English 8 Context Clues

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English 8

Quarter1 Module 1
At the end of the lesson, learners would be able to;
•Give the meaning of context clues and their types
•Use context clues to unlock unfamiliar terms in narrative
text, Informative text, exposition text, and more.
• Create a brochure that highlights local culture.
• Appreciate the importance of using context clues in
determining unfamiliar words in a certain text and
develop critical thinking skills.
 Jumbled the letters posted on the board in
Columns A and B. Ask the students to form
a meaningful word out of it.

A. Many words in English come from different languages of different
cultures. Find the word that fits with the definition.

A. Kimono B. Barbeque C. impala D. pajama E. syrup

F. okra G. sheikh H. alligator I. Magazine J. Bandit

1. ________ are clothes worn for sleeping. (Word from Persian)

2. A _______ is a long outer garment worn in Japan. (Word from Japan)
3. An ________ is a large reptile with leathery skin. (Word from Spanish)
4. A ________ is an outdoor grill cooking meat. (Word from Spanish)
5. A________ is a publication for reading. (Word from Arabic)
A. Many words in English come from different languages of different
cultures. Find the word that fits with the definition.

A. Kimono B. Barbeque C. impala D. pajama E. syrup

F. okra G. sheikh H. alligator I. Magazine J. Bandit

1. Pajamas are clothes worn for sleeping. (Word from Persian)

2. A kimono is a long outer garment worn in Japan. (Word from Japan)
3. An alligator is a large reptile with leathery skin. (Word from Spanish)
4. A barbeque is an outdoor grill cooking meat. (Word from Spanish)
5. A magazine is a publication for reading. (Word from Arabic)
6. A ________ is the chief or head of the family. (Word
from Arabic)
7. ______ is a plant used in stew or soup. (Word from
8. is a word from the Zulu people in Africa. (Word
from Africa)
9. A _______ is a robber. (Word in Arabic)
10.A ________ is a sweet, thick liquid such as molasses.
(Word from Arabic)
6. A sheikh is the chief or head of the family. (Word
from Arabic)
7. Okra is a plant used in stew or soup. (Word from
8. Impala is a word from the Zulu people in Africa.
(Word from Africa)
9. A bandit is a robber. (Word in Arabic)
10. A syrup is a sweet, thick liquid such as molasses.
(Word from Arabic)
B. Choose the letter of your answer.

11. What is the meaning of malicious in this sentence? Because his attacks are so
mean, he is so malicious. A B
12. They were indeed voracious ladies. The female READING club members went
to the library and read three books the whole morning. The word voracious
A. lazy C. chill
B. enthusiastic D. idle
13. Which context clue does the following sentence utilize? My own writing was
utterly illegible. My professor could hardly read those scribbles.
A. Definition B. Restatement C. Example
D. Multiple meanings, depending on neighboring words
B. Choose the letter of your answer.

11. What is the meaning of malicious in this sentence? Because his attacks are so
mean, he is so malicious. A B
12. They were indeed voracious ladies. The female READING club members went
to the library and read three books the whole morning. The word voracious
A. lazy C. chill
B. enthusiastic D. idle
13. Which context clue does the following sentence utilize? My own writing was
utterly illegible. My professor could hardly read those scribbles.
A. Definition B. Restatement C. Example
D. Multiple meanings, depending on neighboring words
14. Which context clue does the following sentence utilize? Pedagogical
institutions, including high schools, kindergartens, and colleges, require
community support to function efficiently.
A. Definition B. Restatement
C. Example D. Multiple meanings, depending on
neighboring words
15. Which context clue does the following sentence utilize? The word
Vodou means ―” spirit” or ―” deity” in the Fon language of the African
kingdom of Dahomey).
A. Definition B. Restatement
C. Example D. Multiple meanings, depending on
neighboring words
14. Which context clue does the following sentence utilize? Pedagogical
institutions, including high schools, kindergartens, and colleges, require
community support to function efficiently.
A. Definition B. Restatement
C. Example D. Multiple meanings, depending on
neighboring words
15. Which context clue does the following sentence utilize? The word
Vodou means ―” spirit” or ―” deity” in the Fon language of the African
kingdom of Dahomey).
A. Definition B. Restatement
C. Example D. Multiple meanings, depending on
neighboring words
A. (biology) the basic structural and functional unit
of all organisms; they may exist as independent
units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or
tissues as in higher plants and animals
B. small room in which a monk or nun lives
C. a room where a prisoner is kept
D. a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus
of a larger political movement
E. a device that delivers an electric current as the
result of a chemical reaction
How is the word cell used in each sentence? Select its appropriate meaning from the choices given

16. In the Christian context, a Monastic cell is small and contains a

minimum of stuff.
17. Thousands of inmates are held in cramped cells along narrow
hallways of the City jail.
18. Batteries consist of one or more electrochemical cells that store
chemical energy for later conversion to electrical energy.
19. The guard cells contain chlorophyll, which is absent from
typical epidermal cells, the latter acting as a tissue for water storage.
20. In a cell structure, each of the small groups of people in the cell
only knows the identities of the people in their cell.
How is the word cell used in each sentence? Select its appropriate meaning from the choices given

