Content Writing

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Content Writing

IELTS Review and Tutorial
• Government is spending money on improving
roads and highways. However, NGO’s propose
that government should improve public
transportation such as buses, trains and subways
instead of concreting roads. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

• Task Description: Government is spending money on
improving roads and highways. However, NGO’s propose
that government should improve public transportation such
as buses, trains and subways instead of concreting roads.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
• General topic: spending government fund
• Views: (1) – on improving roads and highways (2)
improving public transport
• Specific Topic- Do you agree or disagree that government
fund should be allocated on improving public transport
Sample Answer

In today’s society, it is very evident that bulk of our

government’s fund is being spent on road
improvement. On the other hand, there are groups of
people suggesting that this pool of resources be
allocated on upgrading the transportation system
intended for public use; this includes buses, trains
and even subway stations. I am in favor of the latter
because polishing public transport will have a
butterfly effect not just in people’s lives but to our
economy as well.
Everywhere we go, we can see closed roads due to
either concreting or re-concreting of it, we are
tormented by the sound of jackhammers drilling holes
into the thoroughfare; the smoke from the construction
equipment mixed with the dust from the street never
fails to pollute the air we breathe. Moreover, the heavy
flow of traffic caused by the ongoing project delays us
with our appointments, all these inconveniences are
brought about by the concreting of roads which has
long been concreted by previous government officials.
However, if these resources will be used in
advancing public transportation it will
definitely ease commuters’ lives. For instance,
purchasing new wagons which are faster, more
durable and state-of the-art for the LRT/MRT
will hasten travel time giving passengers
additional hours to spend on more important
things, resulting in better productivity.
Furthermore, if there will be alternate routes
such as subways and ferries, this will decongest
the streets from travellers, busses and jeepneys
will not be overloaded and the flow of traffic will
be improved, this healthy flow of traffic will
result in rapid transfer of goods and services
from one place to another, giving businessmen
more profit, resulting in more tax collection for
the government, thus the butterfly effect.
To sum up, we acknowledge the government’s
effort in giving ease to the lives of their
constituents, in spite of this, there is still room
for other improvements; it will be of the
public’s advantage if part of the states’
finances will be apportioned in upgrading
public transport. This will improve not just
people’s productivity but the economy as well.
• In this modern world, people can go to the bank
and have business without face to face interaction
anymore. What are the effects of this to the
individuals and to the society? What is your
• Using cellphones and computers made
communication among people much easier. As a
result, letter-writing could be lost in the future. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with the
statement? Give your opinion.
Modes of Communication
In many cities, an increasing number
of people do not know their neighbors
and there is no sense of community
anymore. Discuss the causes and give

Going overseas for university study is an
exciting prospect for many people. But while it
may offer some advantages, it is probably
better to stay home because of the difficulties a
student inevitably encounters living and
studying in a different culture. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give your opinion.

Going abroad
Going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people.
But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home
because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and
studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Give your opinion.

• What is the general topic?

• What type of Essay?
• How many Views?
• What are those?
• If you agree, you are saying…..
• If you disagree, you are in favor of what view?
Going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people.
But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home
because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and
studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Give your opinion.

• What is the general topic? University studies

• What type of Essay? TWE
• How many Views? 2
• What are those?V1- studying abroad, V2-
studying at home
• If you agree, you are saying….. It is better to
study at home
• If you disagree, you are in favor of what view? V2
Some people think that personal
happiness is directly related to
economic success. Others argue that
happiness depends on completely
different factors. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

Factors that lead to happiness

• Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to make
children as good citizens and workers rather than better
individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Give your opinion.
• Some people say that the university’s main function is to
provide knowledge and skills to the students that the employers
will need in the future. What do you think is the main function
of a university? Should universities provide education that will
suit the needs of the employees? Give your opinion.

• Despite more access to education, there are still adults who
cannot read and write. What are the disadvantages without
this skill? What can the government do to solve this problem?
• The government is responsible in giving free education both
in the primary and secondary levels. However, parents feel
that it is better to send their children to private schools even if
public school education is for free because of the quality of
education in private schools. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Give your opinion.

• Some experts believe that it is better for
children to begin learning a foreign language
at primary school rather than secondary
school. Do the advantages outweigh the

Sample Answer

Nowadays, there is an expeditious rise in number

of primary schools in the Philippines, most of
which are labeled as English-speaking schools.
Professionals in the field of education are
convinced that teaching the international
language to students should start at the foremost
part of education, rather than secondary.
Although this is not without problems, I still find
its benefits to outweigh its drawbacks.
One rule in English-speaking learning institution is to
communicate with its students using only the English
language; this would apply not only inside the school but to
their abodes as well. This is to ensure that the child would be
adept in using the foreign tongue. This results in the inability
of Filipino children to use their native language, the
impotence is then carried until high school and college
education, where Filipino students receive poor remarks in
their Filipino class. It is a sad fact and setback of teaching
English at a very early age.
However, primary students who became skillful in
using foreign language shows a better level of
confidence and self-esteem in the long run
compared to pupils who are limited to their mother
tongue as their only means of conversation. This
high level of self-trust and dignity gives power to
the youngster’s wings to keep them soaring higher
while reaching their goals along the way
Moreover, educating toddlers about foreign
language gives them the edge to learn faster
and better compared to people who will
start their erudition at a later age. The minds
of preschoolers are like sponge that swiftly
absorbs all the knowledge they can get. In
effect, the wisdom they acquire will give
them a head start later in life.
In conclusion, teaching a foreign
language to primary school students
may have its drawbacks, but the positive
effect it gives strongly outweighs them.
It is preferable that English, or and other
foreign language be taught at an early
• Some schools are sending the students to do unpaid work in
the community as part of the curriculum. Is this beneficial for
both the students and the companies? Give reasons and
relevant examples.
• Today, many are proposing to let the young adults render
service to the community without pay to allow them to serve
the society. What are the drawbacks of this proposition? Give
necessary recommendations for letting young adults do
unpaid work to help the members of the community.

