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• A Chi-square (x2) distribution is a continuous
distribution ordinarily derived as the sampling
distribution of sum of squares of independent
standard normal variables.
Characteristics of the Chi-square distribution
• It is a continuous distribution.
• The x2 distribution has a single parameter; the
degree of freedom, v
• The mean of the Chi-square distribution is v
• The variance of the Chi-square distribution is 2v .
• It is based on a comparison of the sample of
observed data (results) with the expected
• It is skewed distribution and only non negative
values of the variable are possible.
• The area under the curve is 1.0
• The x2 distribution has the following
areas of application:
 Test for independence between two
 Testing for equality of several proportions
 Goodness of fit tests (Binomial, Normal and
1. Test for independence between two variables

• Is used to analyze the frequencies of two

variables with multiple categories to determine
whether the two variables are independent.
• Involves using sample data to test for the
independence of two variables. The sample data
is given in two ways table called a contingency
• The test is sometimes referred to as
CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS (contingency table test).
• It is used to analyze, for example, the
following cases:
• Whether employee absenteeism is independent
of job classification
• Whether beer preference is independent of sex
• Whether favorite sport is independent of
• Whether type of financial investment is
independent of Geographic region.
1. State the null and alternative hypothesis
the two variables are independent
the two variables are dependent
2. Decision rule:
 Based on level of significance and degrees of freedom
3. Compute the test statistic
 The first task is to estimate the expected frequencies

4. Decision: compare values in steps 2 and 3 and reach at decision

Example: A company planning a TV advertising
campaign wants to determine which TV shows its
target audience watches and thereby to know
whether the choice of TV program an individual
watches is independent of the individuals income. The
table supporting this is shown below. Use a 5% level
of significance and the null hypothesis.
Income Type of show
Sport Entertainment News Total
Low 143 70 37 250
Medium 90 67 43 200
High 17 13 20 50
Total 250 150 100 500
Compute the test statistic
In computing the test statistic our first task is to estimate the expected
frequencies ) where

Example: A human resource manager at EAGEL Inc.

was interested in knowing whether the voluntary
absence behavior of the firm’s employees was
independent of the marital status. The employee files
contained data on material status and on voluntary
absenteeism behavior for a sample of 500 employees
is shown below.
Marital status
Absence of behavior Married Divorced Widowed Single Total
Often absent 36 16 14 34 100
Seldom absent 64 34 20 82 200
Never absent 50 50 16 84 200
Total 150 100 50 200 500

Test the hypothesis that the absence behavior is

independent of marital status at a significance level of 1%
2. Testing for the equality of several proportions

• Emphasizes on whether several proportions

are equal or not; and hence the null
hypothesis takes the following form:
Example: In the business credit institution industry
the accounts receivable for companies are classified
as being “current”. “moderately late”, “very late” and
“uncollectible”. Industry figure shows that the ratio
of these four classes is 9:3:3:1 .
The firm has 800 accounts receivable, with
439,168,133,and 60 failing in each class. Are these
proportions in agreement with the industry ratio? Let
• ETHIO PLASTIC factory sells its products in
three primary colors: Red, Blue, and yellow.
The marketing manager of feels that
customers have no color preference for the
product. To set this hypothesis the manger
set up a test in which 120 purchases were
given equal opportunity to buy the product in
each of the three colors. The results were
that 60 bought red , 20 bought blue, and 40
bought yellow. Test the marketing manger’s
null hypothesis, using 𝛼=0.05
• Example: Rating sciences, Inc., a TV program-rating
service, surveyed 600 families where the television
was turned on during the prime time on week nights.
They found the following numbers of people turned
to the various networks.

Channel Type Number of viewers

EBS Commercial 210

Arts 170

Balageru 165

EBC Non commercial 55

A.Test the hypothesis that all four networks have equal
proportions of viewers during this prime time period.
using .
B.Eliminate the results for EBC and repeat the test of
hypothesis for the three commercial networks, using .
C.Test the hypothesis that each of the three major
networks has 30% of the weeknight prime time market
and EBC has 10% using .
3. Goodness of fit tests (binomial, poison & Normal)

• Used to decide whether a particular

probability distribution, such as the
binomial, Poisson, or normal distribution.
• Is important ability, because as decision
makers using statistics, we will need to
choose a certain probability distribution
to represent the distribution of the
data we happen to be considering.
One degree of freedom is lost for each parameter
that has to be estimated. However, if the research
completely specifies the distribution including
parameter values, then no additional degrees of
freedom is lost.