16. In the Christian context, a Monastic cell is small and contains a

minimum of stuff. B
17. Thousands of inmates are held in cramped cells along narrow
hallways of the City jail. C
18. Batteries consist of one or more electrochemical cells that store
chemical energy for later conversion to electrical energy. E
19. The guard cells contain chlorophyll, which is absent from
typical epidermal cells, the latter acting as a tissue for water storage.
20. In a cell structure, each of the small groups of people in the cell
only knows the identities of the people in their cell. D
I will divide the class into four with some reading passages respectively.
Group 1- Stirring Up Trouble
Group 2- Nelson M: A Thembu Prince
Group 3- Nelson: Cow’s Best Friend
Group 4- An Autobiography
Activity: Dig In!
Each group should share their ideas about the passage that they’ve just read. Whenever they can refer back to
the passage to check their ideas and answers.
1. Who is Nelson Mandela? _____________________
2. What does the text show about Mandela’s childhood?
3. Why is Mandela considered a Thembu Prince?
4. Describe Mandela’s family. ___________________
5. What kind of picture did Mandela paint about his childhood? _________________________________
A.Below are African words taken from the passages above. Give the
meaning of these words. Look for the hint that will tell you the
meaning of these South African words.

1. Xhosa - _____________________________________
2. Rolihlahla - _________________________________
3. Thembuland- ________________________________
4. Qaba- _______________________________________
5. Qunu- ______________________________________
A. Below are African words taken from the passages above. Give the
meaning of these words. Look for the hint that will tell you the
meaning of these South African words.

1. Xhosa - African name

2. Rolihlahla - European name which meant literally ―pulling the
branch of a tree‖ meant more colloquially as
3. Thembuland - Peasant village
4. Qaba - Faith that involves worshiping of ancestral spirits
5. Qunu - A settlement of beehive-shaped huts in a narrow valley
•Use context clues to determine the meaning of the words below.
Word Derived Meaning (Using Context Clues)
1.Kraal  whitewashed huts
2.mealie  corn
3.amasi  fermented milk
4.veld  open field
5.rondavels  a collection of beehive-shaped huts with thatch roofs
•Consult a dictionary to compare the meanings of the words below .

Word Other spelling Pronunciation Dictionary

1. A village of Southern Africa natives
1.kraal  craal orkraul  \’krol’ , ‘kral\ B. the native village community

 corn, especially sweet corn

2.mealie  mielie  \me-le\
Fermented milk that tastes like cottage
3.amasi  maas \ae’masi\ cheese or plain yogurt
A grassland especially of Southern Africa
4.veld  veldt \’velt\ usually made of mud and having a
thatched roof of grass
 a roundhouse resembling a native hut
5.rondavels  rondawel \’randevel\ often used as a guest house or tourist
C. Use the given words in a sentence.
Word Sentence

You don’t have to check the dictionary for every word you do not understand. Very often, you can get its
meaning from the clues in the sentence where the word is found. You call these hints context clues.

Context Clues- indicate which of the possible meanings of a word is intended by the
writer or speaker.

There are several types of clues:

1. Definition- You must try to fulfill your oath because it is a solemn promise.
Notice that solemn promise defines oath.
*It defines the precise meaning of a vocabulary word in the sentence itself, usually
immediately or closely following the vocabulary word.
2. Restatement- The result of the investigation is unpredictable. No one knows what
the result will be.
When no one knows what the result will be, the result is unpredictable.
*Restatement is signaled by a word or a punctuation mark.
3. Example-She went into seclusion. No one came to see her, and she
refused to see anymore.
The two details given in the second sentence explain what seclusion
*Specific examples are also used to define the term.
Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are governed by
predictable laws.
4. Multiple meanings, depending on neighboring words
a. This figure is a square. (geometric figure)
b. Let us give him a square meal. (satisfying meal)
c. Try to square yourself. (adjust or set yourself right)
d. They will perform a square dance. (a kind of dance)
CONTEXT CLUES can also help when a word has more than one meaning. These
words are called homographs. Some simple examples are “bank,” “live,” and
“rose.” Context clues allow us to choose the specific meaning the author intended
for that word, at that time. If you’re reading about a bear racing through the woods,
for example, and he climbs a bank, context clues tell you it’s a mound of dirt, not a
place where people keep their money.
Thus, context clues are essential to us, especially when we are in the middle of an
examination, for which using dictionaries is prohibited. Through this, it develops
your critical thinking skills by analyzing and interpreting based on your prior
knowledge of the unfamiliar words in the sentence or the sentences that surround
those uncommon words. So, context clues help you to increase your vocabulary
skills, and reading comprehension, and become a better reader. Whether you’ve
ever heard the term before or not, you probably use context clues all the time –
maybe without even realizing it.
Activity: Getting Meaning Through Context Clues
Find out the meaning of each italicized word by using context clues. Write the definition based on your
understanding of the line.