Community service as part of school

• Nowadays, the designs of buildings in the community
are affected by other cultures. This results in loss of
cultural identity of the structures in the community.
People would claim that buildings should be built using
traditional style for protection of cultural identity. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Give your opinion.

• Discuss the importance of preserving the culture and

tradition to the present generation.

• A country will develop quickly and will become
more interesting if the population is made up of
different nationality and culture. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your
• In order to learn a language well, it is also needed to
know the country’s culture and lifestyle. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give your opinion.

• Today, good health is essential among people. As the need for
good health increases, medical service providers make use of
their products to gain profit. Do you believe that medical services
should not be run by profit-making companies? Do you think that
the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the

• Some people say that health care and education should be the
responsibility of the government but others think that it is the
responsibility of the individuals themselves. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

• What are the factors that contribute to job
satisfaction? How realistic is job

• New employees lack the basic

interpersonal skills such as teamwork.
Give reasons and measures.

• Museums and artworks are important for the country,
for the history and culture from international down to
the local arena. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Give your opinion.
• Museums and exhibits serve as places for educational
and informational purposes. However, they have
evolved to become places for entertainment. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.

• Museums and artworks are important
for the country, for the history and
culture from international down to the
local arena. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this statement? Give
your opinion.

• Many museums charge for admission
while others are free. Do you think the
advantages of charging people for
admission to museums outweigh the

Precision line: 1 (yes or no)

Sample Answer

Some museums have an admission

charge while some do not. In my
opinion, the drawbacks of an
entrance fee are eclipsed by its
benefits in the sense that the income
will be ploughed back into operation
and development of the museums
A major disadvantage of an admission fee is
the possibility of reducing the number of
visitors. Museums house exhibitions and
artefacts of great educational and historical
value. If the chief aim of the museum is to
introduce the local community, admission
should be free to the public and visitors. Take
some folk in museums in Hong Kong, which
preserve historic relics and display folk
customs, for example. Admission to these folk
museums, which are often monuments, is free
of charge. If they had charge an entrance fee,
many might have turned to other activities.
Granted, an entrance fee might have a negative
effect on the admission figures, but an income is
favorable to museums in terms of operation.
Museums feature educational exhibitions at
times, and this could not have been done
without a sum of money expanded on hiring
professionals and buying equipment. The Hong
Kong space museum, for instance, has monthly
exhibitions on different issues and professional
docents are employed to take a visitor on a
guided tour around the museum. This example
speaks volumes about how a reasonable
admission charge is advantageous to the
operation of museum.
In conclusion, the disadvantages of an
admission fee are overshadowed by the
benefits accruing from a stable source of
income. Therefore, having weighed up the
pros and cons, I am convinced that museums
should charge an entrance fee for the sake of
operation and development.
• Advertisements put pressure on children to buy
objects like food and toys. Parents are blaming
advertisements for the change in behavior among
children but the advertisers say that they provide
useful information. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.

• Technology has changed the way people
lived. What are the benefits of technology
to humanity? Compare and contrast
technology now and before.
• Life was better when technology was
simpler. To what extent do you agree and

• Life was better when technology was
simpler. To what extent do you agree and

Sample Answer (second question)

It is argued that our lives were more

fulfilling when technology was less
advanced. This essay disagrees with this
statement and believes that computers
and the internet have made life better. The
essay will first discuss how smartphones
save us time and then talk about how the
internet has improved education, followed
by a reasoned conclusion.
Sample Answer (second question)

New phones, such as the iPhone, have made our

daily lives much less laborious and give us more free
time. Jobs that required lots of energy and time can
now be done at the touch of a button. For example,
if we want to communicate with one another in the
past, we had to write a letter, take it to the post
office and then wait for it to be delivered, whereas
these days we can simply tap the email icon on our
touch screen and send a message in seconds.
The internet has also enriched our lives by providing us
with more information than we could ever need, thus
making us independent and effective learners. In the
past, students had to rely on a teacher or physical
books for their education and these were often either
unavailable or in a format that most people did not
want, but now we can pick and choose what we want
to learn. For example, there are now thousands of free
online courses available on YouTube that anyone can
watch and learn from anywhere in the world.
In conclusion, life has been improved by
technological advancements, particularly
labor-saving devices like phones and learning
opportunities provided by the internet.
Therefore, I stand firm in the idea that
complexity in techology made people’s lives
• The best way to solve the world’s
environmental problem is to increase
the cost of fuel. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement?
Give your opinion.

Environmental Problem
• Teachers and other professionals are
barely compensated. On the other hand,
artists and sports athletes are highly
paid. What do you think are the reasons
and causes of this? What should be done
about this?

Artists, Sports Athletes, Teachers

• Teachers and other professionals are barely
compensated. On the other hand, artists and sports
athletes are highly paid. What do you think are the
reasons and causes of this? What should be done about
• Should the government continue to fund various kinds
of artists like musicians, painters and poets or not
anymore? Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Artists, Sports Athletes, Teachers

• Should the government continue to
fund various kinds of artists like
musicians, painters and poets or not
anymore? Discuss both views and
give your opinion.

Artists, Sports Athletes, Teachers

• Public libraries should not be maintained
anymore since we already have computer
technology. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this statement? Give your


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