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Le Chatelier's principle

Le Chatelier's principle
• Le Chatelier's principle states that - "If an equilibrium is subjected to a
change of concentration, pressure or temperature, the equilibrium shifts in
the direction that tends to undo the effect of the change".
Effect of change of concentration
Effect of change of temperature
• If the temperature is increased, the position of equilibrium moves in the
direction of the endothermic reaction. if the temperature is reduced, the
position of equilibrium moves in the direction of the exothermic reaction.
• If the forward reaction is exothermic ,backward reaction will be
endothermic or vice versa.
• The reaction for the formation of ammonia by direct combination is:
•      N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)                        ∆H = –92kJ
• In this equilibrium, the forward reaction is exothermic while the backward reaction is
endothermic .Now ,if the temperature is increased ,the equilibrium will change in the
direction of endothermic reaction, which tends to undo the effect of added heat.Since
the backward reaction is endothermic ,so this reaction will be favoured by increasing
the temperature.
• Increase in temperature will result into lesser amount of ammonia,Decrease in
temperature favours the formation of ammonia.
Example -2
• N2(g)+ O2(g) --------------2NO(g) ∆H = +180KJ.
• Here forward reaction is endothermic and backward reaction is
exothermic.Increase in temperature favours endothermic reaction.So it
will favour forward reaction.
• Decrease in temperature favours exothermic it will favour
backward reaction.
Effect of change of pressure
• When there is an increase in pressure, the equilibrium will shift towards the side of the reaction
with fewer moles of gas. When there is a decrease in pressure, the equilibrium will shift
towards the side of the reaction with more moles of gas.
• Pressure is directly proportional to number of moles.
• If there is no change in the number of moles of gaseous reactants and products and the pressure
will have no effect on the equilibrium.
• H2 + I2 ----------------->2HI
• In applying Le chatelier’s principle to a heterogeneous equilibrium,the effect of pressure changes
on solids and liquids can be ignored because the concentration is nearly independent of pressure.
• Eg 1 N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3
• On increasing pressure,of a system it will try to reduce the pressure by
reducing the number of molecules.
• Here equilibrium will shift in the direction of forward direction.
• 4---------------->2
• Eg:2 N2O4------------>2NO2
• If we are increasing the pressure of a given system at equilibrium,it will
shift in the direction where there is less number of moles.
• 1--------------->2
• Here the reaction will take place in backward reaction.
Effect of catalyst
• Catalyst has no effect on equilibrium.This is because ,catalyst favours the
rate of forward and backward reactions equally.
Effect of inert gas adddition
• If the volume is kept constant and an inert gas such as argon is added
which does not take part in the reaction,The equilibrium remains

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