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Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

How to implement GEs revolutionary method for attacking organizational problems!!!!!

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Arnab Dasgupta(107) Jai Dembani(108) Ankit Dhadda(109) Isha Aditi Dhar(110) Duvvuri Ravishankar(111) Deon Fernandes(112)

MBA, 2007-09

What is work-out??
The GE WorkOut process is a time tested method used to:

Streamline & simplify existing processes Eliminate non-value added work Quickly identify, prioritize & meet new business initiatives Speed up decision making & implementation Build an empowered, "ownership" workforce

G.E. WorkOut, developed at GE in the late 1980's, is being used with dramatic results at hundreds of organizations world wide. The focus is on fast implementation of measurable improvements with clear lines of accountability - obtained with speed, simplicity, and self confidence. Used repeatedly, GE Work Out can help your organization become more lean, efficient, and responsive to changing market conditions

The Key Elements of WorkOut

WorkOut aims to

Create the forum for dialogue and change Eliminate bureaucracy and barriers Cultivate grass root solutions

People closest to the work

Know it best Have significantly more to contribute to achieving business goalsand want to do so Will respond favorably to a team challenge

Actions begin immediately because Leadership decides live on the recommended solutions Teams empowered to implement their solutions with updates to leadership Recommendations must be completed in 90 days

How does it help?

Infuses entrepreneurial spirit-greater speed, flexibility, communication Provides a focus on stretch Develops systems thinking Encourages lateral thinking-RAMMPP Matrix Quick and critical analysis of ideas- Pay-off matrix Creating ownership Injects rapid cycle change and fast decision making


"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a process, working together is success." - Henry Ford


WorkOut Involves Everyone

Top Down
Leaders or managers identify a key business improvement goal, then challenge those closest to the work to recommend ways to reach the goal.

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Bottom Up
Those closest to the work make specific recommendations to meet the goal, then implement the approved recommendations within 90 days.

Pay-off matrix for a critical idea analysis

Overcoming resistance

Create synergy among existing alternatives Nobody is perfect Cost-effectiveness Preach, profess , propagate"Wasteful Work Practices"

Stages Of A Work-Out
Stages Time (days) Participants Planning 30 Conducting 1-3 Implementing 90 Recommendat ion Owners, other recruited members

Sponsor, Lead Facilitator, Sponsor, Champion, lead Champion, invited facilitator, team leader, team members member, team facilitator, resource people, administrator, panelist i. ii. Select theme, date, design session choose team leaders, team members, team facilitators, town meeting panelists, administrator, resource people

Goal And Functions

Analyze situation, give Carry out recommendation, approve action plan action plans, give go ahead signal

Planning A Work-Out

Objective :

What is the objective of this Work-Out in bottom-line business

terms? Improvement in actual performance, not in an area Work-Out goal expression in a SMART goal statement : Stretch goal, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-related Planning :

1. Identifying the problem 2. Upper level organizational support 3. Organizing a plan design team 4. Recruiting a cross-functional team

Roles Role Responsibilities Importance

Facilitation roles
Responsible for all the parts of the organization involved in the Mandatory Work-Out Represents the sponsor at sessions and organizes review sessions. Responsible for detailed preparation & follow up. Mandatory

Sponsor (A Sr.Manager)


Work-Out Consultant

Helps the sponsor make initial decisions about objectives and Mandatory then works with the sponsor and champion to design the session and organize logistics compile and prepare the data given to team members Facilitators help the consultant prepare and run sessions, attend preliminary briefing sessions with the lead facilitator, and meet with team leaders to plan the team Sessions Specialists who are available during sessions organizes the logistics of the event responsible for preparing their team for sessions Optional Mandatory



Exp resource

Optional Optional Mandatory


Participatory Roles

Team leaders

Team Member Gather data, do some preliminary thinking, and are part of the Mandatory team that solves the business Problem

Conducting a work out

Introduction Brainstorming within small teams Presenting the ideas Developing the top 4 best ideas
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Implementing Work -Outs

Ensuring Accountability Work planning Providing management oversight and support

Implementing Work -Outs

Selecting the Implementation team :

In touch with the front line Challenge traditional practices Participate actively without dominating Strong orientation towards action and results

Customizing Work-Out

Time: A complex problem needs an Extended Work-Out Distance: Organizations scattered geographically use Virtual Work-Out FLEX THE FOCUS Bureaucracy Busting Process Improvement Strengthening the Value Chain

Leadership Challenge

Define, Clarify and communicate the Leadership Brand to everyone Assess Managers against Leadership Brand Invest in Managers Development enabling them to live with brand Reinforce the Leadership Brand

Embedding the Work-Out Process in Organization Culture

Work-Out is an adjective Stack the deck for success Use Facilitators to show the way Build a support system Enable managers to get ready to deploy Work-Out Set Specific Delivery Goals

Embedding the Work-Out Process in Organization Culture

Publicize the success Align your actions with your commitment Reach the tipping point Resource your Work-Out Share the knowledge you gain Apply Work-Out to other Programs


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