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Government of India targets to guarantee elementary education to every child between 6 to 14 years

On recommendations of Kothari Commission, the govt. in 1968 fixed target of investing 6% of GDP on education by 1986. This target was not achieved by a long distance
Current spending on education in India is not more than 3.5% of GDP and has never risen beyond 4.3% of GDP.
India United States France 3.5% 12 % 7%


20 %
27 %

Low levels of regulation have been a catalyst in creation of quality education in developed countries, but Indian education system is highly regulated Currently, the Government regulates who you can teach, what you can teach them and what you can charge them.

Considerable entry barriers

Universities can be set up only through acts of legislation
Approval procedures for starting new courses cumbersome

Whereas, most nations are working towards loosening of status control over higher educations, India is moving in reverse direction. (The Economist, 2005)

Education presents a large opportunity to the private sector, who need to look at education as a profit venture

Opportunity exists in all three segments schooling, higher education and vocational training

An operate and manage model is now legally accepted and enables a for profit model in education. In such ventures, financial returns are attractive, with EBITDA levels of 30% plus and project IRRs ranging from 20% to 30% levels.

Creation of a strong brand which can command a premium with the student community and signal quality to employers and differentiate with other institutes Management of regulatory environment by creating a clean for-profit structure

Strong academic partnerships to differentiate on content and its delivery. A strong product to support the brand and international collaborations with the best universities / institutions
Industry relationships to co-create curriculum and guarantee placements and increase employability dramatically Governmental relationships to facilitate necessary approvals Public-private-partnerships, academia-industry partnerships, academia-research laboratories, publicNGOs, public-community etc. will need to be the models rather than working in separate compartments

Total expenditure 2010 : $3.6Bn

Education for all

UNICEF helping countries in all regions establish frameworks to make education better and more inclusive. 67 million children out of primary school, 43 per cent live in subSaharan Africa, 27 per cent in South and West Asia

Child-friendly schools supported by UNICEF cover 15 per cent of primary-school students in Malawi, Africa Child-friendly schools in Yemen have helped push enrolment of girls above the national average of only 73 girls for every 100 boys, to 88 girls. With UNICEF support, 10 Eastern Caribbean countries and territories have established early childhood development policies, standards and plans.

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