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Be a Great Interviewee

What to prepare
Mental and physical
CV and Application Letter
Great outfit
The common rundown
Knocking the door
Hand shaking and greetings
Sitting down the chair after the Interviewer asks you to
Answering questions
Saying goodbye
Walking out the room
1.Please Introduce yourself (Who are you) ?
Answer : Including ; Name (full name and nickname), D/P of
birth, Adress, Hobby etc.
2. What is your motivation to apply this position?
Answer : (show that you are so enthusiastic )
ex : I want to apply this job/ position because this
company is the best place for me to get experience also
place to improve my creativity and I really want to be
apart of this company to develop this company to be
more better and better in the future.
Tips : do not mention that you are going to find experience if you
already are.
3. What is your motivation of living? (Motto)
Answer : (show that you are a fighter)
ex : Do not give up until you are standing up
(Tips : Do not show that you are selfish persons)

4. Please mention your positive and negative sides!

Answer : my positive sides are……
my negative sides are……
(tips : do not show your negative sides which might
the company into damage)
5. what will you give to this company if you’re hired?
Answer : (show that you are a hardworker and honest
person, include your positive sides to support your
Ex : I will give my best and dedication to this company
so this company can be more succesful and I will show
that I am deserving this position based on my positive
6. What is your biggest dissapointment in life?
Answer : (do not show you are a weak person
that is easily get sad but do not show that
you are a heartless person as well)
Ex : my biggest dissapointment in life is when I failed
my math test. Because I learned much at night.
But I did not give up.
7. What is your biggest success in life?
Answer : (just share your experience but do not be
Ex : my biggest succes in life is when I won a national
debate competition and everyone who
supported me felt proud of me.

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