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Primary Memory

It is known as main memory,

internal memory or system
memory RAM, ROM, Flash
memory , cache memory and
buffer are types of primary
memory. It is volatile memory
except ROM. It stores data,
instructions and programs which
are currently under execution. It
is directly accessible to CPU.
Types of primary memory

 Primary Memory



RAM (Random Access Memory)
 The word RAM Stands For “Random access memory” or short-
term memory. It’s called random because we can read store
data randomly at any time and from any location. It is a
temporal storage memory. It is volatile . It is fastest type of
memory . RAM Stores the currently processed data from the
 There are two subcategories of RAM:
 Static RAM(SRAM)
 Dynamic RAM(DRAM)
 1) Static RAM: It is the form of RAM and made
with flip-flops and used for primary storage
are volatile . It is more expensive than DRAM.
It is used as cache memory.

 2) Dynamic RAM: It is another form of RAM

used as main memory. The data is refreshed
periodically to maintain in it. It is cheaper but
it can store much more information.
Moreover, it is also slower and consumes less
power than SRAM.
ROM (Read only
 Read-only memory is a type of non-volatile
memory used in computers and other
electronic devices . Data stored in ROM
cannot be electronically modified after the
manufacture of the memory device . ROM
is "Non-Volatile Memory” that retains
data without the flow of electricity.
 There are three type of ROM:
 1) PROM
 2) EPROM
Type of ROM

 1) Prom (Programmable read only


PROM stand for programmable can be

programmed only be done once and read many .
Unlike ROM,PROMs retain their contents without the
flow of electricity. PROM Is also nonvolatile memory.
The significant difference between a ROM and a
PROM Is that a ROM comes with pre-written by the
computer manufacturer whereas PROM manufactured
as blank memory
 2) EPROM : It stands for Erasable
Programmable Read only Memory. This memory
retains its contests until it exposed to intense
ultra-violet light that clears its contents,
making it possible to reprogram the memory.

 3) EEPROM: It stands for Electrically Erasable

Programmable Read only Memory. It can be
Programmed and erased by first electrical
waves in a millisecond.

Cache memory is a small, quick

and expensive memory placed
between main memory and
processor (CPU). It is a high-
speed semiconductor memory,
which can be speed up the CPU.
It acts as a buffer between the
CPU and the main memory. It is
used to hold those parts of data
and program, which are most
frequently used by the CPU.

 A buffer is a temporary
storage on RAM. It contain
data that is stored for a sort
amount of time . The
purpose of a buffer is to
hold data right before it is
used. A buffer is also called
buffer memory. The buffer
is mostly used for input
output processes for

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