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Unit 5

Electric Vehicle Maintenance and Service

Electric Vehicle Maintenance and Service
Electric Vehicle Maintenance Overview
The elements that EVs share with gas vehicles—like wheels and brakes—do need maintaining. Filters
get dirty. Tail Lights burn out. As with any machine with moving parts, lubrication is needed to make the
vehicle run, well, fluidly. Coolants are needed so that parts don't overheat.
But as their name suggests, internal combustion engines run much hotter than electric vehicles (190
degrees C compared to 40/50 degrees C), which means EV coolants break down more slowly and
need less frequent replacement.
Along with the lower price of electricity compared to gasoline, the cost to maintain an electric vehicle is
one of its greatest selling points in terms of the lifetime cost for owning an EV. Consumer Reports
estimates that, on average, the maintenance of an electric vehicle adds up to $0.03 per mile—half that
of a gasoline-powered car.
If a function or part of an electric vehicle isn't mentioned in this maintenance guide, it's because it's the
same as on a gas-powered car. But some functions in common with gasoline cars have different
maintenance requirements, as do elements that are unique to EVs
● Avoid extreme temperatures: Both extremely hot and extremely cold temperatures negatively
affect battery performance. Nevertheless, manufacturers generally factor in such
temperature extremes during vehicle development and most EVs offer adequate auxiliary
cooling and heating options to ensure battery pack temperatures remain at tolerable levels.

● Avoid regularly fully charging and depleting the battery: Charging an EV to full capacity and
running it out of charge risk degrading its battery pack. Fortunately, many EV manufacturers
prevent full capacity charging in order to limit battery degradation.

● Avoid regularly using fast chargers: Quick-charging "Fast Chargers" degrade battery packs
more quickly than typical, slower charging methods such as a Level 2 charger.
As with internal combustion vehicles, EVs have tires, rotors, shocks, struts, driveshafts, and boots
that periodically need regular rotation, inspection, maintenance, or replacement. Maintaining
proper tire pressure and tread depth is important on any car but may be more even more so on an
EVs have instant torque (rotational force of the wheels), which on slippery roads can increase the
likelihood of spinning. And EVs are, on average, heavier than comparable gas-powered cars in the
same category, so once the vehicle begins to slide, it may be more difficult to control. Proper tire
maintenance, a good set of snow tires in the winter (where applicable), and sensible driving habits
can prevent slippage.
Since electric vehicles primarily use regenerative braking rather than traditional friction brakes, discs and
pads are subject to less wear and tear. While Tesla CEO Elon Musk has tweeted that “brake pads on a Tesla
literally never need to be replaced for [the] lifetime of the car,” brake pads can still wear out, depending on
how you drive. Even the Tesla Model 3 Owner's Manual recommends replacing worn brake pads. Brake
drums, linings, hoses, and fluid also need regular inspection.
Compared to an internal combustion engine, an electric motor is a rather simple machine that will in all
likelihood never need replacing. Most electric vehicles have a single multi-speed motor, meaning there's
no transmission that shifts the vehicle between multiple gears. (Some EVs have two to four motors, but
power is distributed electronically between them rather than through shifting gears.) That means no
transmission fluid, at least in the traditional sense.
EVs do have a reduction gearbox—which some people call a transmission—between the motor and the
wheels that need lubrication—which even EV manufacturers may call “transmission fluid.” Usually, the
gearbox is sealed, so a qualified mechanic will need to perform inspection and maintenance on it
Climate Control
While gas-powered vehicles draw heat from the engine to heat the car, EVs use either
resistance heaters that draw their energy from the battery, or highly efficient heat pumps
that, in general, need less maintenance. Cooling the vehicle tends to work the same, with
an air conditioning compressor that needs refrigerant inspected and air filters periodically
Software Upgrades
EVs run on electrons, so keeping your electronics updated is more important in an EV
than in a gas-powered vehicle. Software and firmware upgrades can increase the
efficiency of an EV, add new features, or increase the vehicle's electronic security.
Some EV manufacturers offer over-the-air updates, just as you would get for other
digital devices. For many vehicles, this requires being within range of your home wifi.
Other manufacturers require a visit to the dealership to perform upgrades.
A Typical EV Maintenance Schedule
Diagnostics for EV systems

● Check Battery
● Check the Connectors
● Check the Motor
● Scan the Onboard Diagnostics
● Check Other Components
● Check Wiring Harness
● Check the Fuse
● Test the Circuitry
Troubleshooting and Diagnostics systems for Electric Vehicle
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