingat the Balangan Hospital
recurrence client. Polyclinic
Design studyin the form of case studies, with a single case

Focus studies Which used in work scientific end profession is:

1. Care Nursing on Patient with Auditory Hallucinations
2. Intervention Nursing with Family Psychoeducation

subject Studies Case in study This that is: Families with Patients with Auditory
Hallucinations at the Psychiatric Polyclinic at the Balangan Regional General Hospital

Place And Time Implementation doneat 12-14 January 2023 in Polyclinic HOSPITAL
Balangan And Visit ldirect to the house patient

Instrument Studies use observation And interview

Afterdone AssessmentonMr. R is 32 years oldinpolyclinicHOSPITALBalangan since date12-
14January2023obtainedthat datasupport For lift diagnosis as following:
1. Halusination
2. Social isolation
3. The risk of abbusement behavior

Intervention done in accordance with diagnosis

Nursing Implementation that was carried out on the 13th-14January 2023 by way of home visits,
namely by implementing an Implementation Strategy with patients and also giving it to families, so
that families are able to direct clients in controlling hallucinations.

Classification SP Family

Implementation Strategy for 1 Families can affordRecognize problems in caring for hallucinatory
family: clients and train clients to control hallucinations by rebuking

Implementation Strategy for 2 Families are able to treat hallucinatory clients by giving the six
families: correct medications
Implementation Strategy of 3 Families are able to care for hallucinatory clients by conversing and
families: doing activities
Implementation Strategy 4 Family capable utilise facility health Forfollow upclient
families: hallucinations

• S:The family said they understood the problem their child was experiencing, namely Auditory
Hallucinations.The family said they understood the procedure for giving medicine with the six
right medicines.The family said they understood how to control hallucinations when
hallucinations occurred in their children by talking.The family said they would routinely bring the
client to control their child to a health facility.

• O:the family can repeat what pe has explainedrawat Families seemed enthusiastic in listening and
exemplifying the actions that had been taught.

• A: Hallucinations don't happen

• P: after the psychoeducation of the family by carrying out the family implementation strategy, it is
hoped that the client will not have a relapse and the family can carry out independent treatment of
the client.
Results application psychoeducation family to family • For Writerso thatcan apply care nursingonclient with
Mr. R obtained family capable carry out family hallucinations No only fixed to client, but Also to
implementation strategies and can reduce the rate of family and people closest client as exists care nursing
recurrence on clients Which showed with family can Which comprehensive.
explained strategy slack hallucinations. As well • For Institution Educationcan give description And out
asproven with understanding patient For do strategy look For development know ledge know ledge in
slack hallucinations If feel hear voices. careonclient with hallucinations in House Sick,Public
health center,clinic norin community public.
• Writer Fur ther more Can develop writing more carry
on about care nursing on client hallucinations.Besides
That researc her further more can dig more in Again
processcare nursing Which based client And family on
problem health disturbance soul.

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