Introduction To Chemistry

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 Is a branch of science that deals with the properties, structure, and composition of matter
and the changes it undergoes – such as burning fuels

•  Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.

 Chemistry is about how matter changes from one substance to another.

•  Chemical change: occurs when a substance change into other substance.

 Chemical changes are also known as chemical reactions. The “ingredients”
of a reaction are called the reactants, and the end results are called the

When hydrogen and oxygen are brought together, they combine and change into water.

 Physical changes: only change the appearance of a substance, not its

chemical composition.
Water changes from ice to liquid, change has certainly taken place, but not a chemical change.
Water in solid ice state after melting and vaporizing is still water. The substance water has not

 Processes and changes you encounter everyday involve chemistry.

 Chemistry is concerned with the different process that occur in the
human body. The food you take in consist of different chemical
substance that your body needs
 Chemistry helps in maintaining proper blood flow, respiration and
all other processes that take place in the human body
 The medicine and health care items you see in a drugstore are
products of chemistry.
• Field of Health and Medicine:
o Medical Chemists and pharmacists work as part of an interdisciplinary team for discovery and formulation
of new drugs.
o The primary ingredients of these new drugs may be natural compounds taken from plants, animals and
even microorganism such as fungi
o Chemists help isolate or synthesize, purify and characterize these chemical compounds

o Doctors and nurses performs chemical, microbiological and clinical tests on rats and other laboratory
animals. In these test, efficacy and safety of the drugs are gathered
o Strong plastic containers for blood or dextrose and opaque plastic bottles for drugs have helped improved
the packaging of pharmaceutical products in terms of safety and sanitation
o Synthetic rubber foams for hospital beds, inflatable rubberized mattresses, disposable syringes and
gloves for doctors and nurses are some of the products developed in the field of medicine.
 Field of agriculture:
o Fertilizers and pesticides have been developed using the principle of chemistry
o These agricultural chemicals make plants grow faster, bear more fruits and resists
pests and help prevent plant diseases
o The raw materials from plants, insects or animals are synthesized with the same
chemical structure
 Industry
o Chemistry has played an important part in development of new materials. It has
helped produce fabrics with properties and characteristics suited to people’s needs
and conditions.
o Chemistry has also contributed much to the fields of engineering and manufacturing.
Cements, paints, glass, and iron nails are some of the products of chemistry in these

• The scientific method is a series of processes that people can use to gather
knowledge about the world around them, improve that knowledge, and, through
gaining knowledge, attempt to explain why and/or how things occur. This method
involves making observations, forming questions, making hypotheses, doing an
experiment, analyzing the data, and forming a conclusion. Every scientific
experiment performed is an example of the scientific method in action, but it is
also used by non-scientists in everyday situation

The basic steps in the scientific method are:

1. Observe a natural phenomenon and define a question about it
2. Make a hypothesis, or potential solution to the question
3. Test the hypothesis
4. If the hypothesis is true, find more evidence or find counter-evidence
5. If the hypothesis is false, create a new hypothesis or try again
6. Draw conclusions and repeat–the scientific method is never-ending, and no result is
ever considered perfect
 Organic chemistry – involves the study of the structure, properties and preparation of chemical
compounds that consist primarily of carbon and hydrogen. Examples: Petroleum, almost all medicine
and food.

 Inorganic chemistry – studies all other elements except carbon

 Analytical Chemistry – emphasizes the development of precise methods of analysing the chemical
component of substance

 Physical chemistry – covers chemical reactions, the energy associated with them, the nature of
various states and phases of matter, the structure of molecules, atoms and subatomic particle,

 Biochemistry – which is the chemistry of life, includes the study of living system and life processes at
molecular level.

 Robert Boyle (1627-1691)

o Studied the behaviour of gases and discovered the inverse relationship
between volume and pressure of a gas. He also stated that “all reality and
change can be described in terms of elementary particles and their motion,”
an early understanding of atomic theory.
o In 1661, he wrote the first chemistry textbook, “The Sceptical Cymist,” which
moved the study of substances away from mystical associations with 
alchemy and toward scientific investigation.

 Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)  
o Disproved the idea that air was an indivisible element. He showed that it was, instead, a
combination of gases when he isolated oxygen and went on to discover seven other discreet

• Jacques Charles continued Boyles’ work and is known for stating the direct relationship
between temperature and pressure of gases.
• In 1794, Joseph Proust studied pure chemical compounds and stated the Law of Definite
Proportions — a chemical compound will always have its own characteristic ratio of elemental
components. Water, for instance, always has a two-to-one ratio of hydrogen to oxygen.

 Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794)
o Was a French chemist who made important contributions to the science. While working as a tax collector,
Lavoisier helped to develop the metric system in order to insure uniform weights and measures.
o He was admitted to the French Academy of Sciences in 1768. Two years later, at age 28, he married the 13-
year-old daughter of a colleague. Marie-Anne Lavoisier is known to have assisted her husband in his
scientific studies by translating English papers and doing numerous drawings to illustrate his experiments.
o Lavoisier’s insistence on meticulous measurement led to his discovery of the Law of Conservation of Mass.
o In 1787, Lavoisier published "Methods of Chemical Nomenclature," which included the rules for naming
chemical compounds that are still in use today.
o His "Elementary Treatise of Chemistry" (1789) was the first modern chemistry textbook. It clearly defined a
chemical element as a substance that cannot be reduced in weight by a chemical reaction and listed oxygen
, iron, carbon, sulfur and nearly 30 other elements then known to exist. The book did have a few errors
though; it listed light and heat as elements.

 Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856)
o Was an Italian lawyer who began to study science and mathematics in 1800. Expanding on the
work of Boyle and Charles, he clarified the difference between atoms and molecules.
o He went on to state that equal volumes of gas at the same temperature and pressure have the
same number of molecules.
 The number of molecules in a 1-gram molecular weight (1 mole) sample of a pure substance
is called Avogadro’s Constant in his honor. It has been experimentally determined to be 6.023
x 1023 molecules and is an important conversion factor used to determine the mass of
reactants and products in chemical reactions.
 John Dalton (1766-1844)
o Was aware that water vapor is part of the atmosphere, but experiments showed that water vapor would
not form in certain other gases.
o He speculated that this had something to do with the number of particles present in those gases. Perhaps
there was no room in those gases for particles of water vapor to penetrate. There were either more
particles in the “heavier” gases or those particles were larger.
o Using his own data and the Law of Definite Proportions, he determined the relative masses of particles for
six of the known elements: hydrogen (the lightest and assigned a mass of 1), oxygen, nitrogen, carbon,
sulfur and phosphorous. Dalton explained his findings by stating the principles of the first atomic theory of
1. Elements are composed of extremely small particles called atoms.
2. Atoms of the same element are identical in size, mass and other properties. Atoms of different
elements have different properties.
3. Atoms cannot be created, subdivided or destroyed.
4. Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole number ratios to form chemical compounds.
5. In chemical reactions atoms are combined, separated or rearranged to form new compounds.
 Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907)
o Was a Russian chemist known for developing the first Periodic Table of the Elements.
o He listed the 63 known elements and their properties on cards. When he arranged the
elements in order of increasing atomic mass, he could group elements with similar properties.
With a few exceptions, every seventh element had similar properties (The eighth chemical
group — the Noble Gases — had not been discovered yet).
o Mendeleev realized that if he left spaces for the places where no known element fit into the
pattern that it was even more exact. Using the blank spaces in his table, he was able to
predict the properties of elements that had yet to be discovered. Mendeleev’s original table
has been updated to include the 92 naturally occurring elements and 26 synthesized
 In 1896, Henri Becquerel discovered radiation. Along with Pierre and Marie Curie, he
showed that certain elements emit energy at fixed rates. In 1903, Becquerel shared a
Nobel Prize with the Curies for the discovery of radioactivity.
 In 1900, Max Planck discovered that energy must be emitted in discreet units that he
called “quanta” (since named photons) not in continuous waves. It appeared that atoms
were made up of still smaller particles, some of which could move away.
 In 1911, Ernst Rutherford demonstrated that atoms consisted of a tiny dense positively
charged region surrounded by relatively large areas of empty space in which still smaller,
negatively charged particles (electrons) move. Rutherford assumed that the electrons orbit
the nucleus in separate neat orbits, just as the planets orbit the sun. However, because
the nucleus is larger and denser than the electrons, he could not explain why the electrons
were not simply pulled into the nucleus thus destroying the atom.

 Niels Bohr’s (1885-1962)

o Photons are emitted from an electrically stimulated atom only at certain frequencies.
o He hypothesized that electrons inhabit distinct energy levels and light is only emitted
when an electrically “excited” electron is forced to change energy levels.
Electrons in the first energy level, closest to the nucleus, are tightly bound to the
nucleus and have relatively low energy. In levels more distant from the nucleus
the electrons have increasing energy. Electrons in the energy level furthest from
the nucleus are not bound as tightly and are the electrons involved when atoms
bond together to form compounds. The periodic nature of the elemental
properties is a result of the number of electrons in the outer energy level that can
be involved in chemical bonds. Although Bohr models have been replaced by
more accurate atomic models, the underlying principles are sound and Bohr
models are still used as simplified diagrams to show chemical bonding

 . In 1935, James Chadwick was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery that
there are an equal number of electrically neutral particles in the nucleus of an
o Since neutrons are electrically neutral, they are not deflected by either
electrons or protons. Furthermore, neutrons have more mass than protons.
o These facts combine to make it possible for neutrons to penetrate atoms and
break apart the nucleus, releasing vast amounts of energy. In recent years, it
is increasingly obvious that the protons, neutrons and electrons of classical
chemistry are made up of still smaller subatomic particles.
o The sciences of chemistry and physics are becoming increasingly
intertwined and theories overlap and conflict as we continue to probe the
materials out of which our universe is made

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