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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

To get electricity energy to the distribution lines, cords are required. One of the main problems with power
transmission is the energy loss that occurs in the conductors and transmission equipment during the transmission and
distribution of electrical power. Power generation and power loss both rise along with the daily rise in demand. The
expense of producing electricity also harms the environment. Therefore, lowering transmission loss is essential since
the electricity saved can be used in another way to cut costs. Although there will inevitably be some power loss during
the transmission process, there are various choices that may be interpreted to lessen this issue. Such we can develop a
technology which can transmit power without any cables or transmission loss.

The efficient transfer of electric power between two points through a vacuum or an environment without the need of
cable or any other material is known as wireless power transmission (WPT). This can be applied in situations where
instantaneous or continuous energy delivery is required but conventional lines are unsuitable, cumbersome, expensive,
dangerous, or undesirable. For short-range, inductive coupling, resonant induction, and electromagnetic wave power
transmission, respectively, the power can be conveyed. WPT is a technology that makes it possible to deliver power to
places that would ordinarily be difficult or impractical to reach.
Wireless Power Transmission was first proposed by the late physicist Nikola Tesla, who also first demonstrated "the
transmission of electrical energy without wires.“ As early as 1891, that depends on electrical conductivity. At the
World Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, Tesla gave a demonstration of the illumination of vacuum bulbs
without the use of wires for power transfer.

Tesla created and built the “Wardenclyffe Tower” primarily for the wireless transmission of electrical power rather
than telegraphy. Nikola Tesla tried to transmit power wirelessly, but his plans called for massive, 200-foot pole
construction. It also generated voltages that were unacceptably high, occasionally dangerously so, and that were close
to 10,000,000,000V. Microwave power transmission was later developed as a result of failed attempts at wireless
power, but due to its line-of-sight limitations, any useful power source had to be located very high in the sky.
Previous proposals included microwave-beaming satellites and massive power platforms.

Radiative power transmission was used in both Tesla's inventions and later microwave energy. Since it is
omnidirectional and has a poor efficiency, radiative power transfer, which is utilized in wireless communication, is
not particularly ideal for power transmission.

 There are two techniques in wireless power transmission.

i. Near-field Technique:
Near-field Technique provide higher frequency transmission and complete pattern

ii. Far-field Technique:

Far-field Techniques provide lower frequency transmission with simple pattern
The near-field methods include taking measurements with equipment that is close to the power source.
Electromagnetic radiation, inductive coupling, and magnetic resonant coupling are the three divisions that
can be formed. These methods can be applied to resolve issues caused on by bad weather and safety
Energy from the transmission antenna of a power source to the receiver antenna through radioactive EM waves is
the process of emission by EM radiation. Omnidirectional radiation and unidirectional radiation, this two section
classified in the sense of the direction of emitting energy. Through omnidirectional radiation process, broadcasting
EM waves via transmitter in an assigned ISM band for example 850–950 MHz or 902–928 MHz in the U.S.
which can be varies with the different region both with 915 MHz center frequency, and a receiver for example
RFID tags tunes to the same frequency band to harvest radio power. In omnidirectional radiation though
information transfer is more easy and suitable but also suffers from a serious efficiency problem in energy transfer
because when the distance is going large there is quick decay of EM waves. By the experiment it was found that
when a receiver is 30 cm away from the RF transmitter, power transfer efficiency is only 1.5%.

In addition, to protect potential health hazards of humans from EM radiation, only appropriate process is
omnidirectional radiation for ultra-low-power sensor nodes for example up to 10 mW with very low sensing
activities like temperature, moisture and light. If there is a clear line-of-sight (LOS) path exists in the process of
unidirectional radiation, it can gain high power transmission over a much longer distance for example by using a
microwave or laser beam the range can be in kilometre. In the microwave-based system mostly, wireless power is
transmitted on microwave frequencies of either 2.45 or 5.8 GHz, both in the ISM frequency band. In the Laser-
based system, it is still considered less mature than microwave-based system, transmit power under the visible or
near infrared frequency spectrum as an example from several THz to several hundred THz.
Inductive coupling generally defined as coupling between to LC circuits where resonant frequency is same. It
works by using magnetic field induction that is the natural part of current’s movement through wire, as an
example alternating current in a primary coil that is connected to a source can produce a varying magnetic field
that induces a voltage across the terminals of a secondary coil at the receiver. Primary and secondary coils are two
distinct coils in inductive coupling. Each of these connected wirelessly and the reason of its simplicity,
convenience, and safety, inductive coupling has been an important and popular technology to transfer power
without wires. With this technological application various kinds of electronic devices has been already made.
Therefore, it has been successfully commercialized to a number of products, including electric toothbrush,
charging pad for cell phone or laptop, and medical implants.

In inductive coupling, power transfer gradually decreases when the two coils are being separate slowly from each
other or when the alignment of two coils is not perfect. These kinds of problems are generally occurred when it’s
not carefully used. It works best when the charging node of the device and power receiving node are close in
contact usually less than a coil diameter, for example the range can be in centimetre and the direction of the
charging must have to be aligned.
The last and most important category of WPT technology under the section of near field techniques is magnetic
resonant coupling. This technology was developed by Kurs et al., which enable to make the interactions between
two different objects very strongly because of the combination of inductive coupling and resonance . In addition,
energy will be shifting back and forth between magnetic field surrounding the coil and electric field around the
capacitor. To the classical mechanical resonance the effect of magnetic resonance is analogous, under which a
string when tuned to a certain tone it can be excited to vibration by a faraway sound generator if there is a match
between their resonance frequencies.

