Glosario Ingles Natanael Solon

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Natanael Solon

Ing electronica y telecomunicaciones

Sept 01
Bibliografia :
Telefonia= Telephony
Communication system for the transmission of
sounds over long distances by electrical or
electromagnetic means.
Interfaz= Interface
Device capable of transforming the signals
generated by one device into signals
understandable by another.
Hardware= Hardware
Set of physical or material elements that constitute
a computer or a computer system.
Conexion = Conexion
Union that is established between two or more
things (devices, systems, places, etc.) or people so
that there is a relationship or communication
between them
Algoritmo= algorithm
Ordered set of systematic operations that allows to
make a calculation and find the solution of a type of
Analisis= Analysis
Detailed examination of a thing to know
its characteristics or qualities, or its
state, and draw conclusions, which is
done by separating or considering
separately the parts that constitute it.
Organization formed by a group of
establishments of the same branch,
and sometimes under the same
direction, that are distributed by
various places in a locality or
geographical area to provide a
Tecnologia = Tecnology
Set of instruments, technical resources or
procedures used in a certain field or sector
Informatica = computing
Set of technical knowledge that deals with the
automatic processing of information by means of
Servicio = Service
Organization, with its personnel and means, that is
in charge of carrying out work that satisfies certain
needs of a community.
Internet= Internet
World-class computer network that uses the
telephone line to transmit information.
Señal = sign
Electromagnetic wave that allows information to be
transmitted to an electronic circuit.
Automatizacion =
Application of machines or automatic procedures in
carrying out a process or in an industry.
Control = Control
Set of mechanisms and devices that regulate the
operation of a machine, device or system.
Maquina = Machine
Object made and made up of a set of pieces fitted
together that is used to facilitate or carry out a
specific job, generally transforming a form of
energy into movement or work.
Inteligencia = intelligence
Faculty of the mind that allows learning,
understanding, reasoning, making decisions and
forming a particular idea of ​reality.
Proyecto = Project
Idea of ​a thing that is intended to be done and for
which a certain way and a set of necessary means
are established.
Circuito = Circuit
Set of conductors and
other interconnected
electrical elements
through which electric
current passes.
Componente = Component
That composes, together with other elements, a
Monitorear = monitor
Control the development of an action or event
through one or more monitors.
Logica= logic
Method or reasoning in which the ideas or the
succession of events are manifested or developed
in a coherent way and without contradictions
between them.
Contruir = Build
Making a material work, generally the one that is
large, is done according to a complex work
technique and consists of a large number of
Dispositivo = Device
Piece or set of pieces or
elements prepared to
carry out a certain
function and that
generally form part of a
more complex set.
Comunicacion =
Transmission of signals by means of a common
code to the sender and the receiver.
Cibernetica = Cybernetics
Science that studies the communication and
automatic regulation systems of living beings and
applies them to electronic and mechanical systems
that resemble them.

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