Null hypothesis Parameters to be Degrees of

estimated freedom lost

: population is normal 2
: population is normal with 1
: population is normal with 1
: population is normal with None 0
: population is Poisson 1
: population is Poisson with None 0
Example: The Ethiopian postal service is interested in modeling the
“mangled letter” problem. It has been suggested that any letter sent
to a certain area has a 0.15 chance of being mangled. Since the post
office is so big, it can be assumed that two letters chances of being
mangled are independent.

A sample of 310 people was selected, and two test letters were mailed
to each of them. The number of people receiving zero, one, or two
mangled letters was 260,40 and 10, respectively. At 0.10 level of
significance, is it reasonable to conclude that the number of mangled
letters received by people follows a binomial distribution?
•𝐻𝑜: The number of
mangled letters received
by people follows
Test statistic (sample )
• Example 2: Miss Tsion, saleswoman for Moon paper
company, has five accounts to visit per day. It is
suggested that sales by Miss Tsion May be described
by the binomial distribution, with the probability of
selling each account being 0.40. given the following
frequency distribution of Miss Tsion’s number of
sales per day, can we conclude that the data do in
fact follow the binomial distribution? Uses 0.05
significance level.

No of sales 0 1 2 3 4 5

per day

Frequency 10 41 60 20 6 3
• Example (Poisson)
• It is hypothesized that the number of
breakdowns per month of a computer system
at a major university follows a Poisson
distribution with average break down to be 2
per month. . The data below show the
observed number of breakdowns per month
during a sample of 100 months. Use a 5% level
of significance and test the null hypothesis.
Breakdowns 0 1 2 3 4 5 & above

Observed 14 20 34 22 5 3
Example 2: Suppose that a teller supervisor
believes that the distribution of random
arrivals at local bank is Poisson and sets
out to test the hypothesis by gathering
information. The following data represent a
distribution of frequency of arrivals during
one minute intervals at a bank. Use to test
these data in an effort to determine
whether they are Poisson Distributed.
No of arrivals 0 1 2 3 4 5 and above
Observed frequency 7 18 25 17 12 5
• Example (Normal)
• Suppose that Ato Paulos developed an overall
attitude scale to determine how his company’s
employees feel toward their company. In theory the
scores can vary from 0 to 50. Ato Paulos retests his
measurement instrument on a randomly selected
group of 100 employees. He tallies the scores and
summarizes them in to six categories as shown
below. Are these retest scores approximately
normally distributed with =24.9, =7.194 Use

Score category 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40

Frequency 11 14 24 28 13 10
Exercise: Test if the following observed data are
normally distributed. Let α=0.05. What are your
estimated mean and standard deviation?

Category 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Observed frequency 6 14 24 35 24 10 7
• Example: The director of a major soccer team believes that the ages f purchasers of
game tickets are normally distributed. If the following data represent the
distribution of ages for a sample of observed purchasers of major soccer game
tickets, use the chi-square goodness-of-fit-test to determine whether this
distribution is significantly different from the normal distribution. Assume that .

Age of 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70


Frequency 16 44 61 56 35 19

Reject if
• Test statistic (sample )
Age category Observed Mid point (m)
16 15 240 3600
44 25 1100 27500
61 35 2135 74725
56 45 2520 113400
35 55 1925 105875
19 65 1235 80275
231   9155
With , the expected probability of each category can be obtained as follows

Then, the expected frequencies can be obtained by multiplying each expected

probability by thee total frequency (231), as shown below.

Age Probability Expected frequency (  

0.01463 3.380  
10-20 0.06030 13.929 17.309
20-30 0.16392 37.866 37.866
30-40 0.27312 63.091 63.091
40-50 0.26440 61.076 61.076
50-60 0.15682 36.225 36.225
60-70 0.05394 12.460
0.01287 2.973 15.433
Score Observ Probabilit Expected   (
categ ed y frequency
ory frequen (
cy (
10-20 16 0.07493 0.07493 17.30883 1.7135 0.0990
20-30 44 0.16392 0.16392   37.6260 0.9937
30-40 61 0.27312 0.27312   4.3723 0.0693
40-50 56 0.26440 0.26440   25.7658 0.4219
50-60 35 0.15682 0.15682   1.5006 0.0414
60-70 19 0.06681 0.06681   12.72.35 0.8244

Do not reject . The age of purchasers of soccer game tickets are normally distributed.

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