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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Medina
Medina, Misamis Oriental



The Department of Public Works and Highways has shared

a project that is very useful in schools. This project is the
Septage and Sewerage or Rain Water Collector. The said
project was constructed in different schools and Portulin
National High School was one of those schools who
received the project.

The Septage and Sewerage or Rain Water Collector has

been a great help to the school. It is very useful because
this helps us to store water that would be useful in our daily
use, especially in comfort rooms.

This project aims to help the school in saving water that

would be useful during dry seasons, and it helps the school
to lessen the problem of flood because of rain waters. The
water from the rain will be stored directly to the tank instead
of rushing down in the land that causes small flood.

This project will be our responsibility now, and that we

assure that we will take full responsibility to this and we will
maintain its structure that we will be able to use this project
for a lifetime.

The Brigada Eskwela Plus is a plus activity during the Brigada Eskwela that aims
to achieve higher and significant goals geared towards increasing learners;
participation rate, reducing dropouts and helping improved learning for both
learners and community, and to create a network of community based
organizations to get total community commitment to attain a higher learning
through collaborative programs and projects.

With its success and progressive achievements, we would like to give

appreciation to each individual who help us in making all this possible.
First and foremost, the Faculty and Staff of Portulin National High School would
like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our Almighty God for the knowledge and
wisdom, strength and health in making this activity possible.

To the Department of Energy Under-Secretary Benito L. Ranque who give time

and effort just to extend help and support to this event and to the Local
Government of Medina headed by our very own Honorable Mayor Donato N.
Chan and Honorable Vice-Mayor Kim Michael P. Odchigue with the Sangguniang
Bayan Members.
We would also like to give thanks to all uniformed personnel who supports us and
shares some information about Drug on Wars and some safety precautions; to the
Philippine National Police (PNP) and to the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).

Our sincere thanks also to the Barangay Council of Portulin, headed by our
Barangay Captain, Honorable Bertoldo N. Yamit and to all his Barangay
Councils. We would also give thanks to the Barangay Councils of Pahindong, San
Roque, Gasa and Dig-aguyan.

To the Rural Health Unit (RHU), thank you so much for sharing some information
about healthy living, and thank you also to the Medina Rural Waterworks and
Sanitary Corporation (MERWASCO) for providing water supply everyday.

Lastly, we would give much recognition and appreciation to the 4P’s Members
and to all the parents who had been supporting us throughout the year. They are
our number one supporter and it is in our great honor to have parents that are not
just one call away but with us all the way. All the activities won’t be successful
without them and we are very thankful of that.

Together we stand, together we climb and together we can achieve success.

English Teacher

Learners in todays generation had been facing problems

especially in reading and comprehension. This has been the
issue of most schools here in our country. As an English
teacher, it is my mission to help the learners not just in
reading but also reading with comprehension.

In the past months of my teaching profession, I had faced

some problems regarding to the students. Some students has
problem in reading, in understanding and even in speaking. I
had encounter students who can barely pronounce simple
words correctly, and this is a big challenge for me.

Everyday as I enter the school, I always tell myself that today

is a new day, a new day to teach my students, a new day to
impart knowledge, and a new day to change lives. This has
been my motivation everyday, and it really helps me.

Before my class starts, we will always start with a prayer, and

after prayer I let the assigned student to say his/her motto or
food for thought for the day. All students are given their
assigned day to share his/her motto to the class. I also make
sure to give additional inspiring words to them because I
always believe in the power of words.
I always encourage my learners to participate in all the
activities in class and I make sure that everyone will get
involved. I integrate differentiated instruction in my lesson,
board activities, pair-share activity, and games. Every week, I
always give one session for spelling and reading test. If my
students get low scores, I always repeat the test but with
another set of test in order for them to master the lesson.

As a teacher, I also support the Barkada Kontra Droga

Campaign. I integrated in some of my lessons this campaign
because I strongly believe that through us teachers, we can
safeguard our learners by informing them and letting them
know the result of their actions. It is our primary goal to keep
away our learners from these prohibited drugs in order for
them to be someone someday.

The most important thing a teacher should do to his/her

learners is to motivate them to exceed beyond the norms. We
should be able to encourage our learners to give their best and
do more to achieve more because in the end, it is all for them,
and for their future.

At the end, I know I somehow inspired them and the thought

of it makes me glad.
Teachers Professional Development
In many countries, the education system are changing, most especially in our country,
the Philippines, and so is what is expected from teachers. Teachers are asked to teach
in multicultural classrooms, to make more effective use of information and
communication technologies for teaching and to do more to involve parents in schools.
For these reasons, teachers are given opportunities to be more effective as possible.
They continually expand their knowledge and skills to implement the best educational
practices. Educators learn to help students learn at the highest levels. Developing
professionalism among teachers is one of the most important thing a teacher should
get involve with, and some of it are the trainings and seminars that are mandated by
the Department of Education.
The graphs below showed the teachers’ involvement in the given trainings from the
Department of Education on the past three years, S.Y. 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and
2018-2019, that helps the teacher to be more effective.

Trainings Attended by Teachers

2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019

24 24 24

19 19 19 19 19

16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10 10 10 10

3 3 3

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Teachers Professional Development

Technical Vocational Trainings Attended

by Teachers

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019

The graph shows the increasing number of teachers in all the trainings conducted. It
simply indicate that the Portulin National High School has now increase the number
of teachers and that everyone are actively participating all the trainings that are
mandated by the Department of Education.
Stakeholders also help the teachers in making these trainings possible. Some of our
stakeholders get their selves involve in some of the trainings conducted. They
support financially in order to make such trainings more effective and efficient. With
their help and support, we are assured that every events, programs and activities that
will be done in school will be more productive and successful.
Through trainings and seminars, teachers gain more knowledge, practice their
methods and strategies in teaching and be more productive in daily class discussions.
Also, with the help of these trainings, we can assure that teachers are now much
effective, creative and very efficient in the teaching field.
Different Trainings Attended by Teachers
Different Trainings Attended by Teachers

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