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Tulsi Patel
11 science
1. What is DNA?
2. What is the composition of DNA?

3. How are DNA extractions useful?

1. DNA is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in
4. How are genetic characteristics express through DNA?
a person’s body has the same DNA.
2. DNA has three types of chemical component: phosphate, a sugar called deoxyribose, and four
nitrogenous bases denine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.
3. DNA extractions are useful because of primary importance which studying the genetic causes of
disease and for the development of diagnostics and drugs.
4. Genetic characteristics are passed through two copies of each genes.
Make step-by step guide of the Homemade DNA Extraction and the laboratory DNA
Extraction from the virtual lab (include pictures and screenshots of each step).

Homemade DNA extraction by step by step.

1. First, you need to drink a cup of water and wait for
2 minutes and then spit the water into a cup. After
putting the water in the cup you need to put a
teaspoon of salt and stir and put aside.
Make step-by step guide of the Homemade DNA Extraction and the laboratory DNA Extraction
from the virtual lab (include pictures and screenshots of each step).

Homemade DNA extraction by step by step.

1. Second, in another cup you need to fill with water
like a ¼ of cup and put 5 teaspoons of dishwashing
soap and stir.
Homemade DNA extraction by step by step.
● Third, we need to put 2 teaspoon of the water with
the soap in the water with the saliva and the salt.

● Fourth, you need to transfer it to the spice

jar and then put two drops or tablespoons
of pinneaple juice and after that we need
to put two teaspoon of the chilled alcohol.
Homemade DNA extraction by step by
● Finally, we need to stir the mixture gently and
then wait for one minute and the DNA will be
Make step-by step guide of the laboratory DNA
Extraction from the virtual lab
1. First, we collect the cheeks cells
2. Second, we burst cells open to
release DNA.
Make step-by step guide of the laboratory DNA
Extraction from the virtual lab

● Third, we separate DNA from

proteins and debris.

● Finally, we Isolate the

concentrated DNA.
1. What are salt, dishwasher and pineapple juice
used for? 1. Pinneaple juice is used when DNA is
2. How can we compare the ingredients of the packaged in the nucleus, it is wound
Homemade extraction and the laboratory tightly around proteins.
extraction? Dishwasher is helps to dissolve the cell
membrane, which is a lipid bilayer.
The salt neutralizes the negative
2. We can compare the ingredients of charges on the DNA and thus enables
the homemade and the lab extraction the DNA strands to stick together.
by just seeing to them so the
ingredients that we used for the
homemade extractions they are basics
one and the one in lab they are more
specific which makes us know how the
DNA extraction is made. Both
extractions have the ingredients that
are used for a DNA extraction.
● DNA: is the hereditary material in humans
and almost all other organisms. Nearly every
cell in a person's body has the same DNA.
● genetics: the study of heredity and the
variation of inherited characteristics.
● alleles: one of two or more alternative forms
of a gene that arise by mutation and are
found at the same place on a chromosome.
● phenotype: is the observable physical
properties of an organism; these include the
organism's appearance, development, and
● genotype: the genetic constitution of an
individual organism.
● How can we relate DNA and evolution?

An organism's DNA affects how it looks, how it behaves, and its physiology. So a change
in an organism's DNA can cause changes in all aspects of its life. Mutations are essential
to evolution; they are the raw material of genetic variation. Without mutation, evolution
could not occur.
Thank You

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