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• Voting or Suffrage is a long-fought privilege

and right given to every Filipino citizen.

Most importantly, it is a responsibility that
every Filipino who comes of age must fulfill
Lesson 6: in recognition of the scarifies those before
us had to give so that those who came
generations after them may no longer be
Voter dictated by foreign elements.
• By voting, a Filipino is given the
Citizenshi opportunity to be directly involved in the
affairs of the nation and have a stake in
p national interest. Thus not only is it a right
and a responsibility, it also becomes a
Education privilege.
Qualification and Disqualification of a Voter

• Suffrage may be exercised by all qualified and registered voters of the

Philippines and otherwise disqualified by law. According to our
Constitution, voters shall not be barred from voting by their literacy,
amount of property, or other such matters.
Qualifications to vote in the Philippines are:

a.Being a citizen of the Philippines

b.Being eighteen years of age or over
c.Being a resident of the Philippines for one year, and for at least six
months in the city or municipality wherein he/she proposes to vote
immediately preceding the election are qualified to vote.
The value of your Vote
The Commission on Higher Education emphasizes that every voter must value their vote:
 Equal chance for a vote, whether rich or poor
 Guaranteed opportunity to participate
 It is priceless
Your Vote will mean:
 Better services from executive
 Better policies and laws from the legislative
 A brighter future for us, FILIPINOS.
Why we should cast our
Votes during Elections?
• It is during the elections where we as citizen determine
who is able to make decisions and wield the power they
were handed to make a positive difference for the
country for years to come. Our decision on who to put
in power is of national significance.
• Exercising our right to choose our leaders at the very
least gives us HOPE that we CAN choose good people
to be our leader; and having good people in government
will assure us that our needs and welfare will be
addressed and safeguard.
• When we utilize our power to vote, we will have proven
to ourselves that we are ready to face our destiny as a
people and indeed be responsible for the welfare of our
What must we do?
 Register or revalidate your registration
 Encourage your friends to register and to revalidate their registration.
 Help educate your friends.
 Cast your vote
 Watch the count
“The best way for evil to triumph is for
good men to do nothing.”

– Voters Education Program National Youth Commission.

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