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Lecture No (3)

The Cell Structure

Cell organelles I

First Year=(2019-2020)=Biology.
Cell organelles
there is a set of organelles within the cell that allow
the cell to function properly.

Most organelles can only be seen with an “electron

The Eukaryotic cell
(Animal cell ) & (plant Cell
Cell Wall
Extracellular structure surrounding plasma membrane
Structure: a non-living secretion of the cell
membrane, composed of cellulose.
1. Protection: from physical injury.
2. Together with vacuole, provides skeletal support.
Most commonly found in plant cells controls turgidity
cell membrane
The cell membrane called plasma membrane or
plasma lemma). is a biological membrane that
separates the interior of a cell from the
outside environment..
The cell membrane is selectively -permeable to ions
and organic molecules and controls the movement of
substances in and out of cells.
It is made of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.
proteins that span through the membrane and allow
passage of materials.
- Proteins are surrounded by a phospholipid bi-layer
(hydrophobic fat-like molecules and hydrophilic
phosphorus molecules, water-loving) .
Functions of plasma membrane :
1. Connecting surfaces, bind cells together
2. Selectively permeable to select chemicals that pass
in and out of cells.
Cell Membrane plasma membrane
The cytoplasm is a matrix a water-like
substance in which organelles are suspended .
• Cytosol : is made up of water, salts, organic
molecules and many enzymes that catalyze
4- The Nucleus
It contains most of the cell's genetic material. It
consist of the following parts.

(1) The Nuclear Membrane or nuclear envelop:

It is a double membrane that encloses the entire
organelle and separates its contents from the
cellular cytoplasm. It is selectively permeable to
control movement in or out through the
numerous openings . Outer membrane continu-
ous with rough ER.
(2-) Nucleolus:
Non-membrane -bound structure composed of
proteins and RNA (ribonucleic acid).
-A nucleolus is a site of synthesis of most of the
ribosomal RNA and where ribosome assembly begins.

(3-) Chromosomes:
- Usually in the form of chromatin, contains genetic
information composed of DNA,
-It controls cell metabolism and heredity
-Chromatin :thread-like strands of DNA form
condensed bodies of chromosomes when nucleus
starts to divide.

(c) Nuclear pores:

Are required to allow movement of molecules across
the envelope.

-The nucleus encloses jellylike nucleo- plasm

-The cytoskeleton is a skeleton contained within the
cytoplasm that is made out of protein.
- Structure:

It consists of three main kinds of filaments, which

1. Microfilament.
2. Intermediate filaments.
3. Microtubules.
Functions: Multiple
1-Maintenance of cell-shape
4-Plays important roles in intra-cellular transport (the
movement of vesicles and organelles)
6- anchoring organelles.

6- Centriole
Paired cylindrical organelles near nucleus/
Nine triplets of microtubules form one centriole,
two centrioles form one centrosome.
Forms spindle fibers to separate chromosomes during
cell division (involved in cellular division).
Vesicles and vacuoles
A vesicle is a small membrane-enclosed sack that can
store or transport substances.
Structure of vacules:
a single layer of unit membrane enclosing fluid in a sack.
Function :
1-Produces turgor pressure against cell wall for support
2-stores small molecules such as water, ions, sucrose, amino
acids, enzymes and various chemicals may store insoluble
3-They can also hold waste products which will be slowly

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