__________1. The fog was so heavy that it was impossible to see and avoid the oncoming car. The collision
was inevitable.
__________2. This is a difficult experiment that requires careful performance. You will not be able to get
correct results if you do it in a haphazard.
__________3. That is a valid statement; I have no doubt that it is true.
__________4. There was a general exodus from the room when the alarm sounded; all the students left.
__________5. Anna can make a dull gift package look beautiful; she is adept at gift wrapping and tying
__________6. This room is free from noise; it is conducive to studying.
__________7. These days, a computer is an indispensable tool in many businesses. Companies cannot live
without it.
__________8. She does not like to meet people; she is an introvert.
__________9. He is an extrovert; he is a very sociable person.
_________10. The scene was painted on the wall. It made an attractive mural.
Activity: Getting Meaning Through Context Clues
Find out the meaning of each italicized word by using context clues. Write the definition based on your
understanding of the line.

__________1. The fog was so heavy that it was impossible to see and avoid the oncoming car. The collision
was inevitable. Impossible to see careful
__________2. This is a difficult experiment that requires careful performance. You will not be able to get
correct results if you do it in a haphazard. Requires careful performance
__________3. That is a valid statement; I have no doubt that it is true. true
__________4. There was a general exodus from the room when the alarm sounded; all the students left.
Students left
__________5. Anna can make a dull gift package look beautiful; she is adept at gift wrapping and tying
ribbons. skillful
__________6. This room is free from noise; it is conducive to studying. Free from noise
__________7. These days, a computer is an indispensable tool in many businesses. Companies cannot live
without it. Cannot live without it
__________8. She does not like to meet people; she is an introvert. Does not like to meet people
__________9. He is an extrovert; he is a very sociable person. Very sociable person
_________10. The scene was painted on the wall. It made an attractive mural. Painted on the wall
Directions: Review the lesson on CONTEXT CLUES. Then write your
reflection in your notebook by answering the following questions.

1. How did you answer the different activities presented?

What reading strategy did you use in unlocking the meaning of
unfamiliar words especially words that reflect culture?
2. What are the four types of clues?
Find out the meaning of the English words of African origin by using context clues. Tell which context clue the
following sentence utilizes. Follow the format below.

Word Meaning Type of Context Clue

*Multiple meanings

1. Dengue
2. Mambo
3. jumbo

1. Mosquitoes have been known to spread fatal illnesses such as dengue fever and
many other serious diseases.
2. Salsa embraces elements of rumba and mambo, Afro-Cuban jazz, Bossa Nova, and
Afro-American soul or Latin Rock.
3. The Ninoy International Airport is jam-packed with jumbo jets, and big aircraft
that can carry tourists, business people, airline personnel, and others who were
stranded due to the strong typhoon.
4. Boxing is a very technical sport and therefore has a unique
terminology. You should ask for help to decipher the mumbo jumbo of
the association.
5. After the COVID pandemic, we would like to go on an expedition to
photograph snakes and tigers in East Africa, it will be a great safari.
6. Because he feels bewitched, he claims his neighbor had voodooed him.
7. Basenji is a breed of hunting dogs, and deceivingly powerful for their
8. They call the unfastened bag with parallel handles that emerges from
the sides of its pouch “tote”.
9. The word Lapa is an indigenous Southern African Sotho and Tswana
word that means “enclosure” or “barbeque area”.
10. We can hear loud rock and heavy metal music blaring from a music
box called jukebox.
word Meaning Types of context clues
dengue Mosquitoes have been known to Example
spread fatal illnesses
mambo music Example
jumbo Big/ large Definition
Mumbo jumbo Has a unique terminology restatement
Safari An expedition Definition
voodooed bewitched restatement
Basenji Breed of hunting dogs Definition
Tote unfastened bag with Definition
parallel handles that
emerge from the sides of
its pouch
Lapa an indigenous Southern Definition
African Sotho and
Tswana word that
means '"enclosure" or
"barbecue area"
Jukebox Loud rock and heavy definition
metal music box
Activity: Explaining word Meaning Study the following paragraphs.
Without using the dictionary, explain the meaning of each underlined
word using context clues.
Despite the (1) tremendous success of the space program, which is really
great, much still remains to be done. It will be some time before man will
have the (2) capability to settle on planets- he has to use energy, such as
rocket power in space vehicles.
One step in making such flights possible is the development of a (3) space
station- a kind of (4) orbiting platform, going around the earth. This will be
used as a place for vehicles where astronauts can get off before
proceeding to the planets.
The next thing to be mastered is the (5) rendezvous- the meeting in space of two
or more vehicles, such as Gemini 6 and Gemini 7. When this (6) maneuver- a
complicated tie-up process- is perfected, large space stations can be assembled
after sending parts (7) aloft in space.
The first orbiting stations will probably be mere space laboratories where human
beings will test their ability to (8) survive under difficult conditions for months or
years. These space stations could be used to (9) disseminate information to Earth.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
1. Really very great
2. Ability or skill to use energy, such as rocket power space vehicles
3. A place for vehicles
4. For vehicles where astronauts can get on and off before
5. The meeting in space where two or more vehicles
6. A complicated tie-up process/ movement
7. Up
8. Live
9. broadcast

Thank You and God Bless us all!

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