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What is simple report
• Essentially, a report is a short, sharp, concise
document which is written for a particular
purpose and audience. It generally sets outs
and analyses a situation or problem, often
making recommendations for future action. It
is a factual paper, and needs to be clear and
• Pada dasarnya, laporan adalah dokumen
pendek, tajam, ringkas yang ditulis untuk
tujuan dan audiens tertentu. Biasanya
menetapkan dan menganalisis situasi atau
masalah, sering membuat rekomendasi untuk
tindakan di masa depan. Ini adalah makalah
faktual, dan harus jelas dan terstruktur
dengan baik.
There are many different types of reports, including business, scientific and research
reports, but the basic steps for writing them are the same. These are outlined

• Step 1: Title ( Judul)

• Step 2: Content page (halaman)
• Step 3: Acknowledgment (ucapan terima kasih)
• Step 4: Introduction ( Pendahuluan)
• Step 5: Background ( Latar Belakang)
• Step 6: Methodology (Metode)
• Step 7 : conclusions (Kesimpulan)
• Step 8: recommendations (Saran)
Step 1: title
• A short, clear title which clearly indicates
what the report is about. The title page will
normally include the date and who
the report is for. Contents list.
Step 2:content page
• The contents page (table of contents) is a
crucial aspect in any book. It tells the reader
what to expect – how many chapters there
are, what the sections of the book look like,
how long it is, and what pages they can find
certain topics on.
Step 3: Acknowledgment
• A page of acknowledgements is usually
included at the beginning of a Final Year
Project, immediately after the Table of
Contents. Acknowledgements enable you to
thank all those who have helped in carrying
out the research. ... Read
theacknowledgement and then answer the
questions that follow.

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