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1. IMAGERY- creates pictures in a reader’s mind

- Appeals to the five senses to make
the readers connect emotionally to
the poem.

SYNESTHESIA- when an image appeals to

more than one sense at a given time.
Examples: cool outfit, blaring colors, I smell
trouble, honeyed tones
2.Personification- a figure of speech on which a thing, an idea, or an
animal is given human attributes
- The non-human objects are portrayed in such a way that we feel
they have the abilities to act like human beings.

Examples: hands of time, shoulders of the road, the heavens are

3.Simile- a figure of speech which makes an explicit comparison
between two things using the words “as” or “like”

Examples: My love is like a red rose

Extended Metaphor- when a metaphor is
b. Metaphor- a figure of speech which makes the comparison
extended throughout a paragraph or poetic
implicit or hidden by removing the term s “as” and “like”
Examples: my fist is a knotty hammer, a sea of troubles, all the
world’s a stage
4. Metonymy and Synecdoche- SIMILAR BUT NOT THE SAME

Uses a part to stand for a

A figure of speech that uses a word to refer
Examples: May I have your
something closely linked to another object
hand in marriage?, Nice
Examples: lend me your ears, the kettle is
boiling 6. Oxymoron- a figure of speech that
combines two contradictory opposite
words in one phrase.
Examples: sweet sorrow, pleasing plague
Paradox- contains contradictory ideas that
5. Symbol- something that
have some truth to it, expressed in a
represents another thing or idea
sentence or group of sentences.

Examples: I must be cruel to be kind

Child is the father of the man
An Rawitdawit o Kun Ano Ini
Frank Peñones Jr.
(an excerpt)

dai nasasayod, alagad nadadangog.

si mga dai nadadangog.
pirme, mas o menos, pa sakong sinasabi

those unuttered, but heard.

those unheard but unuttered.
always, more or less, than what I said.
Assignment: Provide the literal
meaning of each Bikol term below.
1. sinidok-
2. lulugadon-
3. karagkadag
4. makubal
5. hagubhob
6. magian
7. tuninong
8. nagtitirig

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