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By : Ahmed AlKhaldi.

• My personal response in regards to Education issue is that not all people have free education in the world
between random 10 people I the world 4 of them are not educated and that’s a big number we have 7
billion people in this world so a large amount of parents in tis world don’t have enough money to send
their children to school so my suggestion is government make all schools free for students atl east from
year 1 to 3 at least so they get an educated community and help he country in future maybe work for them
and helped them get the more money then the governmet payed first when they gave him free 3 years
education . Yeah so this is my option regarding quality education

• Our country (Qatar) is supporting people in this country by providing them a free local learning
and pays for all the fees and make life easier for people who live in Qatar and provide people the
best quality of education in the entire world and that’s a very special thing for people who live in
Qatar or From Qatar and that’s make Qatar government very good and is from the top 50 in the
world and that’s

• In our point of view , we see a lot of people need to be educated and learn how
to talk because about 20% percante of people in not educated and don’t know
how to read and write and that’s not a good thing for us ( humans ) all people
should know how to read and right to make commuintes way better

• War is an ugly reality of our world, and we can see daily on the news how it effects education and
learing in the country , and kids are terrifed to go school becuase of war and can't focus in class
becuse they cant stop thinking about their parents and if there's familiy are safe or not so this war
sitation is is happening in a lot of countries like ( yaman , and in Gaza and also in bunch or others
places ) there is no easy station about was and effecting the quality of education but that doesnt
mean that this all cant be solved such example making schools a better place or safer place for
kids to stay and learn and parents to not worry about them and that will help alot becuase all what
the parents care about is see thier kids happy and (safe)

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