In this technology, energy can be transferred efficiently from a source coil to a receiver coil with little loss of
energy to alternating current in a primary coil (connected to a source) generates a varying magnetic field that
induces a voltage across the terminals of a secondary coil at the receiver. An electrical transformer is a good
extraneous off-resonant object. There are several advantages of this technology namely highly efficient, radiation
loss will be negligible, provides much greater range and directional as compared to inductive coupling
The far-field techniques are measuring the electrical load far from the power source. These techniques
aim at high power transfer and need line of sight. It can be separated into two categories, which are
microwave power transmission and laser power transmission.
This technology transfers high power from the base station to the receiving station or mobile devices with two
places being in line of sight. With the help of geosynchronous receiving and transmitting satellites, this
technology enables the objects to acquire power from the base station with using the magnetron. MPT provides
the efficiency in energy conversion but it is slightly difficult to focus the beam in a small region. Besides, this
technology could pass through the atmosphere easily. The first step of power transmission is initiated with
converting electrical energy to be microwaves energy and then microwaves energy will be captured with using

In this technology, Alternating Current (AC) cannot be directly converted to microwaves energy. Therefore, AC
needs to be converted to Direct Current (DC) first and then DC is converted to microwaves by using magnetron.
Transmitted waves are received at rectenna and then rectify microwaves into electricity with more efficiently. It
will give DC as the output. In the final step, DC will be converted back to AC.
This technology is slightly different with MPT where it enables the power concentrated in a small area by
utilizing the mirror. This technology also produces high powers that are coherent and not dispersed. However,
laser technology gets attenuated when it propagates through atmosphere. In addition, this technology has been
used to apply to a rover to explore the presence of ice in the bottom of craters of the moon where no sunlight is
available. On the other hand, the solar energy generated by the radiation is converted into the electric energy. This
energy next will be converted to the laser light and then transmitted to the rover working at the bottom of the
Wireless power transfer offers several advantages, even in a university standard setting, which can contribute to
convenience, flexibility, and enhanced user experience. Here are some of the advantages of using wireless power
transfer technology :

 Convenience : Wireless power transfer eliminates the need for physical connections and cables, making it
more convenient to charge devices. In a university setting, students and faculty can easily charge their devices
without having to search for available power outlets or carry around charging cables.

 Flexibility and Mobility : Wireless charging allows users to move around freely while their devices are
charging. This is particularly beneficial in a university environment where students and staff may need to use
their devices in different locations throughout the campus.

 Reduced Clutter : With wireless charging, there are no tangled cables and cords cluttering up desks and
workspaces. This not only improves the aesthetics of the environment but also reduces the risk of tripping
hazards and damage to cables.
 Device Longevity : Wireless charging can be gentler on device charging ports since there's no constant
plugging and unplugging of cables. This can help prolong the lifespan of devices, which is especially valuable
in a university setting where devices are often in heavy use.

 Ease of Use : Wireless charging is as simple as placing a compatible device on a charging pad or surface. This
ease of use can be especially advantageous in shared spaces like libraries, study areas, and classrooms, where
various users with different devices need to charge.

 Innovation and Research : Universities are often at the forefront of research and innovation. Adopting
wireless power transfer technology can serve as a practical and tangible example of cutting-edge technology,
encouraging further research and development in the field.

 Emergency Charging : Wireless charging stations can serve as emergency power sources during situations
where access to traditional power outlets is limited. This can be particularly useful during power outages or in
areas with limited charging infrastructure.
Wireless power transfer, while a promising technology, does come with several disadvantages, even in a university
standard setting. Here are some of the disadvantages to consider:

 Efficiency Loss: Wireless power transfer tends to be less efficient compared to traditional wired methods.
Energy is lost in the process of transmission due to factors like electromagnetic interference, distance between
the transmitter and receiver, and conversion inefficiencies. This can result in higher energy costs and reduced
overall system efficiency.

 Limited Range: Most wireless power transfer systems have a limited range over which they can effectively
transmit power. In a university setting, this limitation could mean that devices must be positioned very close to
the power source for effective charging. This can restrict the flexibility and mobility of users.

 Interference: Wireless power transfer relies on electromagnetic fields, which can interfere with other electronic
devices and systems. This interference can disrupt the operation of nearby equipment, leading to reduced
performance or malfunction. In a university environment where numerous devices are in use, managing such
interference could be a challenge.
 Safety Concerns : Wireless power transfer systems can potentially emit electromagnetic radiation that might
pose health risks to humans and animals. While many wireless power technologies operate within safe limits,
there is still ongoing research into their long-term effects

 Cost : Implementing wireless power transfer systems, especially in a university setting, can be expensive. The
infrastructure required to transmit and receive power wirelessly may involve specialized equipment,
installation, and maintenance costs that could strain university budgets.

 Environmental Concerns : Wireless power transfer systems consume energy during transmission, and the
production and disposal of the necessary components can have environmental impacts. If not managed
carefully, these impacts could counteract the potential benefits of the technology.

 Heat Generation : Wireless power transfer systems can generate heat during the energy conversion process.
This heat could potentially lead to overheating of devices, reducing their lifespan and performance.
In summary, wireless power transfer offers the convenience of cordless charging and seamless integration, making
it attractive for various applications. However, challenges like efficiency loss, limited range, compatibility issues,
and potential health concerns should be carefully considered. The decision to adopt wireless power transfer
depends on a balance between its benefits and drawbacks within a specific context. As technology evolves,
addressing these challenges could lead to more widespread and efficient use of wireless power transfer solutions.

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